Karmic themes in the chakras - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Karmic themes in the chakras
The Basics

Gaia Gateway

Location: About an arm’s length beneath your feet, below the earth star.

Karmic level: Ancestral, personal and collective.

A higher resonance of the earth star, this chakra carries the karma of the planet and the wisdom of the ancestors. The karma held here is ancestral and collective. This chakra connects your soul to the soul and spirit of the planet, Gaia, and to Mother Earth herself. When your Gaia gateway is open and functioning at optimum, you are aware of being a particle of a sacred whole, part of the energy system of the Earth and All That Is. When balanced and open, this chakra helps you to protect yourself from spirit attachment and lower energies.

When this chakra is blown it leads to extreme sensitivity to Earth changes. Overwhelming memories of past disasters may be present. Being in incarnation, and especially being in a physical body, is challenging and there is no ability to remain stable during periods of energetic uplift. When this chakra is blocked there is an inability to ground and connect with higher energies.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Accepting or rejecting being an equal part of humanity and at-one-ness with the whole cosmos. Plundering the planet’s resources. The karma or ancestral issues are ones of disconnection from the Earth as a sacred, living being, replaying or making restitution for greed and over-utilisation of the planet’s resources with disregard for others who share the planet as a karmic or ancestral pattern.

Earth Star

Location: About a foot beneath the feet.

Karmic level: Ancestral, collective and personal.

The earth star chakra connects you to the Earth’s core as well as its meridians. This chakra is a place of safety and regeneration. Without it, you may have only a toehold in incarnation, and be physically and psychologically ungrounded. When this chakra is functioning well you are grounded and comfortable in incarnation. You operate well in everyday reality and will be open to clearing karma for the ancestors and the collective.

If your earth star is blown you will lack grounding and have no connection to the planet or awareness of being part of a greater overall system. Or, paradoxically, you may be overly concerned for the planet with insufficient attention given to your own body. An out of balance earth star easily picks up adverse environmental factors such as previous events, geopathic stress and toxic pollutants. Earth star blockages or disruptions replay previous discomfort in a physical body and a sense of not belonging on the planet.

Karmic and ancestral issues: The karma held here covers racial identity, power, security and survival, dealing with everyday reality; misusing the resources of the planet, or lacking the resources to sustain life. With little body awareness, the ancestral inheritance is feelings of helplessness and alienation, accompanied by an inability to function practically in the world.


Location: Behind and through the knees, like a flat disc on which the body rests.

Karmic level: Ancestral, collective and personal.

The knee chakras ensure you are flexible and able to adapt to changing circumstances. They may suffer a left-right imbalance. Generally speaking, the left knee represents the matriarchal line. The feminine, yin aspect, that is receptive, emotional and intuitive. The right knee represents the patriarchal line. It is the yang aspect that is factual, practical, managerial and outgoing. A blown knee chakra constantly meets problems with authority, authority figures and bureaucracy — a replaying of past issues. There is a need to be in control. Arrogant superiority is common. This is the person who thinks he, or she, ’knows best’ and demands subservience from others. Control-freakery is common as is jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

Chronic fear and feelings of inferiority and consequent subservience are reflected in blocked knee chakras. Unhealthy dependent and controlling relationships including ’codependency’, constant challenge by others or difficulties in intimacy and closeness are common. There is an expectation of lack of basic sustenance, materially, nutritionally and spiritually. The soul feels empty.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Authority, inflexibility, servility, servitude, fear of change especially death, and right use of willpower. The karma and ancestral inheritance is to do with the ability to nurture and support yourself and manifest what you need on a day to day basis.


Location: Base of your spine, tailbone, coccyx, perineum.

Karmic level: Ancestral and personal.

Your base chakra is linked to your connection to Earth and to your body. It represents both your ancestry, home and place in the world. When it functions well you are connected to your core. The base chakra is the area of the will to survive and the ability to make things happen. This is where you discover yourself as an individual and take responsibility for yourself. It is where you recognise the tribe to which you belong and where you feel safe. When this chakra is functioning well, you trust the universe.

The sexual karma carried here may be personal or ancestral. Imbalances lead to sexual disturbances and feelings of stuckness, anger, impotence and frustration — and the inability to let go. When this chakra is racing flat out it is easy to become sexually obsessed, continually seeking satisfaction ’out there’ rather than making an inner connection and developing personality traits that will sustain you. This can lead to alcohol, drug and other addictive or comfort-seeking behaviour — which will be a repeating pattern arising from a sense of lack in the past. You will be floaty, ungrounded, and may experience uncontrolled out-of-body experiences, dark sexual fantasies and vivid dreams. When this chakra is blocked, it replays past impotence — and may become physical. Lacking bioenergetic balance, you may be unwilling to accept your connection to the Earth, feeling uncomfortable in your physical body and seeking escape.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Creativity, basic survival instincts and security, abuse, sexual mores and attitudes passed down through the family. Previous vows and soul contracts. The karma will be that of feelings of isolation and alienation and, at the extreme, to fantasies of self-destruction. You may be stuck in fight or flight mode.


Location: About a hand’s breadth below your waist.

Karmic and ancestral level: Personal and ancestral.

This creative chakra holds your core energy and reflects your energetic inheritance. When this chakra is working well you experience yourself as a dynamic agent of change in your life. If it is blocked, you cannot experience yourself as a potent sexual being. You may feel shut off from nurturing and sharing, or replay jealousy and possessiveness.

If this chakra is blown, you may be subjected to overwhelming sexual urges and attract disembodied spirits who thrive on sexual energy. This chakra affects how easily you express your sexuality and how you feel about relationships: frustration may occur at all levels. It may also replay parenting issues and the connection to your family. The sacral chakra is where ’hooks’ from other people may make themselves felt, particularly from previous sexual encounters. Blockages reflect a family embargo on feeling good and worthy. When this chakra is blocked you may experience powerlessness, chronic lower back or pelvic pain, or gynaecological problems that replay past issues.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Creativity, passion, potency, fertility, previous soul contracts, independence. The karma and ancestral inheritance carried here has a great deal to do with how you handle your immediate environment and matters such as money, career and authority figures.

The Dantien

Location: Two—three fingers’ breadth below the navel (above the sacral).

Karmic and ancestral level: Personal, ancestral and collective.

The dantien is one of the most powerful places for transmuting timelines and karma carried in the spaces between the molecules of the physical body and in the ’junk DNA’. An adjunct to the sacral chakra and the point of balance for the physical body, the dantien is where life force is stored and your body earthed. A disconnection here means that you do not feel like you belong on the Earth and you are powerless to control your life. Ancestral or karmic issues take over. When working positively, this chakra is where you become centred around your inner core. When you are connected to your core, you not only have more physical energy as you are not affected by life’s ups and downs, but you are also more emotionally stable and better able to resist stress. You are not easily thrown off balance. Nor are you open to manipulation by others. When it is blocked, you may easily be pushed around or manipulated by other people, despite feeling that you are in control. When the dantien is full of power, you have inner resources to draw on. You are literally power-full. When it is functioning well you are energized, stable and well grounded. If the dantien is too open, you are ungrounded, labile, frenetic and energy is constantly drained.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Dispossession, alienation, powerlessness, stability, power, self-assertion, manipulation. The karmic and ancestral patterns replayed here centre around power or abuse and misuse of power. The autoimmune system cannot function, with resultant dis-ease that reflects your ancestral or karmic inheritance.

The Navel (’Tummy button’)

Location: Centre line, just below the waist.

Karmic level: Ancestral, matriarchal.

The navel (’tummy button’) is not a chakra as such but it is where the connection to the mother and the matriarchal line is strongest pre-birth, with nutrients — physical or subtle — having to pass through the umbilical cord. It is, therefore, a potent place for ancestral line connection and the passage of transgenerational messages, both via DNA and matriarchal imperatives. The placenta, which is designed to be a life-support system for the unborn child, may in fact carry a toxic soup of all the mother’s emotions and traumas. If the psychic umbilical cord is not cut, the mother and her demands dominate. The navel can be an extremely vulnerable area. It is known as the tummy ’button’ for good, although probably largely unconscious, reasons. It can be the trigger point for ancestral memories to surface, especially of fear and trauma. Working with crystals around the navel to expand and release subtle memory patterns can be highly effective. Particularly as energy gaps, rips and tears can be present at this site in the subtle energy bodies as well as in the physical. Anandalite, Ancestralite, Cradle of Life (Humankind), Lemurian Seed, Menalite, Preseli Bluestone and Celtic Healer Quartz are particularly effective for working around the navel along with other ancestral line stones (see page 281 in the A—Z Directory).

Karmic and ancestral issues: Receiving and giving love, safety and security, self-worth, alienation and acceptance, fitting into society and the environment, power: dominance and submission.

To clear matriarchal and intrauterine imprints from the navel chakra

Open your grounding root (see page 19), lie down and place a grounding stone slightly to one side of your feet, opposite the causal vortex chakra (see page 25) to anchor it.

Place Anandalite, Blue Kyanite, Selenite or other crystal on the causal vortex chakra.

Place a Menalite, Cradle of Life or other navel chakra stone on your navel.

Place your hands in your groin creases.

Lie still for five to fifteen minutes.

When complete, remove the causal vortex chakra crystal and replace it with the grounding stone to close the chakra.

Remove the navel chakra stone.

Ground yourself thoroughly once more.

Solar Plexus

Location: Hand’s breadth above the waist.

Karmic level: Personal and ancestral.

The solar plexus is the place of digestion on all levels. It acts as a point of equilibrium between your present soul purpose and your past karma so that previous learning is applied wisely. When blocked or blown, the karma stored in this chakra can lead to taking on other people’s feelings and problems, especially where these reflect your own past issues or feelings that were taboo in the family. You may be overwhelmed by your own unrecognised emotions. Emotional ’hooks’ from other people can be found here. You may endlessly try to fix in other people what you would be better attending to in yourself. You could be prey to wild intuitions, premonitions of doom and a paranoid suspicion that the whole world is out to get you. When this chakra is blocked you will be unable to empathise or share your own feelings with others — although you may still be overwhelmed by theirs. There will be a sense of inferiority and a tendency to cling too tightly or to push other people away. Intimacy and sharing is impossible when this chakra is blocked.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Emotional communication or lack of it. The solar plexus is where emotions and karmic and ancestral inheritance is stored and it can have a profound psychosomatic effect. Feelings and blocked emotions are reflected in inherited and personal dis-eases. ’Illness as theatre’ replays out the emotional story in the symptoms. Another person may easily become entrapped in the family saga as the ’care-giver’, scapegoat or identified patient.


Location: A hand’s breadth below the left armpit extending down towards the waist, back and front.

Karmic level: Racial, personal and ancestral.

The spleen chakra is an energy portal and, when the chakra is wide open, other people can draw on your energy, leaving you depleted. You will pick up other people’s feelings, especially anger and irritation which can lead to physical pain. You may remain connected to anyone with whom you have had close contact even if this was in another life. People can easily take advantage of you, manipulating and coercing you into self-destructive actions that are not for your highest good. Your body may well turn in to attack itself leading to autoimmune diseases. Uncontrollable anger is common when this chakra is blown as you unconsciously rebel against being subtly manipulated or vampirised.

With ancestral karma replayed in this chakra, you may feel rootless, purposeless, exhausted and manipulated, powerless. You may well have anger issues, but find it difficult to express your anger. You may also suffer constant irritation, some of which goes back to unresolved past life issues. As with the blown chakra, your body may turn in to attack itself. Intimacy with others is impossible when this chakra is locked shut.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Self-protection and empowerment.

To cleanse and protect the spleen chakra (spleen chakra release)

Cleanse your spleen chakra by spiralling out a Quartz point, Green Aventurine, Flint, raw Charoite or Rainbow Mayanite under your left armpit to clear any hooks or energetic connections from the chakra.

To protect the chakra after tie cutting, tape a Tantalite, Green Aventurine, Green Fluorite or Jade crystal over the spleen chakra, or wear one on a long chain so that it reaches to the end of your breastbone level with the chakra.

Picture a three-dimensional green pyramid extending down from your armpit to your waist, front and back to protect the spleen.

If the area under your right armpit then begins to ache, tape a piece of Gaspeite, Tugtupite or Bloodstone over the site and leave in place for several days until the message is received that you will not be giving away any more of your energy. You can also picture a red three-dimensional pyramid protecting this area.


Location: The palms of the hands.

Karmic level: Mainly personal but may hold ancestral issues.

Powerful sensors, hands assist you to interact with the world on an energetic level. They are intimately connected with your ability to receive and to generate, manifest and actualise. If too open, you may constantly try to assist others but in an over-the-top, extreme, martyred way. When blown, extreme touchiness is common. There is an inability to receive, including a refusal to ask for help or accept it when offered. Lack of connection with the world and with other people may result in antisocial behaviour. At the extreme, this becomes psychopathic or sociopathic. Unsociability includes refusing to share as well as to assist others in times of need.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Giving and receiving, grasping greed, numbness. Closed off and withdrawn from society, antisocial but paradoxically needy without knowing the reason why.

Heart Seed

Location: Over the xiphoid process, at the tip of breastbone below the heart chakra.

Karmic level: Cosmic, collective, ancestral and personal.

The heart seed creates a connection to who you really are. It helps you to recall the reason for incarnation, encouraging you to be in spiritual service to humanity. However, it may also replay ancestral imperatives around service, slavery and servility until these are released. Opening this chakra connects you to your soul purpose and shows how it fits into the overall divine plan. It also assists in renegotiating a past-its-sell-by-date soul purpose or soul contract. This chakra facilitates activating the karmic tools you have available, the soul lessons you have already learned. When the heart seed chakra is blown, heart energy and compassion cannot be integrated or expended appropriately. It can result in depletion and exhaustion from being overly compassionate, giving without consideration as to whether this is necessary or appropriate. It can result in spiritual interference with another person’s journey and life lessons. It can also result in the spiritual martyr who feels hard done by. Or, playing the victim or rescuer, as others take advantage. If the heart seed is blocked, you are cut off from your purpose in incarnating.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Victim-martyr-saviour-rescuer scenarios, achieving unity consciousness, spiritual purpose, service and religion versus spirituality, soul remembrance.


Location: Centre of chest, towards base of breastbone.

Karmic level: Personal, ancestral and collective.

The heart chakra is the core of your being. It is the site of the bonds you make with other people, your relationships, and your interaction with the wider worlds around you. When this chakra is blown you are ruled by your emotions, reacting rather than responding. Happiness, sadness, anger, grief, neediness are overwhelming. Feelings and emotions are not processed, and may be projected out to the world and perceived in the actions of others. This chakra has a strong connection to the past life chakras and previous life heartache may make itself felt, leading to a lack of trust. This chakra is vulnerable and can easily become codependent, needy and manipulative — and conditional. ’Too much love’ is common, indiscriminately pouring out sickly sweet love to cover self-perceived feelings of inadequacy, lack of self-worth and wanting, no matter how subconsciously, to make reparation for the past. This is the person who serves in order to be perceived as being a good person. But, in relationships, will always be the giver, not the receiver. Balance may be lacking. Covering up or apologising for others, and constantly forgiving, leads to hanging on at all costs to a relationship that will most certainly not be for the highest good.

Intimacy is a huge challenge when this chakra is closed off. With this chakra blocked, you feel undervalued and misunderstood. Feelings of inferiority, a sense of being unlovable and unloved, replays a fear of rejection and a desperate desire not to be alone, but those very feelings push other people away. Or, you push people away before they can leave you. Equally, you may settle for abusive or collusive relationships in order to satisfy the need not to be alone.

This chakra holds on to past life pain and heartbreak. When blocked, it results in an inability to forgive yourself or those who have hurt you — and you will have a hard time trusting people because your experiences ’confirm’ that what you fear is true will come about, again and again. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You set extremely high standards for yourself — and others — creating a self-perpetuating loop whereby you are too hard on yourself, feel a failure and experience both guilt and self-hatred. Energy from a blocked heart chakra can be subverted to the spleen, where it is experienced as anger attacking seemingly from outside. It may also be bounced back into the base and sacral chakra leading to sexual obsession especially when meeting an old love once again.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Love and intimacy in all its forms, possessiveness, perception of being loved. The challenge is to overcome the karmic or ancestral fear that ’there will never be enough love’.

Higher Heart (Thymus)

Location: Over the thymus gland, between the heart and the throat.

Karmic level: Personal, ancestral and cosmic.

This chakra governs the physical and psychic immune systems, and how you protect yourself. The thymus gland is the first gland to develop in the uterus and, therefore, is a core component of how your body functions in utero, governing which genetic potential gets switched on in the ’junk DNA’. Connected to ancestral DNA and to the past life patterning, if this chakra is blocked the physical body replays blockages and engrams through a compromised immune system and dis-eases.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Paranoia, spiritual disconnection, grief, need, a psychic vampire.


Location: The centre of the throat.

Karmic level: Personal and ancestral.

This chakra is all about communication and it can affect how valued and nurtured you feel. It is where you express yourself, including strongly felt feelings and emotions that come from the heart or solar plexus chakra as well as thoughts. If it is blocked and there is no outlet for these feelings and thoughts, it can lead to psychosomatic dis-ease. It can also lead to speaking what you think others wish to hear rather than being honest and sharing your heartfelt truth. You may feel that you have no right to express an opinion.

When this chakra is blocked, your truth cannot be expressed. You may not be able to stand up for yourself and may well be bullied. You may suffer from extreme shyness or believe that other people will not value, or may reject, what you have to say. You were probably told as a child that children should be seen and not heard. There will be a great fear of being judged and inability to verbally defend or explain yourself. The world may be experienced as hostile or prejudging and so you reject it. A deficient or distorted throat chakra may also lead to egotism and judgementalism because other people’s self-expression is feared, overruled or disregarded.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Communication, speaking truth.

Past Life

Location: Along the bony ridge behind the ears.

Karmic level: Personal, ancestral, collective.

The past life chakras are where you store the memories of your previous lives. This elongated dual chakra links to the karmic blueprint, which has soul wounds, physical and emotional, from the past embedded in it. This may create psychosomatic dis-ease or actual physical disease, which is carried through engrams or subtle memory traces. An engram is a mental image that records an experience containing pain, unconsciousness and a real or fancied threat to survival. Activating these chakras could bring up many memories to be released, but they may also help you to reconnect to soul gifts that you have developed in the past.

When these chakras are wide open, there is no filter and no understanding of what is past and what is present. Past life experiences constantly impinge on the present to the extent that there may be emotional or psychiatric disturbances. Deep fear, paranoia and other manifestations are common. Emotional baggage and unfinished business constantly sabotage daily life. When the chakras are blown, you will feel unsafe and subconsciously overwhelmed by past life memories of trauma, violent death and fears — even when these are at an, unrecognised, unconscious level. This leaves the way open for past life personas, soul fragments and thought forms to attach or re-manifest.

Blockages here mean that you are stuck in the past and cannot move forward. You may well be repeating your own past life patterns or recreating ancestral patterns that have been passed down through your family. Considerable cleansing work may be needed to clear the imprints, memories and engrams from the past that are lodged here.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Memory, hereditary issues, sense perception.

Deeply ingrained soul programs, and emotional baggage from the past; the traumas, dramas, unfinished business, gifts and lessons learned over many lifetimes. This chakra may well be holding on to outdated soul intentions from previous lives.

Thought forms

Thought forms are created when people focus strongly upon something or have powerfully negative thoughts. In addition to being the product of your own mind, thought forms may arise from other people’s perception or expectations, or from religious or other authoritarian dictates, and may also arise from books or films. Thought forms lodge themselves in the mental component of the subtle energy body as an internal thought form. Or, as external thought forms, inhabit the lower astral realms and attach to the chakras. External thought forms appear to have separate and distinct life and energy — and may interfere in the lives of human beings, typically by masquerading as a ’guide figure’ who appears during meditation or quiet moments. Internal thought forms are usually experienced as a derogatory inner voice or obsessive thoughts.

[See Good Vibrations]

The past life chakras link to ’junk DNA’, genetic and cellular memory, the psoas muscle, the karmic blueprint and etheric bodies. Wounds, attitudes and dysfunction in these subtle bodies imprint on to the physical at a psychosomatic or genetic level. Psychological dis-eases impact on the mind and from there on to the body. Blockages here mean that you are stuck in the past and cannot move forward, and may well be repeating personal past life or ancestral patterns passed down through your family. Clearing the past life chakras means that you can move forward with no baggage, freed from the karmic energetic deficits or blockages that would prevent you from stepping into a new frequency. It also facilitates drawing on your karmic wisdom, the fruit of all your previous lives wherever they took place, and accessing ancestral wisdom.

To open the past life chakra

First ground yourself thoroughly (see page 19).

Massage along the bony ridge at the back of the skull, working from just behind one ear and across to the other, with an appropriate crystal (see the Directory).

Place the crystal in the central hollow at the top of the spine just below the ridge. If dizziness or nausea results, place an appropriate crystal on the soma chakra and breathe deeply into your grounding root until it subsides.

Wait until the chakra stabilises before removing the crystals.

If traumatic past life memories are triggered, use appropriate crystals and seek assistance from a qualified past life healer.

To close the past life chakras

Slowly draw a Smoky Quartz, Flint, Hematite, Petrified Wood or other grounding crystal from behind one ear to the hollow at the base of the skull.

Repeat for the other side.

Place the crystal in the hollow and connect to the grounding cord.

Third Eye/Brow

Location: Above and between the eyebrows.

Karmic level: Personal and ancestral.

The brow chakra is where your inner sight meets your outer sight and bonds into intuitive insight. It helps you to see beyond consensual reality into what really is. Imbalances here may create a sense of being bombarded by other people’s thoughts, or irrational intuitions that have no basis in truth. Controlling or coercing mental ’hooks’ from other people may lock in and affect your thoughts. An overactive brow creates a tendency to live in an escapist fantasy world, with a distorted view of reality. A blown chakra may replay dishonesty, evasiveness, impatience, pride, egotism or arrogance.

When too open, this chakra leaves you vulnerable to manipulation from those on other realms who may not have your highest good in mind. You may also act in a way that is manipulative and overbearing, feeling it is your god-given right. When the chakra is blocked, there may be unhealthy attachment to a belief system or a guru. Blockages often occur in this chakra, from childhood or other lives, especially if you have been discouraged from speaking about what you see — physically or metaphysically — or from following your own inner guidance. This quickly leads to self-doubt and a lack of trust in your intuition. When this occurs, there is a fear of success and ’imposter syndrome’ (fear of being found out as not being who, or as capable as, you purport to be) is common.

Karmic issues: Metaphysical abilities, illusions and disillusions. Narrow-mindedness, fear and cynicism.


Location: Above the third eye, at the mid-hairline.

Karmic level: Soul, rejuvenation and immortality.

The soma is the anchor for the ’silver cord’ that holds the subtle energy bodies in contact with the physical. It has to do with perception of the cycles of time and awareness of the workings of synchronicity. When this chakra is functioning well, it gives you the mental clarity necessary to achieve en-lighten-ment. However, when this chakra is blown, it is all too easy for discarnate spirits to attach or for you to be subject to involuntary out-of-body experiences that may literally blow your mind.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Disconnection, dispossession, spiritual nourishment and connection.

Alta Major

Location: Inside the skull.

Karmic level: Karmic and ancestral.

The alta major gives the ability to see the bigger picture. All the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of life fit in place. This chakra holds valuable information about the ancestral past and the ingrained patterns that govern human life and awareness. It, in conjunction with the causal vortex and past life chakras, contains your past life karma and the contractual agreements you made with your Higher Self and others before incarnating in this current lifetime. Activating it enables you to read your soul’s plan. The alta major chakra governs the behavioural, autonomic, and endocrine functions that keep the body in harmony with external forces. It creates a direct pathway between your conscious, subconscious and intuitive minds and the higher universal mind.

When this chakra is blown memories flood in too fast to process and overwhelm the psyche. Paradoxically, such memories of the past are clung to and govern behaviour. You may feel disorientated, open to paranoid delusions — which feel like reality — and are acutely attuned to subtle disturbances in the environment around you. You may feel like you’ve been taken over by something outside yourself. When this chakra is blocked, inner sight cannot open and new information cannot be processed. Transgenerational contracts and soul intention will be cut off from your conscious mind but may nevertheless affect your behaviour.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Control by the ancestors. Subtle dis-ease in all its forms.

To open the alta major

First ground yourself thoroughly (see page 19), placing an appropriate grounding crystal at your feet.

Place an appropriate alta major crystal (see page 279) in the hollow at the base of the skull and one over the soma chakra. Blue or Black Moonstone at the base of the skull and Preseli Bluestone on the soma work well, as do Preseli Bluestone and Flint. If dizziness and nausea result, breathe deeply pushing the energy down into the grounding root. Wait until the chakra stabilises before removing the crystals.

Note: This chakra very easily goes off balance and may need to be stabilised frequently during ancestral, karmic and soul healing as imprints and engrams are released and the vibrational frequency responds.


Location: Top of the head.

Karmic level: Personal, ancestral, collective and cosmic.

When the crown chakra connection is disturbed, you are disconnected from your spiritual self and from cosmic energies. Spiritual interference, or possession, may result and metabolic or psychological imbalances are common. If it is functioning well, you express yourself as a spiritual being and attain unity consciousness. Your soul purpose may be accessed and actualised, leading you to self-understanding. You will be certain of your pathway and in tune with the cycles of life. You will recognise the lessons you programmed in before birth and find the gift in their heart.

When this chakra is blown, it leads to an overly-imaginative, unfocused, spaced out and frustrated soul who is arrogant and uses power to control others. A blown crown is prey to illusions, undue influence and false communications. Obsession and openness to spiritual interference or possession may result. Attempting to control others is common, as is ’false guru’ syndrome. Energy may rush back down to the sexual chakras causing a psychotic breakdown or obsessive sexual expression. When this chakra is blocked, it attracts put-downs and subtle attacks from others.

Karmic issues: Spiritual, intellectual and intuitive knowing. Blocked sense of power, leading to egotism and alienation.

Causal Vortex (’Galactic’)

Location: Above and behind the head to one side or the other (dowse for its exact placement).

Karmic level: Soul, cosmic and collective.

Acting rather like a universal and cosmic worlds wide web, the causal vortex is a conduit that accesses the Akashic Record especially that of your own soul and the ancestral line. It assists in assessing how far you have travelled on your spiritual journey and how well you are doing with your karmic lessons. When this chakra is operational, it receives wisdom and guidance from spiritual mentors and higher dimensional beings so that the soul’s plan for the present lifetime may be amended when required. Accessing this chakra illuminates the things you have chosen to experience in a given physical life and what lessons you are trying to learn. It is also a repository for ancestral and karmic dis-eases. Cause and effect is understood dispassionately when viewed from the perspective of this chakra. There is no emotional involvement. When activated and developed, it keeps the connection to your soul open and helps you access your karmic skills and abilities. It keeps the mind clear and focused, allowing soul input, ideas and intuition to flow freely. This chakra can assimilate scalar wave energy, bringing the subtle and physical bodies into alignment and activating DNA potential that is carried in the consciousness between the cell walls. When the chakra is blocked or blown, you may be unconsciously propelled by your own past, ancestral or cultural imperatives or out of date soul contracts.

Karmic issues: Future and evolution of humanity. Your own karmic, ancestral or cultural imperatives.

To open the causal vortex

First ground yourself thoroughly. Place a grounding stone such as Flint or Smoky Quartz at your feet and picture a root going deep into the Earth (see page 19).

Ascertain exactly where your causal vortex is as its location varies from person to person. It may be way out in your subtle energy field or fairly close to the skull. It is usually behind and to one side of the midline chakras. Dowse, sweep around your head with your palm chakra to sense its location, or use Blue Kyanite which ’sticks’ or jumps when it reaches the chakra.

Hold Blue Kyanite or other activation crystal over the chakra. If dizziness and nausea result, breathe deeply pushing the energy down into the grounding root. Placing an appropriate crystal such as Selenite, Flint or Preseli Bluestone on the soma chakra can also assist. Wait until the chakra stabilises before removing the crystals.

When the chakra has stabilised, use the Kyanite crystal to gently draw its end nearer to the skull if it was far out in the energy field. This chakra is more like a tube than a flat disc and can be extended down from the Akashic Record into a more easily accessible layer of the etheric body.

To close the causal vortex

Hold Flint, Hematite, Petrified Wood or Smoky Quartz to create ’shutters’ over the site.

Soul Star

Location: About a foot above your head.

Karmic level: Soul and collective.

An interface for relationship with the universe and beyond, the soul star is a bridge between spirit and matter. When not functioning at optimum, this chakra may lead to spiritual arrogance, soul fragmentation or a messiah complex. It is the person who rescues and enslaves others rather than empowering them. It may also be the site of spirit attachment, ET invasion, or overwhelm by ancestral spirits. When functioning at optimum there is true humility, with a connection to overall soul intention and an objective perspective on the past that leads to spiritual illumination. This chakra also holds the collective karma of humankind and the history of the evolution of the cosmos. When there is no control over this chakra it may lead to soul fragmentation or spirit attachment, ET invasion, or overwhelm by ancestral spirits and their unfulfilled desires.

If this chakra is blocked, there is little or no awareness of being an eternal spirit who happens to be in physical incarnation, and equally no connection to higher beings, or to your own higher energies. The viewpoint is consequentially narrow, materialistic and greedy or needy. You may well feel that you have no right to exist at all and constantly apologise for yourself. You may also feel that you are the cause of other people’s problems and try to make reparation, or force a resolution on their behalf. Unresolved past life issues and previous soul imperatives may well be ruling your life.

Karmic issues: Unity consciousness, messiah complex, spiritual isolation, soul fragmentation.

Stellar Gateway

Location: Above the Soul Star.

Karmic level: Cosmic and soul.

The stellar gateway is a dimensional portal rather than a physical site. It is a point of connection to the divine and to the multiverses surrounding us: where the soul can make a connection to its own Higher Self, other realms, higher dimensions and All That Is. When this chakra is imbalanced the soul will be fragmented, disintegrated, unable to function in the everyday world. A blown stellar gateway leaves you open to illusions and to sources of cosmic disinformation. A blocked stellar gateway means you are unable to connect to your soul or higher dimensions. There is a feeling that the material realm is all that there is and so spiritual qualities such as empathy and compassion are lacking and ego runs rife.

Karmic and ancestral issues: Commitment to being incarnated on Earth, dispossession.