Crystal Care - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Crystal Care
The Basics

Purifying Your Crystal

Crystals need regular cleansing, purifying and recharging. This is particularly so when they are being used for healing or clearing. It is sensible to purify and re-energize a crystal every time it is used. The method employed will depend on the type of crystal. Soft and friable crystals, for instance, and those that are attached to a base can be damaged by water, and soft stones such as Halite will dissolve. These are best purified by a ’dry’ process such as brown rice and recharged sunlight, but sturdier crystals benefit from being placed under running water or in the sea. Crystals work best when their energy is harnessed and focused with intent towards the task at hand as this activates them. By taking the time to attune a crystal to your own unique frequency, you enhance its vibratory effect and amplify its healing power. But do not limit it, ask “… this or something better.”


Running water

Hold your crystals under a running tap, or, preferably, pour spring water over them, or place them in a stream or the ocean to draw off negative energy (use a bag to hold small crystals). You can also immerse appropriate crystals in a bowl of water into which a handful of sea salt or rock salt has been added. (Salt is best avoided if the crystal is layered or friable.) Dry the crystal carefully afterwards and place in the sun to re-energize.

Rice or salt

Place your crystal in a bowl of salt or brown rice and leave overnight for the negative energies to be absorbed. (Brush salt off carefully and make sure that it has been removed from any niches or cracks in the crystal as otherwise it will absorb water in the future and could cause splintering.) Place the crystals in the sun to re-energize.


Sage, sweetgrass or joss sticks are excellent for smudging as they quickly remove negative energies. Light the smudge stick and pass it over the crystal if it is large, or hold the crystal in your hand in the smoke if it is small. It is traditional to fan the smoke gently with a feather but this is not essential.

Visualising light

Hold your crystal in your hands and visualise a column of bright white light coming down and covering the crystal, absorbing anything negative it may have picked up and restoring the pure energy once more. If you find visualisation difficult, you can use the light of a candle.


Tuning forks, singing bowls or tingshaws can also be used to cleanse a crystal but the crystal will then require recharging.

Crystal clearing essences

A number of crystal clearing and recharging essences are available from flower essence suppliers, crystal shops and the Internet (see Resources). You can either drop the essence directly on to the crystal, gently rubbing it over the crystal with your finger, or put a few drops into clean spring water in an atomiser or spray bottle and gently mist the crystal.

Re-Energizing Your Crystal

Crystals can be placed on a Quartz cluster or on a large Carnelian to re-energize them but the light of the sun is an excellent energizer. Red and yellow crystals particularly enjoy being placed in the sun, and white and pale-coloured crystals respond well to the moon. (Be aware that sunlight focused through a crystal may be a fire hazard, and delicate crystals will lose their colour quickly if left exposed to light.) Some brown crystals, such as Smoky Quartz, respond to being placed on or in the earth. If you bury a crystal, remember to mark its position clearly.

Focusing and Activating Your Crystal

Once your crystal has been purified and re-energized, sit quietly holding the crystal in your hands for a few minutes until you feel in tune with it. Picture it surrounded by light and love. State that the crystal is dedicated to the highest good of all who use it. Then state very clearly your intention for the crystal — that it will heal or protect you, for instance. If it is intended for a specific purpose such as healing a particular condition, state that also. But remember to add “this or something better”. Repeat the intention several times to anchor it into the crystal.

Deprogramming a Crystal

There may be times when a crystal has been dedicated for one particular use but is no longer required for that purpose. This does not mean its usefulness is over. It will undoubtedly have other work to do and another purpose to carry out. It is therefore sensible to deprogramme a crystal and put a new intention in before using it again.

To deprogramme a crystal

Hold the crystal in your hands for a few moments, thanking it for doing its work and for holding the intention and purpose it has had. Explain to the crystal that this part of its work is now over and ask the crystal to dismantle the programme it has been carrying. See bright white light beaming into the crystal to help it to deprogramme, cleanse and recharge. Wash the crystal in Clear2Light and/or Z14 or other cleansing spray, or place it under running water. Put the crystal out into sunlight for a few hours or under the moon. The crystal may need a rest period to rebuild its energies before being rededicated to a new purpose.

If you are not visual: Cleanse the crystal with Clear2Light, place it under running water or into brown rice, or use tingshaws or a Tibetan bowl, and then leave in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. Then place the crystal on a Brandenberg Quartz and ask that it be returned to its original pure vibrations. Leave overnight. Then remove the crystal and allow it to rest before being rededicated.