Using Your Crystals for Healing - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Using Your Crystals for Healing
The Basics

Are not gross Bodies and Light convertible into one another, and may not Bodies receive much of their Activity from the Particles of Light which enter their Composition? The changing of Bodies into Light, and Light into Bodies, is very conformable to the Course of Nature, which seems delighted with Transmutations.

Sir Isaac Newton, Principia

Most crystals can be placed over clothing on a chakra or energy meridian, or the site of dis-ease, and left in place for 15—20 minutes or so. They can also be placed around the body, out in the aura or in your space to create energetic grids. Crystals work well placed in the aura about a foot out from the physical body as that is where many of the more subtle imprints, engrams, attachments and influences occur. Sweeping the whole aura with an appropriate crystal such as Anandalite often clears minor issues without the need to have further insight or information. If you are working with the ancestors, crystals can be placed on photographs or on the family tree.

If your crystal has a point, place it point towards yourself, or point down if placed on your body, to draw healing or re-energizing properties into your body. Place it point out, or point down below your feet to draw off imprints, attachments, toxic residues or emotional debris. When you have placed the stones, close your eyes and breathe gently and evenly, and allow yourself to relax and feel the energy of the crystal radiating out through your whole being. If you are working on the ancestors or past lives, picture the crystal energy flowing way back into the past and then coming forward to bring healing up to the present moment and beyond into future generations.

You can also apply crystal essences (see pages 131135). These essences convey crystal vibes to the body at a subtle level and are particularly effective for emotional conditions and for assimilating high vibrational downloads and making soul shifts or reintegrations.

Healing challenge

Occasionally crystals trigger a ’healing challenge’ when symptoms appear to get worse rather than better and flulike symptoms may occur, or a member of the family will act-out, intensely repeating the old pattern. This is an indication of physical, emotional, mental, karmic or ancestral toxins leaving the body and is all part of the body holistically healing itself. It occurs particularly in stress-related or chronic conditions. It can be soothed and facilitated by crystals such as Smoky Elestial Quartz, Eye of the Storm or Quantum Quattro, and by drinking plenty of water (Shungite-infused water is ideal). If a healing challenge occurs, use these stones for a few days until the symptoms dissipate and then return to the crystals you were using — having dowsed or intuited if they are still appropriate.