Crystal Essences - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Crystal Essences
The Basics

Crystal essences are an excellent way to use the healing power of crystals, and several crystals can be combined provided you dowse to check compatibility. The essence can be gently rubbed on the skin over a chakra, or dripped on to a crystal placed on an ancestral photograph. Essences can also be added to a glass of water and sipped, or taken from a dropper bottle, or spritzed around the aura (add seven drops to spring water in a spray bottle). Crystal essences are made by transferring the subtle energies and minute concentrations of the mineral constituents of the crystal into water except where a crystal may be toxic; see Contraindications in the Directory — in which case use the indirect method. The water stores the vibrations and transfers them to the chakras, physical or subtle bodies in exactly the same way that a homoeopathic essence works. The essence is bottled and a preservative — brandy, vodka or cider vinegar — added. If the essence is to be taken by those for whom alcohol is inappropriate, cider vinegar can be used as a preservative or the essence rubbed on the skin. (See Resources for purpose-made highly effective essences.)

Caution: Some stones contain trace minerals that are toxic (see the list in Contraindications) and essences from these stones need to be made by an indirect method that transfers the vibrations without transferring any of the toxic material from the stone (see page 133). If in doubt, make the essence by the indirect method, which is also suitable for fragile or layered stones. Always wash your hands after handling these stones and use in a tumbled version wherever possible.

Making a Crystal Essence

You will need the appropriate crystal, which has been cleansed and purified (see pages 123125), one or two clean glass bowls, spring water and a suitable bottle in which to keep the essence (coloured glass is preferable to clear as it preserves the vibrations better). Essences can be made by the direct or indirect method. The indirect method is suitable for friable, layered or clustered crystals as well as those that may have a degree of toxicity. Spring water should be used rather than tap water that has chlorine, fluoride and aluminium added to it. Water from a spring with healing properties is particularly effective.

Direct method

Place enough spring water in a glass bowl to just cover the crystal. Stand the bowl in sunlight for several hours. (If the bowl is left outside, cover with a glass lid or cling film to prevent insects falling into it.) If appropriate, the bowl can also be left overnight in moonlight.

Indirect method

If the crystal is toxic or fragile (see Contraindications page 301) place the crystal in a small glass bowl and stand the bowl within a large bowl that has sufficient spring water to raise the level above the crystal in the inner bowl. Stand the bowl in sunlight for several hours. (If the bowl is left outside, cover with a glass lid or cling film.) If appropriate, the bowl can also be left overnight in moonlight.

Bottling and preserving

If the essence is not to be used within a day or two, top up with two-thirds brandy, vodka, white rum or cider vinegar to one-third essence, otherwise the essence may become musty. This makes a ’mother tincture’ that can be further diluted. To make a small dosage bottle, add seven drops of the mother essence to a dosage bottle containing two-thirds brandy and one-third water. If a spray bottle is being made, add seven drops of mother essence to pure water if using immediately. For prolonged use, vodka or white rum make a useful preservative as they have no smell.

Using a crystal essence

For short-term use, an essence can be sipped every few minutes, rubbed on the appropriate chakra, or placed on a crystal. Hold the water in your mouth for a few moments if taking orally. For longer term use, take three times a day. Essences can also be applied to the skin, either at the wrist or over the site of a problem, or added to bath water. If a spray bottle is made, add seven drops of the essence to spring water and spritz around the aura (front and back), over a grid or appropriate chakras, remembering that these may extend for several feet out from the physical body.

Shungite water

Shungite water is an extremely effective healer, both at a physical and subtle level. To become biologically active, water needs to have Shungite immersed in it for at least 48 hours. However, once the first batch has been made, you may simply refill the filter jug every time you use some of the water so that it is constantly replenished. Wash the jug and the bag of Shungite at least once a week depending on how much water you have used (you can store the activated water and return it to the jug). Place the Shungite in the sun or fresh air for a few hours to recharge, or use a proprietary crystal cleansing and recharging essence. Raw Shungite is more effective than the tumbles, but, no matter how often the non-vitreous type of Shungite has been washed and the use of a fine mesh bag, it will leave a very fine suspension of black particles in the water. This is all part of the healing process.

Making the water:

You will need:

2-litre filter jug

Fine mesh 2” bag of raw Shungite (10—100gm)

Place the mesh bag of Shungite in the base of the filter jug (if using tap water you can also use a commercial filter if the jug is provided with one). Pour water into the jug until it is full. Stand it aside for 48 hours. Then top up the water each time it is used.

Cleanse the Shungite frequently under running water and re-energize in the sun or fresh air.