Personal Purification - Spells and Rituals

The House Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home - Arin Murphy-Hiscock 2018

Personal Purification
Spells and Rituals

This is a simple self-purification to do before an important act, or a good way to relax in the middle of something if you feel yourself beginning to get wound up, or if you’re afraid or anxious about something. It makes a nice way to begin or end the day too. It’s particularly helpful when you want to focus on something if your mind is wandering or won’t concentrate on whatever task you’re trying to perform.

Personal Purification Ritual

The candle you use can be one you light regularly in the kitchen as you work, or it can be one you keep for this particular purpose or for purifications in general. It does not need to be burned down completely.

You will need:

✵ Small candle (color your choice; white is always good)

✵ Matches or lighter

✵ Small bowl or dish of salt

1. Light the candle and set it on the table.

2. Place the bowl of salt on the table and sit down. Take the time to settle and fully feel yourself in the moment and be mindful of your actions.

3. Take a few cleansing breaths and lift your hands. Place your fingers in the bowl of salt.

4. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. As you exhale, visualize any negative energy or the undesired emotion flowing down your arms and out through your fingers, being absorbed by the salt.

5. Continue to do this as long as it takes to clear yourself of the unwanted energy or emotion.

6. Remove your fingers from the salt and open your eyes. Focus on the candle burning on the table. Breathe in, and as you do, visualize the warmth and brightness of the flame being drawn into your body, filling it with light and beauty.

7. Do this until you feel refreshed, focused, and calm. Extinguish the candle. Dispose of the salt by dissolving it in water and pouring it down the sink.