Transform negative family traits - Ancestral Healing

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Transform negative family traits
Ancestral Healing

Styles of parenting have a powerful effect on children and are, of course, passed down through families. Over-strictness is as damaging to a child as too much laxity. A child needs to learn how to live within but also how to set personal boundaries, how to tolerate frustration and take risks — all while feeling loved and supported by a parent. In that way, a child develops self-confidence and a feeling of being lovable that carries through into adult relationships.

Families carry emotional patterns such as repression — or explosions — of anger down through generations. Many have a list of ’forbidden feelings’ that are not allowed expression: anger, lust, greed, sadness and such like. Others induce guilt or a sense of not being good enough. Some families have a repeating saga of early death or abandonment by a parent, of betrayal, secrecy or alcoholism or shame. The permutations are endless but are healed by sending forgiveness and compassion down the family line and sending love forward for the benefit of present and future generations (see overleaf).

Whilst closeness and intimacy are helpful in a family, too much of either may be intrusive and counterproductive. The child feels smothered. Equally damaging is the feeling that ’nobody cares’. Strombolite or Rose Quartz facilitates family healing as it fosters closeness and understanding without suffocation. Dedicate a large piece and place it in the centre of the family home.

Healing family myths

Families have their particular stories that play out time and time again through the generations. Superiority and inferiority often form the base of a family myth, as does betrayal or abandonment. If the family feels superior, no one else is good enough. If the family feels inferior, anyone who pays attention to a family member cannot be ’good’. Sacrifice is also a family myth: ’you must sacrifice yourself for the good of others’ — this is closely allied to martyrdom. But families also have myths around love. ’Love hurts’ is a scenario that gets passed from mother to daughter. ’Love has to be perfect’ is often passed from mother to son — and the unspoken inference is that mother love is perfect and nothing else matches up. If your family carries such a myth, healing the ancestral line (see page 236) is a potent way to change it. Crystal EFT tapping (see page 104) can transform negative myths into positive affirmations of life.

Carrying tumbled stones assists family members to have positive beliefs about themselves and the family. Supportive tumbled stones, dedicated for the purpose, carried in the pocket or slipped under a pillow at night encourage positive attitudes.