Honoring the Seasons - Herbs, Crafts, and Other Hearth-Related Magic Work

The House Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home - Arin Murphy-Hiscock 2018

Honoring the Seasons
Herbs, Crafts, and Other Hearth-Related Magic Work

This is a great craft that the whole family can engage in. It’s particularly good for doing with small children. You can do one project each season or choose holidays throughout the year. When your collage is finished, pin it on the wall or tape it to the fridge. If you intend to make this an ongoing project, make sure you choose a location that can be more permanent.

Seasonal Collage

This collage can be made any size, but using the large 22" × 28" poster board size will provide plenty of space for images and found objects.

As an alternate approach, you can explore themes or ideas that are meaningful to you through a collaging project like this. It can be inspiring to explore aspects of your spirituality by creating an ancestor collage or a collage with the theme of harmony or the notion of the sacred flame.

You will need:

✵ Magazines, flyers, catalogs, old greeting cards, etc.

✵ Scissors

✵ Photographs

✵ Crayons, markers, colored pencils

✵ Blank drawing paper or construction paper

✵ Glue

✵ Poster board (color your choice)

✵ Found objects related to the season

1. From the catalogs, magazines, cards, and flyers cut out images associated with the season (e.g., summer-themed images may include beach balls, ice cream, sandals, sun hats, strawberries, sun, and so forth). Sort through the photographs and choose ones that support the theme of the collage, cutting portions of them out if you wish. Draw pictures or write words on the blank paper and cut them out as well.

2. Begin gluing the images and words on the poster board. You may lay the images out first to find a pattern that pleases you, or you can begin gluing the images wherever you are inspired to glue them and allow the collage to form on its own.

3. Attach found objects (twigs, small stones, grasses, shells, etc.) to the collage. This can be done as an ongoing activity, with found items being added throughout the season as they are discovered.

4. Take the collage down at the next holiday and begin a new seasonal collage. The past collages can be dated and kept as a record, although you may wish to store them in garbage bags to protect the found items (if used).