Re-weaving the web of family relationships - Ancestral Healing

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Re-weaving the web of family relationships
Ancestral Healing

If you come from a broken or disrupted family line, re-weaving the web of family relationships is potent, but it is helpful for all families as it draws the members closer together in an unconditionally loving way. The power of the mind’s eye to visualise is very potent in this ritual.

You will need:

A large dreamcatcher or spider’s web (buy one or make your own)

Crystal beads

Most potent time: New moon

Ritual: Re-weaving the ancestral web

Using a dreamcatcher or spider’s web, trace the outline with your eyes moving from the centre outwards. At the same time, imagine with your mind’s eye that you are weaving the web that holds the family together with unconditional love. Whenever you find a piece of the web that is damaged or broken, run your finger along the dreamcatcher and imagine that you are mending the web. Attach a crystal on to the web you are working with wherever there is a break in the imagined one.

When the whole web has been rewoven and repaired, place a Rose Quartz or Mangano Calcite in the centre of the actual web and picture it sending out the pink light of unconditional love and regard throughout the web on every level. Feel that love going back through the family and forward into generations to come.

Decorate the dreamcatcher or web with appropriate crystal beads to bring healing and positive qualities to the family. Name each quality as you attach it.

Hang it where you see it often.

Alternatively: Place the crystals on the timeline web on page 185.