Opening the personal chakras and integrating the lesser known and higher vibration chakras - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Opening the personal chakras and integrating the lesser known and higher vibration chakras
The Basics

A simple crystal layout will cleanse and open the personal chakras so that the lesser known and higher vibration chakras can then be integrated into the system (see Crystal Prescriptions volume 4).

Personal chakra cleanse, balance and recharge

Place Smoky Quartz or other earth star crystal between and slightly below your feet. Picture light and energy radiating out from the crystal into the earth star for two or three minutes and be aware that the chakra is being cleansed and its spin regulated.

Place Red Jasper or other base chakra crystal on the base chakra. Picture light and energy radiating out from the crystal into the base chakra as before.

Place Orange Carnelian or other sacral chakra crystal on your sacral chakra, just below the navel. See the light and feel the cleansing process.

Place Yellow Jasper or other solar plexus crystal on your solar plexus.

Place Green Aventurine or other heart chakra crystal on your heart.

Place Blue Lace Agate or other throat chakra crystal on your throat.

Place Sodalite or other third eye chakra crystal on your brow.

Place Amethyst or other crown chakra crystal on your crown.

Breathe deeply taking the breath all the way down to your feet as you inhale, and then letting your attention come slowly up your body as you exhale until you reach your crown. Repeat several times.

Remain still and relaxed, breathing deep down into your belly and counting to seven before you exhale. As you breathe in and hold, feel the energy of the crystals re-energizing the chakras and from there radiating out through your whole being.

Now take your attention slowly from the soles of your feet up the midline of your body feeling how each chakra has become balanced and harmonised.

When you feel ready, gather your crystals up, starting from the crown. As you reach the earth star chakra, be aware of a grounding cord anchoring you to the Earth and into your physical body.

Cleanse your stones thoroughly (see page 123).

Alternatively: Sweep Anandalite at arm’s length from your feet up over your head and down to the floor behind you (you may need assistance to do this). If the crystal ’sticks’, pause while it clears before moving on. Then sweep back up and over to the front again. Sweep side to side and back again as the chakras are like flat discs that extend in all directions.

Integrating the lesser known chakras

Once the personal chakras are up and running efficiently, introduce the lesser known chakras such as the knees and the dantien into the above layout, placing an appropriate crystal. When the lesser known chakras have been cleansed and activated, allow the energy to flow and be incorporated into the personal chakra alignment. The higher chakras can then be incorporated into the layout. See page 46 for past life chakra activation, page 53 for the causal vortex and page 50 for the alta major.