Safe working practices: the four essentials - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Safe working practices: the four essentials
The Basics

As the late Alan Watts put it:

Reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know.

All the healing and clearing work in this book is assisted by your own energy and your space being as protected, balanced, grounded and clear as possible. Some of the soul work is challenging and best done with the assistance of a qualified practitioner. But there are times when emergency work is required, and much of the ancestral and karmic healing and clearing can be undertaken with the invaluable assistance of crystals and your own common sense. However, never, ever, attempt this work in a space that is not safe or when your chakras are seriously out of balance, or your auric field compromised. If so, you may be open to psychic invasion or spirit attachment that will exacerbate the situation rather than heal it. Crystals quickly create a protected space around you so keep one or two about your person just in case. Grounding is also essential for clarity and successful completion of the work. Familiarising yourself with basic practices and concepts now will make the healing work much more fruitful and effective.

1. Screen yourself…

Crystals are excellent for protecting and screening your energy when working. Wearing a Labradorite over your higher heart chakra (above the thymus, centre chest), for instance, screens external energies and creates an interface between the internal and external worlds. This allows you to be intuitively aware of what is going on with the ancestral, soul or karmic line — or yourself — without getting sucked into the issues. Healer’s Gold works in the same way to create an interface but can also create a firewall when appropriate. Placing Yellow Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli or Apophyllite on the third eye helps you to be more intuitively aware of subtle energies and to communicate with Spirit and the ancestors. You don’t need big shiny crystals for this; small, raw pieces will do. Rhomboid Selenite is the crystal to go to if your third eye has been sealed in the past. It clears prohibitions and restrictions imposed prior to incarnation or in childhood.

If you feel energetically depleted when with a particular person, or have a constant ache under your left armpit, then you need to pay attention to your spleen chakra (see page 37 and Crystal Prescriptions 4 and 5 for in-depth information on this chakra). This is where the energy vampires hook in and suck out your energy. Fortunately a Green Aventurine or Flint quickly disconnects these cords, and Green Aventurine, Fluorite or Jade over the spleen chakra protects you from taking on ’stuff’ from other people or having them leech your energy. If you then get a pain under the right armpit, this is the result of an energy vampire becoming angry at having its power source cut off. Tape a piece of Gaspeite, Tugtupite or Bloodstone over the site and leave in place for several days until the message is received that you will not be giving away any more of your energy. This works particularly well for energy vampires who are still among the living, or those who are dead but not departed.

2. Keep your space safe

Your space can be protected by creating a grid with Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Labradorite or Selenite. Three stones arranged in a triangle work well, as do crystals in each corner of the room. If you put a few drops of Petaltone Z14 (see Resources) on the stones, the energies will be cleansed to very high levels and it will transmute everything that is released within the space. The grid then maintains the clean, safe space for several months. This works well for moving on spirits trapped in a particular environment. (See Crystal Prescriptions volume 5 and Good Vibrations: Psychic Protection, Energy Enhancement and Space Clearing for additional assistance.) A few drops of Petaltone Astral Clear on a clear Quartz point is invaluable for moving on spirits that are attached to a place or to an object (see page 212). Ask the crystal to send the spirit to the light, or from whence it came if it belongs in another dimension. Place the crystal in the room or environment and leave it overnight.

Safe space

An area, large or small, which is protected and cleansed so that nothing negative or untoward can penetrate or interfere with what goes on in that space.

3. Keep your crystals clean

Crystals work hard on your behalf, drawing off toxic energy and transmuting detrimental patterns. They absorb karmic dross and ancestral blight, and can act as a repository for soul parts undergoing healing and assist with reintegration. It is a matter of good sense to regularly cleanse and recharge them as otherwise the cycle may repeat itself. (See pages 123125.)

4. And finally, ground yourself!

In order to be effective when using crystals for healing, and in order to gain maximum benefit from crystal healing, you need to be centred and grounded. Grounding is a term that means you are solidly anchored in the present, with a certain inner stillness, a feeling of being secure, in control of yourself and alert.

Simon Lilly, Crystals and Crystal Healing

Before beginning any work on cleansing karma and the ancestral line, or soul healing, it is essential to ground and stabilise yourself. This can be done through the earthy chakras at your feet, knees and belly with the assistance of Flint, Hematite or other grounding stones. You can then open the higher chakras and safely explore the past. (You will find an illustration of all the chakras on page 25.)

Symptoms of ungroundedness

Check out these symptoms. Tick more than three or four and you definitely need to ground yourself.

✵ Mental confusion/inability to concentrate

✵ Inability to handle the everyday world

✵ Life and home are cluttered

✵ Eyes are blank: ’no one home’

✵ Spaced out, vague and unfocused

✵ Difficulty in motivating yourself

✵ Leaving everything to the last minute, but not living in the moment

✵ Always running late

✵ Dizziness or ’woozy headed’

✵ Clumsiness and dyspraxia — you often bump into things

✵ Appearing to float several inches above the floor

✵ Sugar craving and a desire for junk food

✵ Constantly hungry but food doesn’t satisfy

✵ Falling asleep while meditating

✵ Car or electrical equipment breaks down regularly

✵ Irritability without due cause

✵ Insomnia and restless sleep

✵ Unwanted out-of-body experiences

✵ Sense of looking down on yourself from above

✵ Body feels heavy and ’alien’

✵ Emotional and highly over-reactive

✵ Constantly exhausted

✵ Great ideas or plans that never come to fruition

✵ Belching or breaking wind frequently

✵ Anxiety or unease with no apparent cause

✵ Displaying the same symptoms as someone you were just with

✵ Mood changes suddenly when passing a stranger or entering a room

✵ Bank account is frequently in the red

Creating your grounding root

This simple grounding root exercise anchors you to the planet, re-energizes you from the Earth, and allows freedom of movement in order to reach higher or further dimensions of consciousness, to journey inwards or back into the past, and to safely access the Akashic Record. Remember to cleanse and dedicate your crystals before you begin the exercise (see pages 123125).

Cleanse the aura and chakras with Flint and/or Anandalite (if you don’t have Anandalite or the other crystals you can use the cards in The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle pack).

Stand with your feet slightly apart, well balanced on your knees and hips. Feet flat on the floor. Place a Flint, Eye of the Storm (Judy’s Jasper), Graphic Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Smoky Elestial Quartz or other grounding stone at your feet.

Picture the earth star chakra about a foot beneath your feet opening like the petals of a water lily.

Place your hands just below your navel (tummy button) with fingertips touching and palms out towards the hips.

Picture roots spreading across your belly, into your hips and then down through your legs and out of your feet to meet in the grounding stone.

The two roots twine together and pass down through the earth star and the Gaia gateway, going deep into the Earth. They pass through the outer mantle, down past the solid crust and deep into the molten magma.

When the entwined roots have passed through the magma, they reach the big iron crystal ball at the centre of the planet.

The roots hook themselves around this ball, holding you firmly in incarnation and helping you to be grounded in incarnation.

Energy and protection can flow up this root to keep you energized and safe.

Allow the roots to pass up from the earth star through your feet, up your legs and the knee chakras and into your hips. At your hips the roots move across to meet in the base chakra and from there to the sacral and the dantien just below your navel. The energy that flows up from the centre of the Earth can be stored in the dantien.

Note: Whenever you are in an area of disturbed earth energy, or a place where you have traumatic previous life or genealogical connections, protect your earth star and Gaia gateway chakras by visualising a large protective crystal all around them. The root will still be able to pass down to the centre of the Earth to bring powerful energy to support you, and the crystal will help to transmute and stabilise the negative energy. A virtual crystal can work equally well when visualised with intent, but placing an actual crystal here intensifies the effect.