Enhancing Your Spiritual Equilibrium - Accentuate the Positive

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Enhancing Your Spiritual Equilibrium
Accentuate the Positive

Everything you do to keep yourself on an even keel, centred around an unshakeable sense of centredness in your spiritual beingness, is beneficial to all areas of your life, as is raising your vibrations and your consciousness to the highest possible levels.

One of the best ways of enhancing your spiritual equilibrium is through meditation. Meditation switches off the mind and places you in touch with a deeper reality. It’s beneficial for your physical body and your spiritual health. And one of the easiest ways to quickly enter a meditative state is to gaze into the centre of a clear crystal.

Crystals and Meditation

Crystals have a natural affinity with meditation, as they calm your mind and open it to receive spiritual input. Your brain works in different frequencies, known as brainwaves, according to your state of consciousness, and holding a Smoky Quartz crystal, for instance, can help you to move between the beta brainwaves of everyday awareness and the alpha and theta brainwaves produced during meditation and altered states.

What you move into in meditation is a quiet state in which you don’t try to do anything in particular. Some people like to focus on their breath or a candle flame, but simply being with a crystal removes the need to have a focus of this kind. It also facilitates allowing thoughts to move on through rather than trying to block them at source.

If you ever feel yourself ’going floaty’ or drifting away during meditation (or at any other time), take your attention to the base of your spine and make a connection to the Earth or your crystal, or send down your grounding root (see page 73). Once you have your chakras under control, opening the base chakra before meditation gives you an anchor and helps to ground your meditation into your body.

~ Treasure Chest ~


Having an extremely high vibration, Phenacite connects your personal consciousness to a higher frequency, enabling you to contact the angelic realms, Ascended Masters and multidimensional levels of being. It brings refined spiritual frequencies to the Earth and integrates them. An excellent healer for the soul, it also downloads information from the Akashic Record to heal the source of dis-ease and the etheric blueprint.


✵ Settle yourself in a quiet place, holding your crystal and making sure you won’t be disturbed.

✵ Breathe gently and evenly, establishing a natural rhythm. As you breathe in, take in a sense of peace and let your body relax and soften. As you breathe out, let go of any tension or extraneous thoughts or anxieties. Allow your body and your mind to settle into a quiet space.

✵ Take your attention to the base of your spine and feel its connection to the Earth.

✵ Hold the crystal in your hands, turn it until it catches the light and gaze into its mysterious depths. Breathe more deeply into your belly, consciously grounding spiritual energy and connecting more deeply with your crystal.

✵ Close your eyes. Let any thoughts or sounds drift past you and be aware only of the crystal in your hands, its energy and the spiritual clarity it brings to you. If you feel yourself drifting into thinking about everyday concerns, open your eyes and refocus on the crystal.

✵ After 10 to 20 minutes, bring your attention firmly back into the room and feel your feet firmly on the floor. Be aware of the grounding cord that goes from your feet deep down into the Earth to hold you gently in incarnation.

Crystal Tips for Meditation

✵ Clear Quartz tunes out distractions. This stone naturally attunes itself to your vibration and takes your energy back to a state of spiritual perfection.

✵ The scintillating flashes of colour in Labradorite take you into another world, a heightened state of consciousness, and filter out any distractions.

✵ Bytownite and Spectrolite, higher-vibration forms of Labradorite, open the third eye and filter out distractions.

✵ Smoky Quartz enhances moving between alpha and beta brainwave states and calms the mind.

✵ Sodalite opens your higher awareness and stimulates spiritual perception, taking meditation to a deeper level.

✵ Higher-vibration crystals such as Azeztulite, Brandenberg and Vera Cruz Amethyst, Lemurian, Seed Quartz, Petalite, Phenacite and Selenite, together with Blue Moonstone, Danburite or Nirvana Quartz (see The Crystal Bible, Volumes I, II and III, for details of these crystals), can take you further into expanded levels of consciousness and multi-dimensional worlds (see also Opening the Higher Chakras).

~ Treasure Chest ~

Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice is a high-vibration Quartz that has been thermally shocked. Its inner planes and rainbows take you travelling through multi-dimensions or deep into the Earth to make a powerful connection with the divine.

Crystals for Connecting with the Divine

Connection with divine energies and the spiritual level of being often occurs during meditation, when it’s known as bliss consciousness or enlightenment, but you can be connected to divine energy all the time with the assistance of your crystal treasure chest. Connecting to this energy and anchoring it into a crystal means you’ll always be connected to divine light at the heart of the universe and be part of the universal whole, the sea of spirit to which we all belong.


Holding a crystal and gazing into its depths, be aware that the flashes of light you glimpse as you turn it are the light of the divine which is anchored to the crystal. Know that whenever you hold this crystal, you’ll have an immediate connection to the divine.

Place the crystal to your forehead and absorb the divine light into your whole being.

Here’s another exercise:


✵ Holding a Blue Lace Agate, Botswana Agate, Rainbow Obsidian or other banded stone or a Fire and Ice with its inner planes and inclusions, be aware of the gentle curves that flow over and beneath its surface. These are the waves in the sea of spirit to which we all belong.

✵ Trace these curves with your eye, letting them go a little out of focus.

✵ Travel the waves until you reach your spiritual home. Rest in this space and allow your soul to be refreshed.

✵ When you are ready to return, bring the stone to your soma chakra at the hairline and anchor the connection there.

✵ Make sure you ground yourself thoroughly via your grounding cord as you stand up.

Attuning to Unconditional Love

If you always feel bathed in unconditional love, you’ll never need to know fear or dread. Rose Quartz is an excellent stone for attuning to unconditional love, but all the pink stones and many of the white ones, such as Selenite, are crystallized love, so use whichever stone you feel attracted to.


Holding a Rose Quartz or Mangano Calcite, allow yourself to feel the unconditional love radiating out from its serene core. This is the love at the heart of the universe which emanates through all things. Place the stone over your heart and allow your heart to absorb this unconditional divine love. Feel it flood through your whole being.

Feeling Positive

By now you will be able to turn a negative emotion or thought about yourself into a positive one and re-vision the past and will have freed yourself from any self-fulfilling cycle of negative expectation. Feeling positive about yourself, identifying your resources, boosting your self-esteem and your self-respect are the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Believe you are worth something and you are. If you don’t feel demeaned by anything you do, for instance, no matter what your job, you’re able to do it with good grace and enjoyment of the contribution you make to society, and for the sheer pleasure of doing something well, rather than for the financial reward. This brings about a deep inner peace and radiates goodwill that enhances the environment all around you.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Drusy Celestial Amethyst

A delicate, long Amethyst point covered in tiny white Quartz crystals, Drusy Celestial Amethyst provides a ’safety net’ and a protective interface with the energetic world. Weaving together or untangling timelines as appropriate, it anchors high-frequency energy, especially in a grid, and can be gridded in a zig-zag pattern around a room to create safe space, prevent ’blowback’ and clear air pollution. A stone of harmony, the crystal adjusts higher and lower frequencies to create an appropriate balance in the energy field. It is excellent for opening the inner eye and the inner ear.


Drusy Celestial Amethyst (bottom)


Drusy Celestial Amethyst purifies and aligns the whole chakra system to higher frequencies and untangles the timelines when swept from the stellar gateway chakra (i.e. above the head) to the crown and down to the Gaia gateway chakra; then up the back of the body and over again to ground the energies. Then sweep side to side and back again to complete the process.


You will need a notebook and a pen.

✵ Take your phone off the hook and put a ’Do not disturb’ notice on your door.

✵ If you find music soothing, play suitable background music or you can choose silence.

✵ Sit quietly and focus your thoughts inwards. Let the distractions of the outer world slip away. Remind yourself that your intent is to identify and clarify all your gifts, skills and abilities, the resources you know about, those you haven’t yet recognized and those as yet unmanifest.

✵ Breathe gently, focusing on your breath. As you breathe out, allow any tension you may be feeling to drop away. As you breathe in, feel yourself filling up with a sense of peace and relaxation.

✵ When you feel ready, pick up your journal and pen and make a heading:

’My Gifts’

✵ Ask yourself, ’What is my greatest gift?’ Keep asking that question and write down the answers that come into your mind. Don’t censor them. Be open to all possibilities and paradoxes, no matter how small, silly or irrelevant they may seem. Remind yourself that they are precious gifts, a part of your soul learning.

✵ When you’ve finished the list, read it through and give yourself a pat on the back. Congratulate yourself on having such skills and abilities. Don’t stint on the praise for yourself — appreciate yourself and show gratitude for those gifts, whether they are natural talents or hard-won skills. Be appreciative, recognize your Self in these qualities and abilities, honour yourself and have confidence.

✵ Place the notebook under your pillow and tell yourself that during the night any further insights you need will rise up into your consciousness so you can add them to the list when you wake. Pay particular attention to any dreams you may have. Whenever you recall or recognize another gift, add it to the list.

Creating Your Life Plan

As a karmic astrologer, I believe we all incarnate with a life plan and a knowledge of our soul’s purpose. This is shown in our birth chart. So, for me, reading a chart reveals a life plan. But you don’t need to have your chart read, you can access your life plan now.

Fortunately your higher self (the spiritual part of you that is only partially in incarnation and which knows far more than the-you-down-here does and which has an overview of the full breadth of your soul experience) keeps a record of your purpose and tracks how well you are doing with manifesting the life plan that you set in place before you incarnated. Meeting your higher self allows you to access the plan and to gain valuable assistance with manifesting it more fully in your life now. A Phantom Quartz crystal assists this journey, as it facilitates negotiating higher levels of being, but a Cathedral Quartz, which connects directly to the Akashic Record that holds information of all that has been or will be is also helpful, as is a Brandenberg Amethyst, Trigonic Quartz, Anandalite or one of the higher chakra crystals on page 55.

Before starting this journey, turn your phone off and ensure that you will not be disturbed.

Accessing your Life Plan

✵ Cleanse and dedicate your crystal to obtaining information on your life plan. Hold it in whichever hand feels more comfortable or place it over the soma chakra at the middle of your hairline above your third eye.

✵ Sit or lie comfortably and breathe gently and easily, bringing your attention into yourself. If you have any thoughts that do not belong to the journey you are making, simply let them pass on by without giving them attention.

✵ Continue to breathe gently, establishing a slow, deep rhythm and feeling your connection with the crystal in your hand. Picture yourself standing in front of a lift (if you don’t like enclosed spaces you can use a long escalator that climbs high into the sky above your head). As the doors open (or you step onto the escalator), step in and ask your crystal to take you to meet your higher self. You will see that there is a button marked ’higher self ’. Press this and feel the lift moving rapidly upwards (or let the escalator take you up).

✵ When the lift stops, step out and ask your higher self to be there to meet you or ask to be directed to where your higher self is waiting.

✵ Spend as long as you need to with your higher self, reviewing the life plan you made before incarnation and the reasons for this. Check out with your higher self whether this plan is still appropriate for you and if not, make any necessary amendments.

✵ If it is not clear how you can activate your life plan or if you are way off track, ask your higher self for guidance and, if necessary, ask to be taken to the planning meeting at which you, your guides and helpers planned your present incarnation. Use the crystal in your hand as an anchor and aide-mémoire so that you will remember.

✵ When you are ready to return, thank your higher self for the assistance you have received and make your way to the lift (or escalator). If possible, ask your higher self to enter the lift with you to come down to your starting point so that this higher wisdom will be easily available to you.

✵ If appropriate, make an appointment with your higher self for a regular meeting at which your progress can be assessed and further assistance gained.

✵ When you step out at the bottom of the lift (or off the escalator), bring the memory and the insights with you. Bring your attention fully back into the room, stand up and move around, stamping your feet to reconnect to the Earth.

✵ As soon as possible, write up the experience, holding your crystal and noting down your life plan and any amendments that were necessary or advice that you received.

If your life plan was not immediately accessible to you, trust that you will become aware of it in as appropriate a way as possible and with the right timing for your soul development; watch out for signs and signals from the universe as to what this might be.

Now all you have to do is trust that your timeline will unfold in accordance with your soul’s life plan and your own highest good.

Crystal Tips for Accessing the Akashic Record and Your Life Plan

Angel Aura Quartz, Astrophyllite, Cobalto Calcite, Dumortierite, Labradorite, Eudialyte, Lemurian Seed Crystals, Drusy Celestial Amethyst, Trigonic Quartz, Brandenberg Amethyst, Nunderite, Peridot, Record Keeper Ruby, Rhodochrosite and Chrysotile all assist in reading the Akashic Record of your past lives and accessing the planning meeting with your higher self to determine or realign your soul purpose.

Setting Goals

A great many of the stresses and strains of modern living arise out of having expectations instead of goals and visions. One of the easiest ways to ensure your life flows smoothly is to make a timeline that has goals and gifts along the way but is flexible enough to cope with change.

Begin by writing down a list of all you wish for — and check out which are expectations of how things should be and which are hopes for what might be.

Then set yourself some realistic goals. Being happy and feeling abundant without necessarily having huge wealth, for example, would be a more productive goal than winning the lottery.

Crystal Tips for Goal Setting

Tigers Eye, K2, Lepidolite, Paraiba Tourmaline, Pinolith, Poppy Jasper, Ruby, Scapolite, Stromatolite, Lapis Lace and the different varieties of Quartz all assist in setting and attaining realistic goals.

~ Treasure Chest ~


Scapolite is an excellent stone for helping you to set goals and make changes. Useful if you need to look deep inside yourself to find the source of problems, it helps you to overcome self-sabotage and become independent-minded. It can be programmed to help you fulfil your life plan.


✵ When you’ve identified all the goals you’d like to put in place, think about the skills you’ll need or the gifts that will enable them to come to fruition more easily. Close your eyes and picture a timeline going back from where you stand now and forward into the future.

✵ At many points along the ’past line’ you’ll see crystals sparkling. Go back and pick them up. These are gifts and skills you can take forward into the future.

✵ Walk forward along the timeline, seeding it with crystals as you go to represent the gifts you have and the goals to which you are attaching them. Recognize that this timeline is flexible — it can adapt to cope with change — but the gifts will be there whenever you need them.

✵ Come back into the present moment, knowing that when the time is right you will be able to utilize the gifts to manifest your goals and fulfil your life plan.