Death and the Afterlife - Karmic Healing

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Death and the Afterlife
Karmic Healing

Now if it be true that the living come from the dead, then our souls must exist in the other world, for if not how could they have been born again?


Before we go any further with karmic clearing it may be helpful to look at the soul’s journey after death and before incarnation. Karmic healing presupposes that a soul — or family of souls — has lived before in a physical or other subtle form and has returned, from the multidimensional realms, into earthly incarnation carrying with it the subtle imprints, memory traces or engrams and the karmas of previous experience. The soul can reincarnate again at any of the stages below once the ’silver cord’ that holds the etheric bodies to the physical has been severed. If the soul is pulled quickly back into incarnation, it will take on its old emotions and unlived-out desires, engrams and imprints. Such an incarnation may not be purposeful, other than to follow the old pattern or fulfil addictions and obsessions. If the soul moves beyond the mental planes and into the spiritual planes, and goes through a healing and insight process, then the next incarnation is more likely to be well planned and purposeful, although old vows and promises may pull it back to be with another soul again, or to work on unfinished business.


An engram is a mental image or memory trace that records an experience containing pain, trauma, locked emotions and attitudes, unconsciousness and a real or fancied threat to survival. An engram can be created in a past life and carried over to the present through the karmic blueprint and subtle DNA.

The Stages of Death and Reincarnation

1 The soul/consciousness detaches from the physical as the ’silver cord’ severs.

2 Subtle bodies and the soul leave the physical, taking embedded engrams and imprints.

3 Life Review — the soul re-experiences old emotions, recognises lessons and gains insights.

4 Move into an astral body. The soul may live out unexperienced desires on the etheric plane. This is where many people bounce back into incarnation, pulled back by unfinished business or overwhelming desires, bringing engrams and imprints back into incarnation. Or, the soul may go on to heal past traumas.

5 Moving on, the soul detaches from desires and moves into the mental body to review ideas, beliefs and constructs, and seek understanding of the gifts in an experience. If not reframed, subtle engrams and imprints may be carried over.

6 Moving to a higher level, the soul detaches from old beliefs and ideals. It receives ’higher mind’ teachings and expands awareness.

7 The soul moves into the spiritual body to undergo necessary healing and obtain further insights. Decisions are formulated that are not simply a repetition of karmic patterns.

8 Decision to return is made in the between (inter) life state.

9 The soul attends a planning meeting and formulates a life plan — if this stage is skipped, old patterns and interactions will simply be repeated. Parents, partners, children and life circumstances are chosen. Reconnection is made to old skills and emotions.

10 The soul moves into the etheric body. A new physical body is created from the etheric and karmic blueprint and the imprints and engrams therein.

11 Conception occurs. Ancestral imprints and engrams are added through DNA.

12 Intrauterine experience and birth process reactivates old emotional, karmic, ancestral and mental patterns.

13 Birth into new incarnation.

[For more information see The Book of Why.]

Between (inter) life state

The ’holding space’ that a soul inhabits between physical incarnations. Often initially experienced according to cultural or religious beliefs, the interlife has many planes of experience. Time as we know it on Earth does not operate. The soul occupies a less dense ’body’ — although it may have a similar appearance. To the soul, this space is solid and tangible. Healing and reframing can easily be carried out in the interlife and a soul’s purpose ascertained. Souls spend an indefinite period in the between life state until ready to return to Earth when a ’planning meeting’ usually takes place to prepare for the new life.


Reframing changes the lifescript or engram for a particular incarnation. It may entail a change of scenario, replaying it with a different outcome. It may need to be seen from a different perspective or with forgiveness or compassionate witnessing. Changing the past in this way changes the present life experience.