Finding Your Prescription - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Finding Your Prescription
The Basics

A choice of crystal prescriptions is offered under each entry in the A—Z Directory. This is because each person’s energy field with its ancestral and karmic history is unique. As is the ancestral timeline. So, you need to match crystals with your particular field rather than using a ’one size fits all’ template. Some crystals have a much finer vibration than others, working from the subtle ancestral or karmic blueprint to adjust the physical body and ’junk DNA’. Earthy, lower vibration crystals operate at the physical level first to effect permanent changes in the ’junk DNA’, the cells of the physical body, and then the karmic blueprint. Other crystals operate more subtly, frequently bringing underlying causes to the surface for resolution, so that you may need to use a series of crystals.

Higher and lower vibration crystals

The description ’higher’ and ’lower’ vibration reflects the resonance frequency of a crystal. ’Lower’ vibrations have a denser, more earthy and physical frequency than the more cosmic higher vibration crystals.

You may find that you are instinctively drawn to a particular stone. If so, try this one first. The best way to select your crystals for ancestral and karmic clearing, and for soul retrieval, is to choose them intuitively. Allowing your fingers to instinctively pick the right stone from a number of stones — usually the one that ’sticks’ to them, gives excellent results, and or the one to which your eye is drawn. But you can also dowse for crystals (see below). You may be able to utilise what you already have in your crystal toolkit as we tend to be attracted to crystals that have something to offer us.

Framing your questions

The issues in ancestral and karmic clearing tend to be both subtle and complex so framing your question when dowsing for the most beneficial crystal requires careful thought (see page 117). Questions need to be unambiguous and capable of a straight ’yes’ or ’no’ answer. Take time to prepare yourself. Sit quietly for a few moments, bringing your focus away from the outside world and quietening your mind. Word your question carefully. If, for instance, you ask: “Is this the right crystal for me?” the answer could well be ’yes’, but may indicate a crystal that could well be of value to you in the long term, but it may not be the most appropriate starting point at which to peel back the layers. You need to be specific: “Am I suffering from soul loss?” “Is there an ancestral pattern at work here?” “Is there an underlying karmic issue?” If so, see below on dowsing the A—Z Directory.

On the other hand, being too specific could be limiting shutting off wider possibilities. Staying flexible and exploring possibilities rather than assuming that you know the answer before you receive it is necessary. It is essential to clear your mind before asking questions.

If you are finger dowsing (see page 121), you could ask: “Is [name of crystal] the best and most appropriate crystal to heal my ancestral line at this time?” for instance. Or, “Is [name of crystal] the best one to help me free myself from abuse in the past.” If you are pendulum dowsing (see page 118), ask: “Please show me the best and most appropriate crystal for [issue] now.” Move your hand over the list of crystals or the crystals themselves as you do so. It could also be worthwhile enquiring: “Is there a deeper condition underlying this issue?” If the answer is ’yes’, ask: “Does this condition lie at the physical [wait for a moment for the pendulum to respond], emotional [wait for a moment], mental [wait for a moment], karmic [wait for a moment], ancestral [wait for a moment] or soul [wait for a moment], or spiritual level?”

Dowsing the Directory

You can either use a pendulum when choosing crystals or finger dowse. Both methods use the ability of your intuitive body-mind connection to tune into subtle vibrations and to influence your hands. A focused mind, trust in the process, carefully worded questions and a clear intent support your dowsing and your healing.


If you are familiar with pendulum dowsing, use the pendulum in your usual way. If you are not, this skill is easily learned.

To pendulum dowse

To pendulum dowse, hold your pendulum between the thumb and forefinger of your most receptive hand with about a hand’s length of chain hanging down to the pendulum — you will soon learn what is the right length for you. Wrap the remaining chain around your fingers so that it does not obstruct the dowsing.

You will need to ascertain which is a ’yes’ and which is a ’no’ response. Some people find that the pendulum swings in one direction for ’yes’ and at right angles to that axis for ’no’, while others have a backwards and forwards swing for one reply, and a circular motion for the other. A ’wobble’ of the pendulum can indicate a ’maybe’ or that it is not appropriate to dowse at that time, or that the wrong question is being asked. In which case, ask if it is appropriate, and if the answer is ’yes’, check that you are framing the question in the correct way. If the pendulum stops completely it is usually inappropriate to ask at that time.

You can ascertain your particular pendulum response by holding the pendulum over your knee and asking: “Is my name [correct name]?” The direction that the pendulum swings will indicate ’yes’. Check by asking: “Is my name [incorrect name]?” to establish ’no’. Or, you can programme in ’yes’ and ’no’ by swinging the pendulum in a particular direction a few times, saying as you do: “This is yes”, and swinging it in a different direction to programme in ’no’.

To pendulum dowse the best crystal for you

To ascertain which crystal will be most beneficial for you, hold the pendulum in your most receptive hand. Put the forefinger of your other hand on the condition or issue. Slowly run your finger along the list of possible crystals, noting whether you get a ’yes’ or ’no’ response. Check the whole list to see which ’yes’ response is strongest as there may well be several that would be appropriate or you may need to use several crystals in combination. Another way to do this, if you have several of the crystals available, is to touch each crystal in turn, again noting the ’yes’ or ’no’ response.

If you get a no response when checking out the issue, touch each of the capital letters in turn until you receive a yes, then run your finger down the entries in that section.

How long should I use a crystal?

A pendulum can also be used to establish how long a crystal should be left in place. This is particularly useful if you are placing the crystal over or around your body or bed, but it can also be helpful if you are wearing a crystal and need to know whether or not to wear it at night — in which case you will get a ’yes’ or ’no’ answer to the question: “Should I remove this crystal at night?” To establish timing, use an arc on which you have marked five-minute or one-hour or one-day intervals (ask in advance whether the period should be checked in minutes, hours or days). Hold the hand with the pendulum over the centre of the arc and ask that the pendulum will go towards the correct period (see illustration).


Finger Dowsing

Finger dowsing answers ’yes’ and ’no’ questions quickly and unambiguously, and can be done unobtrusively in situations where a pendulum might provoke unwanted attention. This method of dowsing works particularly well for people who are kinaesthetic, that is to say their body responds intuitively to subtle feelings, but anyone can learn to finger dowse.

To finger dowse

To finger dowse, hold the thumb and first finger of your right hand together (see illustration). Loop the thumb and finger of your left hand through to make a ’chain’. Ask your question clearly and unambiguously — you can speak it aloud or keep it within your mind. Now pull gently but firmly. If the chain breaks, the answer is ’no’. If it holds, the answer is ’yes’.


To finger dowse timing

Questions such as “Should I leave the crystal in place overnight” can be answered by the usual finger dowsing method, although you should follow up a ’yes’ answer with the question “And longer?” to ascertain whether further time may be appropriate. Asking about periods of time requires a slightly different method. First, ask whether the period required is minutes, hours, days, weeks or months. When you have ascertained the answer, slot your fingers together and ask that they will hold until the right answer is reached and then release. You can then ask, “1 minute, 2 minutes,” and so on, or 1 hour/day/month until you have a definitive answer.