The chakra system and its place in transgenerational and karmic issues - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

The chakra system and its place in transgenerational and karmic issues
The Basics

The chakras are multi-layered, multidimensional vortexes of subtle energy that radiate several feet out all around your physical body. Linkage points between the physical and subtle energy bodies, they are metaphysical energy portals, rather than physical, but they are essential to our efficient functioning in the world and to raising consciousness. Chakras mediate how much you take in from the world around you, and govern your response to that outer world. Loosely speaking, the chakras below the waist are primarily physical, although they can affect the endocrine glands and from that personality. Those in the upper torso are aligned to emotional functioning and engrams that can create psychosomatic conditions, as can those in the head that function on a mental and intuitive basis but which may have physical repercussions. Both the past life chakras (behind the ears) and the causal vortex (above and to the side of the head) hold karmic and ancestral memories. Chakras above and around the head are spiritual connection points and the soma chakra (mid-hairline) and the heart seed chakra (below the breastbone) are both points where the soul and spirit attach.

All the chakras can hold and replay ancestral and karmic themes.

Each of the chakras has specific ancestral or karmic links and carries inter- or cross-generational themes. They also link to particular levels of karma: personal, ancestral, collective and cosmic (see page 164). When blocked (closed) and blown (too open), the chakras replay karmic or ancestral issues and reflect inherited transgenerational themes. In addition to chakra issues acquired in the present life, you may be born with blocked or blown chakras if the predisposition is carried by the matriarchal or your own karmic line. Or, they may be created in utero by your mother’s experience and emotions. Issues and transgenerational themes can be resolved by placing appropriate crystals on to the chakra or navel to rebalance it.

Transgenerational themes

A transgenerational (that is, crossing the generations) theme can arise from a single, potent act of trauma, oft-repeated traumas, or from inherited intransigent attitudes, beliefs and events. Transgenerational themes reverberate and are played out through several generations experiencing the same type of issue or dis-ease. Themes are passed down the ancestral line encoded in the ’junk DNA’ (see page 83) and may be expressed through the psoas or ’soul’ muscle (see page 76).

What blocks a chakra?

There are many reasons why a chakra may become blocked or blown. Old traumas, toxicity, close-mindedness and fixed beliefs, emotional pain and physical injuries can all contribute as can karmic imprints and engrams. These blockages are not merely personal. They can also be passed along the ancestral line. They become an energetic pattern, or engram, that is imprinted into the relevant chakra and subtle energy bodies at a very deep level. However, one of the major causes of blocked or blown chakras is past life or ancestral issues that have been carried over into the present life or brought in via the DNA, and which are reactivated by present life experiences. The A—Z Directory covers crystals to remedy a wide range of these causes, as well as the addictions and emotional blockages that can result.

These issues are imprinted in the karmic and ancestral subtle energy bodies, in ’junk DNA’, and the past life and causal vortex chakras. The layers may need to be peeled back gently over a period of time until the core issue is reached. It can then be released and the energy transmuted. When ancestral clearing or detaching a spirit on behalf of someone other than yourself who is not present, rather than using yourself as a surrogate, which could work well or could leave you vulnerable if you are not fully grounded and protected, you can lay appropriate crystals on the chakra diagram on page 25.


The chakra system