A blast from the past - Karmic Healing

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

A blast from the past
Karmic Healing

Past life regression allows people to travel back in time, to release energy patterns no longer serving them, and to discover sources of knowledge they once knew and draw upon the wellspring of information stored deep within the soul… stones will help you by bridging the gap between the blueprint of perfection in your holographic self with the physical shell you find yourself in today.

Past Lives with Gems & Stones, Shelley Kaehr

Old karma. There’s a lot of it hanging about. Some of it is yours — and some of it is mine. But some of it belongs to neither of us. Huge chunks attach to the ancestors and pass down the ancestral line. It’s what we call collective and transgenerational. Other karma can be attached to land, to a racial group or to humanity itself. To war, conflict and enslavement. To abuse and misuse of power — and of the environment. It is part of a collective karmic enmeshment. But it’s become the forgotten karma. No one person is responsible for creating it. Nevertheless, we all have a share in it. It’s part of history. Yet it needs to be cleansed. If we are going to shift into a new vibrational frequency, then we have to release from the karmic past, personal or otherwise. There’s no way we can drag it with us into the expanded consciousness of the Age of Aquarius. Shame and guilt, victimhood and martyrdom, judgementalism and sacrifice, bigoted minds and outdated beliefs belong to the Age of Pisces and that’s passing into history. This is a pivotal, axial moment. It’s time for a revitalisation — and an Aquarian realisation that another option is opening up, that of healing and forgiveness.

Beliefs are a form of self-hypnosis. They are the guiding fictions which we repeat to ourselves so often, and with such conviction, that we forget that they are simply themes in a script we have written, and act as if they were true. “Life is full of suffering”, we might tell ourselves — and we see confirmation of our belief in every conversation with our problem-ridden friends, with every disaster-obsessed news report (which we compulsively listen to), and with every fresh trauma and misfortune that we attract into our own lives.

Gill Edwards

Our karma is literally a blast from the past. Something beyond our conscious control that kicks in and overwhelms us. A series of beliefs, imprints, patterns and suppositions created from past experience or inherited from the ancestral line. It is carried in the karmic blueprint, the ’junk DNA’, the psoas muscle and our minds. Soul imperatives, or overlays, together with engrams (see page 145) are deeply ingrained patterns, reactions or intentions laid down over many lifetimes which may well have been outgrown but not shed by the soul, and which compel certain behaviour no matter how much the soul may wish to override them. Unless cleared, they distort the soul’s intention, pulling it back into outdated ways of being. Such scripts are made up of all the ’oughts, shoulds and musts’, conditioned responses and expectations arising from the past, whenever that might be. Changing a soul imperative can bring about a profound level of healing. One of the simplest ways of working with a crystal to heal the past is to identify, and then release, the soulscripts or karmic imprints that you carry either by taking an appropriate crystal essence or by using the crystals themselves in grids, placements and layouts.

Typical soulscripts and engrams









Wounded self



’Poor me’




Poverty Consciousness



Emotional vampire








Control freak






















Drama Queen



Karmic clearing

Soulscripts can quickly be dissolved by placing appropriate crystals on and around the body, especially on the chakras. You can use your own body as a surrogate for an ancestor if necessary or use a photograph if you have one. By choosing a crystal that resonates with a known script or issue, you can restore balance to the subtle bodies and imprint a new, more positive pattern. The effect then filters into the physical. However, when a script has not yet been recognised, placing past life crystals allows it to float to the surface and be transmuted without necessarily knowing all the details. (See also Healing ’junk DNA’ in Part I.)

The figure of eight layout is especially helpful, bringing, as it does, the causal vortex with its connection to the Akashic Record closer to conscious awareness and grounding the resulting change into the physical body. The core layout can be expanded by adding appropriate crystals over the chakras. When the stones have been laid, join up the figure of eight with a crystal wand or the power of your mind.

General Clearing grid

Lie down and place a grounding stone at your feet opposite the causal vortex point.

Place Anandalite or a causal vortex crystal on the causal vortex (see page 53).

Place a unification and integration crystal over the dantien.

Join up the grid with a crystal wand or the power of your mind.

Place appropriate crystals on the chakras as required.


The core layout: Anandalite on the causal vortex, Flint or Smoky Quartz at the feet, and a unification stone over the dantien.

To clear the mind and third eye of past life imprints and embargos

Lie down comfortably and open your grounding root (see page 19).

Open the causal vortex with an appropriate crystal (see page 292).

Place an Auralite 23 point down above your head.

Place Bytownite, Rhomboid Selenite or other third eye crystal on your third eye.

Place a Preseli Bluestone on your soma chakra.

Place a past life chakra stone on either side of your head level with your ears.

If it feels appropriate, place a past life clearing stone or piece of Flint under the hollow at the base of your skull.

Allow the crystals to cleanse the chakras and remove any imprints and memories from your mind and third eye. Do not seek to see any past lives, simply be willing to let go.

When the session is complete, remove and thoroughly cleanse the crystals and close the chakras by imaging shutters folding over them or placing an appropriate crystal.

Check that your grounding cord is in place.


Mind clearing past life healing layout