Lighting the Oil Lamp or Candle - Spells and Rituals

The House Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home - Arin Murphy-Hiscock 2018

Lighting the Oil Lamp or Candle
Spells and Rituals


THIS CHAPTER IS A COLLECTION of home- and hearth-based spells and rituals, most of them using the symbols of the cauldron and the sacred flame in some way. Purifications and cleansings are also a main focus here, as a lot of home-based spiritual work consists of keeping the home energy as clear and as positive as possible to support and nurture the people who live in it.

Remember, in the context of hearthcraft the word ritual simply means something set apart as conscious spiritual work and done with mindfulness, nothing complicated or confusing. While they’re presented simply here, you can make these rituals as formal as you like.

Lighting the Oil Lamp or Candle

This prayer focuses on the use of a candle or oil lamp as a symbol of the presence of Spirit. Say it as you light a candle or lamp.

Sacred flame,

Burn brightly in my heart.

I light this flame in recognition of your sanctity.

Bless me, sacred flame,

With your light.