The House Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home - Arin Murphy-Hiscock 2018

The House Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home - Arin Murphy-Hiscock 2018


A Place to Call Home

Hearthcraft and Home-Based Spirituality

Why Hearthcraft Is So Special

Everyday Things Can Be Magical

Building Your Spiritual Headquarters

Caring for Those Inside Your Home

Caring for Those Outside Your Home

The Path of Nurturing and Nourishing

Kitchen Witchcraft

Your Home As a Sacred Space

What Does It Mean to Be Sacred?

The Sanctity of Home

The Sacred Hearth

The Hearth Fire

The Role of the Hearth Fire at Home

Building a Needfire

Smooring/Banking Your Fire

Your Spiritual Hearth

Locating Your Spiritual Hearth

Blessing the Hearth

Your Imagined Spiritual Hearth

Accessing the Energy of Your Spiritual Hearth

Incorporating Your Ancestors

The Magic of the Cauldron

What Is a Cauldron?

Cauldrons in Mythology

Using the Cauldron in Hearthcraft

Types of Cauldrons

Caring for a Cast-Iron Cauldron

Blessing Your Cauldron

Hearth and Home Deities




Tsao Wang







Household Spirits

The Kitchen As a Sacred Space

The Power of the Kitchen

Kitchen Shrines and Altars

Acting Mindfully in the Kitchen

Bringing Spirituality to Your Kitchen

Lamps and Sacred Flames in the Kitchen

Using Hearthcraft to Protect Your Home

Protecting Your Home on a Spiritual Level

Set Up Energy Boundaries

Plants, Stones, and Other Protective Techniques

Purifying and Cleansing Your Home

Purification Techniques

Room Purification Ritual

Energy Maintenance in Your Home

Magic at the Hearth

The Magic in Everyday Objects

The Ethics of Magic in the Kitchen

Kitchen Folklore

Traditional Kitchen Tools

Modern Appliances and Magic

Regular Purification of the Kitchen

Keep Records

The Spirituality of Food

Think about Food

The Energy of Food

Prepare Food with Awareness


Herbs, Crafts, and Other Hearth-Related Magic Work

The Magic of Herbs

Sewing and Needlework

Spell Bottles

Spoken Magic

Corn Husk Doll

Honoring the Seasons

Creating Magical Figures and Symbols

Spells and Rituals

Lighting the Oil Lamp or Candle

Consecrating Candles or Fuel

Cauldron-Based Spells and Rites

Doorstep Cleansing

House Blessing

Room Blessing

Personal Purification

Creating Sacred Space

Other Magical Recipes

