Cauldron-Based Spells and Rites - Spells and Rituals

The House Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home - Arin Murphy-Hiscock 2018

Cauldron-Based Spells and Rites
Spells and Rituals

Because the cauldron is a symbol of transformation, transmutation, wisdom, and abundance, it is easy to incorporate it into hearth-based spiritual work. Rather than repeat the rites already covered, the following will refresh your memory about the cauldron meditations and prayers in Chapter 4 and give you a couple to inspire you to create your own.

Cauldron Harmony Spell

When your home has been a little less than calm, or if family members have been having a rough time outside the home, kick up the rest and renewal aspects of the spiritual hearth with this little spell. This one incorporates both the cauldron and the flame as symbols.

You will need:

✵ Salt or sand (enough to fill the cauldron to the depth of about 11/2  ", or more if the candle is tall)

✵ Cauldron (small one is fine)

✵ Pale blue candle

✵ Matches or lighter

1. Pour a layer of salt or sand in the bottom of the cauldron.

2. Place a pale blue candle in it. Light it, saying:

My spiritual hearth is a place of rest and renewal.

It nurtures me and those in my care.

With this candle I invoke peace and harmony within this home.

3. Set the cauldron and candle on the physical analogue of your spiritual hearth or on your kitchen shrine.