Introduction: Time to let go

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Introduction: Time to let go

Let them look to the past, but let them also look to the future; let them look to the land of their ancestors, but let them look also to the land of their children.

Wilfrid Laurier

Listen to the voices, feelings, sights and experiences of our ancestors. Their lives, joys and fears are within us. In that way, they are with us always.

Steve Hammons1

As a karmic astrologer and longtime chronicler of the soul’s journey, I recognised sometime ago that we cannot make the predicted shift from the Age of Pisces to the ’new’ Age of Aquarius whilst dragging the past behind us. Healing must precede evolution. We need to do a massive clearing first. We all have stuff we need to revisit, dust off, and let go: transgenerational and ancestral in addition to karmic and individual. Wounds that need to be healed: personal, familial, planetary and humanitarian. Beliefs and attitudes that need to be examined and reframed where necessary. Souls that need to be reclaimed, repaired and reintegrated. Timelines that need to be unsnagged and realigned. Soul learnings that need to be recognised and honoured.


In the context of this book, healing means letting go of the past, transmuting and returning to balance on every level. It does not imply a cure.

There’s a racial, collective and cosmic aspect to this clearing. What we do now will benefit the generations to come — and free up those that have passed. I briefly covered some of those aspects in Crystal Prescriptions volume 5, but this present book goes into greater depth, especially as to the underlying mechanism of both personal and ancestral karmic issues. The more we understand how these can be conveyed across the generations, the more options we have for a healing intervention. Fortunately there are efficient crystal tools to assist in unravelling the layers.


Time is not linear. It is circular and complex, interwoven like a spider’s web — and does not exist as we know it once you step beyond the confines of Earth. Timelines are strings of lives that can best be visualised as ’theme’ threads that can attract or repel each other and interweave, carrying imprints and blockages from other lives and different timeframes (see illustration on page 185). Timelines carried by those with whom we have an energetic interaction, previous life or transgeneration connections, can quickly mesh together, entangling the timelines and pulling us back into old, outworn patterns, as can our own past life timelines and unfinished business.

Man did not weave the web of life. He is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.

Chief Seattle

Other lives/past lives

The previous lives that a soul (or a soul family) has lived upon the Earth and in other planes of existence.

Compassionate self-care

The fact that ’the past’ needs healing does not mean that you need to berate yourself — or the ancestors — for having ’got it wrong’. It’s all part of an ongoing learning process. We all need to take responsibility for the remedial work, however: working for ourselves and on behalf of the ancestors and future generations. It is not a matter of rightness or wrongness, and especially not of fault or blame. We need to do this with compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love. It is a question of soul expansion and of returning our soul and our ancestral line to a state of realignment with our true being whilst incorporating all that has been learnt. Only when we individually make such a shift can the whole benefit. And, when doing this work, it is important that we do not regard ourselves as damaged victims, abusers or refusers. We need to recognise that we are eternal souls who have undertaken a human journey in order to learn or to serve and contribute to the whole, and who are now making a shift to a more evolved way of being. We are expanding our awareness and realising that we are more than our body, more than our karmic or ancestral history. At our core, we are pure spirit consciousness and, when we come from that place, healing flows and evolution occurs. As Hareesh puts it:

It’s this simple: you cannot heal the ’broken self’ as long as you believe that you are it. Or you can, but it’s ridiculously difficult. By contrast, if you wake up to and become centered in your real nature, then you can lovingly address any misalignments in the body-mind… If you’re willing to do the work of integration, every layer of your being becomes permeated with the powerful energy of awakeness. You start to then embody that awakeness, which is beneficial to all beings. If you don’t do the work of integration, even if you’re centered in your divine core, you’re not really benefitting anyone else.

Christopher Wallis (also known as Hareesh)2

This is where crystals can be so helpful. They embody that ’true nature’ in its perfect form and facilitate returning our own awareness to that unbroken state. Crystals themselves may have been broken, blasted or dispossessed of their land, but they have within them the innate ability to return to that state of energetic perfection no matter what, and bring you to that place also.

Ancestral line

The ancestral line carries your family history. The beliefs, experiences, dramas, traumas, dominant emotions and assigned roles that stretch back into eternity. Not merely physical DNA, the ancestral line includes subtle energetic DNA and ’junk DNA’. It is an energetic web encompassing past, present and future — and beyond.

The lineage story

In addition to our own karma and early life experiences, we are imbued with ancestral memories, attitudes and beliefs that are not personal. These pass down the family line, carried in the genetic memory, rarely being re-examined for relevance or effect. For the most part, we’ve forgotten who we really are at our core — and why we are here on Earth. We have become disconnected from our overall soulplan and our spiritual roots — which have nothing to do with religious orientation. We may not feel we belong. There are those who remember ’not being from here’ and yearn to return to the stars, or to being a disembodied spiritual being. Some even remember being crystals.

Numerous people in the modern world live with a sense of being ’the dispossessed’, ’the exiles’, ’the incomer’, and do not feel part of the land on which they now reside. They feel rootless, or look back longingly to a ’homeland’ that may have only existed many generations previously. Or perhaps never at all. Even if they have adapted to their modern environment, their parents and grandparents — in incarnation or out — may still yearn for the mythic ’promised land’. It has become part of the lineage story, whether actually factually true or not. The Jewish and Irish races are a prime example of this, but millions of refugees fled from wars, natural disasters or famine, or made the choice to be economic migrants over the centuries. It is deeply embedded — and not always at a conscious level. However, there can also be a positive side to the story if the strengths, soul learnings and survival strategies of previous generations can be integrated (see page 227).

We inherit these ancestral yearnings along with so many other patterns and, all too unconsciously, live them out time and again. They are carried in our ’junk DNA’ (more of that later) and karmic imprints and ’engrams’, and we replay them until cleared. The story usually fits with our own karma. But it’s carried in the ancestral DNA and the collective may also require clearing. Someone has to do it. Many people who are in incarnation now came in with the intention of being lineage breakers: healers for the ancestral line and the collective, in addition to the personal karmic past. Some of us may also be hampered by soul loss, parts of our soul left in other lives or other dimensions. Or we may have an ancestral or other spirit attachment, a hitchhiker who, for whatever reason, has hooked into our energy field and is attempting to influence our actions. We may need to retrieve, cleanse and reintegrate our soul. Crystals are only too happy to facilitate this.


Cause and effect. A soul-growth tool. Karma is an ongoing process that can create beneficial or detrimental results in every moment but cannot be judged from the standpoint of one life. Never fixed or unyielding, karma is fluid and can be transmuted.

It’s up to you

I am alive…………and it begins with me……!

Michael Vincent

If you’re on Earth right now, you’ve volunteered to be part of the karmic clean-up squad, readying the world for a consciousness shift. Whether you know it or not, you’re a lineage breaker. Sort your own karma, dump your baggage, detox your ancestral line; retrieve transgenerational strengths and soul learning; reintegrate your soul, find your divine roots, and the collective can only benefit. As will you. It’s time to create a more positive future for everyone. Now!

Lineage breakers

Lineage breakers incarnate to break the ancestral chain and start a new, more positive pattern.

Crystal facilitators

Some extraordinary new crystals have appeared to help us to do this work. Quickly, easily and without having to relive the trauma and dramas of the ancestors, or our own karmic history. Ancestralite, for instance, is the perfect crystal for the ancestral line as it goes back to the beginning, heals the past and brings the soul insights forward, but without the traumatic underpinnings. We can ’put our soul back together’ and integrate the ancestral learning with new, more positive programmes installed. With the assistance of these amazing crystals, and some old favourites, we can heal far back into the ancestral tree and our karmic past, projecting the healing forward into the future so that the generations to come can have the benefit of our soul and ancestral wisdom without the family baggage.


Soul is ancient, immortal, indestructible — although it may fragment and leave particles of itself in other lives and other dimensions. The whole soul rarely incarnates in one life or one place at a time.

How crystals can help

Many of the biochemical processes within the body involve exchanges of physical energy, but these grosser forms of energy are not what I take the terms healing energy and subtle energy to mean. Rather, the latter are like the activity of a conductor of an orchestra or the choreographer of a ballet that integrates and coordinates into one cohesive movement all the bio-chemical and energy processes of the body.

F. David Peat

Crystals heal holistically — that is to say, they work at a causal level on the whole person. I would liken a crystal to the conductor or choreographer of which David Peat speaks.

Crystals, despite their apparently solid appearance, are actually thousands of molecules whizzing around in a stable holding pattern. That pattern is more coherent than anything in the human body. The human body too is held together by energetic forces but the human bioenergy field is inherently unstable. Place a crystal in that field, however, and the energies ’entrain’. That is to say, the stable field corrects the unstable one and brings it into balance. But crystals go further than this. They can expand the human energy field so that the molecules ’move apart’ and release any detrimental pattern or information that is being held in that field. They release timelines, soul contracts, vows, outdated programs and the like that are still running in the background in the same way as occurs in computers. These programs slow you down, pulling you back into your own karmic or ancestral past. But run a virus check, defrag your computer, remove outdated programmes, and the system frees up. A new program can then be imprinted with a higher resonance crystal.

Soul contract

An agreement willingly — or unwillingly — made in a previous life, or in the interlife before the present incarnation, that one soul would interact with another in a specific way. Or, an agreement that is carried over from a previous life, or a previous interlife plan, but which has not been reconsidered before incarnation. Soul contracts can be positive and constructive, or destructive. Soul contracts that are not completed in one life may be carried over to another.