Purifying and Cleansing Your Home - Using Hearthcraft to Protect Your Home

The House Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home - Arin Murphy-Hiscock 2018

Purifying and Cleansing Your Home
Using Hearthcraft to Protect Your Home

To maintain your home’s balanced energy, establish a set number of times throughout the year to do cleansings, purifications, and blessings. They don’t all have to be major undertakings: like physical housework, the more often you do it, the lighter the workload is each time.

You may choose to vary the schedule. For example, you may do a major deep purification twice a year (on the solstices, perhaps), with minor purifications on the first day of each month or at each full or dark moon. Or you may choose to do a regular mid-level cleansing and blessing on each sabbat or bank holiday. Choose a time that will work for you and blend into your schedule with the least amount of awkwardness. If you prefer your spiritual or energy work to be associated with moon phases or holy days, schedule your house purifications around those times. Then decide if you will do it before the date in order to have your house cleansed and ready to experience the energy of the day in question, if you will do your work on the day itself to take advantage of the associated energy for your purification, or if you will do the work directly following the day in order to have a clean slate for the energies of the next section of the cycle. Alternately, perhaps you function best on a regular calendar-type schedule; planning a regular purification on the same date every month will help you keep the rhythm.

There is no right or wrong way. Do what makes sense to you and what feels right. The point is to do it regularly, as regularly as your space requires and your schedule allows.

The frequency of purification and cleansing depends on the energy of your home, which is one of the reasons the previous evaluation exercise was suggested. If your home sees heavy traffic from visitors or heavy emotional situations, it may be best to purify more often than if you live alone.

You may find that certain rooms respond better to specific techniques. That’s fine. Use the technique that works best in the room you’re purifying. It may be a bit more work to switch techniques if you’re doing a full house purification, but in the long run it’s best for the overall energy of the home. The point is to be as effective and efficient as possible, and while changing techniques may take a bit more time, it promotes a smoother household, which in turn affects everything done inside it.