Finding Abundance - Accentuate the Positive

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Finding Abundance
Accentuate the Positive

For many people security is a matter of money, but true abundance is a state of mind, not money in the bank or material possessions. When you enjoy abundance you feel fulfilled and rich on every level of your being and therefore protected.

There is a story about a man who, before he went to India, was told by his spiritual teacher that he would meet a great teacher there who would give him the most important gift that was to be gained in life.

The man travelled around India from ashram to ashram and sat at the feet of many gurus, but felt he had learned little and received no gift. On his last night he went for a walk along the beach and saw an old man sitting in the sand, all alone. As he had a few rupees left, he went over to give them to the man, whom he assumed to be a beggar. He was surprised to find his offering refused with a smile.

’I have everything I need right here,’ said the old man, pointing to the sand and the sea, which were bathed in the red glow of sunset, ’but bless you for offering. It’s all here, share it with me for a while.’

They sat quietly together in companionable silence, watching the sun slide into the sea.

When the man returned home his teacher asked if he’d found his gift. ’No,’ he replied. ’I sat at the feet of many gurus but there was nothing.’

’Are you sure?’ asked his teacher. ’Tell me, who impressed you most?’

’None of the gurus,’ he replied, ’only an old man on a beach who refused the money I offered because he had everything he needed right there.’

After a few moments of silence he suddenly said: ’Oh yes, I see now, that is the greatest gift. That man was perfectly happy and yet he had nothing.’

The man had gained the gift of an abundant heart.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Grossular Garnet

Garnet has long been used for its protective and life-enhancing energies and Grossular Garnet is particularly effective, especially in its raw state, for creating a crystal grid which has a naturally sacred shape and which draws in abundance and helps it to manifest in your life. Particularly helpful in lawsuits, Grossular Garnet helps you to find ingenious solutions through cooperative effort. It also overcomes mistrust and stress-related disease.


Grossular Garnet (top right)

~ Treasure Chest ~


Goldstone is a product of alchemy, a glass infused with copper to create shining points of light. It is a powerful attractor and manifestation tool. It is a stone of drive and ambition, boosting your motivation and the courage to manifest what you most desire. The stone helps you to discover your inner wealth and gives you the patience to wait until the timing is exactly right before revealing it.

The Abundance Ceremony

You will need:

✵ a notebook and pen

✵ a golden cloth

✵ 6 Grossular Garnets or other abundance stones

✵ a gold candle in a suitable holder

✵ matches.


✵ Take your phone off the hook and put a ’Do not disturb’ notice on your door.

✵ If you find music soothing, play suitable background music, or you can choose to prepare in silence.

✵ Sit quietly and focus your thoughts inwards. Let the distractions of the outer world slip away.

✵ Remind yourself that your intent is to connect to abundance and that this ceremony is to bring abundance more fully into manifestation in your life.

✵ Breathe gently, focusing on your breath. As you breathe out, allow any tension you may be feeling to drop away. As you breathe in, feel yourself filling up with a sense of peace and relaxation.

✵ When you feel ready, ask yourself what your present definition of abundance is and how you would like it to manifest in your life. Be specific and precise, but don’t censor what comes into your mind. Be open to all possibilities and paradoxes. Think sideways and out of the box and allow yourself to consider areas of abundance you haven’t approached before.

✵ Leaving the first page blank, write each point down in your notebook. Give it plenty of space. Let it breathe.

✵ Now think of all the ways in which abundance already manifests in your life: friends, talents, qualities, whatever comes to mind...

✵ Place your notebook under your pillow and tell yourself that during the night any further insights you need will rise up into your consciousness so you can note them down when you wake. Pay particular attention to any dreams you may have.


A continuous hexagram

The Ceremony

✵ Have a bath or shower and put on clean clothes.

✵ Dim the lights and, if you wish, play suitable background music. Alternatively, you can work the ceremony in silence.

✵ Now take your notebook and read through it. Distil the essence of what you consider abundance into one sentence and write it on the page you left blank, starting with ’Abundance is…’ (You may also like to make a note of it on a piece of paper so you can read it aloud as part of the ceremony.)

✵ Spread the cloth onto a table and slowly and deliberately place the six abundance stones in a continuous hexagram pattern to create abundance on all levels and in all dimensions (see illustration). As you place the stones, say, ’I am placing these stones to manifest abundance more fully in my life at every level of my being.’

✵ Place your notebook in the centre with the candle above it. Light the candle and look deep into the flame.

✵ Affirm to yourself that the abundance is already there for you, waiting to come into manifestation right now.

✵ Call your abundance into being. Read out the sentence that sums up the essence of your abundance and say: ’I call it into being now.’

✵ Put your hand on your heart and sit quietly, feeling abundance flowing through you. Feel the satisfaction and excitement it gives you. See yourself enjoying this abundance as the future stretches out before you and pull that future into the ever-present now.

✵ When you’re ready, blow the candle out, sending your abundance out into the world with the smoke. Thank the universe for granting your request. Be confident it is returning to you in tangible form.

✵ Leave your abundance statement with the layout for several days. Each morning light the candle and call your abundance into being, feeling delighted anticipation as you do so. Thank the universe for listening. Blow out the candle and trust that abundance is manifesting in the best way possible for you. You need do nothing more than allow it to happen.

Crystal Tips for Abundance

Ammolite, Aventurine, Candle Quartz, Carnelian, Chalcopyrite, Chrysoprase, Cinnabar, Citrine, Diamond, Emerald, Goldstone, Green Calcite, Green Moss Agate, Grossular Garnet, Jade, Malachite, Manifestation Quartz, Peridot, Iron Pyrite, Ruby, Sapphire, Tigers Eye, Topaz.

Manifestation Quartz

Manifestation stones help to bring about abundance but work at many levels to manifest what you need, including bringing your dreams into being. If you need to manifest more of anything, a manifestation crystal assists you. This interesting formation has one or more small crystals totally enclosed within a larger one. Such a crystal often lies unrecognized among Quartz crystals, waiting for your eye to alight on it. When it does, take it home, program it carefully, stand it on a window ledge in sunlight or in the far left-hand corner of your home (the wealth corner in Feng Shui practice) and allow it to do its work. It functions best when programmed for the good of everyone.

Crystal Tips for Manifestation

Ammolite, Apatite, Black Actinolite (manifests new energies), Blue Aragonite (manifests your soul plan), Blue Moonstone (manifests higher-dimensional space), Grossular Garnet, Kyanite (manifests spiritual connection), Manifestation Quartz, Okenite (manifests your highest Self), Red Chalcedony (manifests your dreams), Stillbite (manifests action), Tigers Eye (manifests your will), Topaz (manifests your goals), Zincite.