Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Introduction: Time to let go

The Basics

Safe working practices: the four essentials

The chakra system and its place in transgenerational and karmic issues

Karmic themes in the chakras

Opening the personal chakras and integrating the lesser known and higher vibration chakras

Higher chakra activation

Chakra attachments

The aura and subtle energy bodies

The Subtle Bodies

To harmonise the subtle energy bodies and integrate the chakras

The psoas, ’soul muscle’, and the bodymind

Breaking the code: ’junk DNA’

Post-traumatic stress disorder

PTSD healing layout

Breaking the PTSD response and stuck memory syndrome — EMDR

Crystal EFT

Finding Your Prescription

Crystal Care

Using Your Crystals for Healing

Crystal Essences

Karmic Healing

A blast from the past

Death and the Afterlife

Choosing a new incarnation

Soul groups

Reasons for incarnating together again

Karmic bonds and soul contracts


Layers and levels of karma

The karmic groove

Karmic and ancestral causes of dis-ease

Activating the karmic credit card

The Akashic Record

Clearing the timelines

Karmic clearing for the planet

Suitable layouts

Soul Retrieval and Spirit Release

The divided soul

Signs of soul loss, soul split, or past life or ancestral persona breakthrough

Spirit attachment

Moving on a guardian spirit

P.S. A Word on Addictions

Ancestral Healing

Our ancestors within us

Reading the Ancestral Record

Healing the family tree

The Tree of Life

The Flower of Life

Re-weaving the web of family relationships

Transform negative family traits

Releasing the family scapegoat

Generational curses

Ancestral Case History: Powerful happenings in the night

Ancestral house clearing

Honouring the ancestors

A–Z Directory: Crystals for karmic healing, soul reintegration and ancestral clearing

