Crystal EFT - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Crystal EFT
The Basics

EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique) may be used to clear both your own karmic and internal issues and those of the ancestors. The technique involves ’tapping’ a series of points on the body and you can use your own body as a surrogate. Use of a crystal such as a Brandenberg or other Quartz point dramatically increases the transformation process as the crystal absorbs and transmutes the energy released during the tapping. Points are tapped with the flat or rounded end rather than sharp point of the crystal to avoid possibility of injury. If a point needs to be tapped using all the fingers, hold the crystal in the palm of your hand with your thumb. Remember to cleanse the crystal thoroughly after each use and, if it feels necessary, between each round of tapping.

You may need several sessions of tapping to reverse the deepest cause of issues, especially if you are working on behalf of the ancestral line or clearing transgenerational trauma. When tapping, simply follow your instincts and allow yourself to say anything that comes to mind no matter how ludicrous or unlikely it may sound. This free-flow, stream of consciousness combined with loving compassion and forgiving acceptance of yourself or the ancestors uncovers, releases and transforms the issues. It puts you in touch with toxic thoughts and buried emotions that unknowingly lurk in the depths of your subconscious as well as the patterns held in the ’junk DNA’.

The usual instruction is to tap each point seven times in a specific sequence of three rounds. But you will find that you quickly move into your own rhythm cycle as your intuition takes over. It may feel quite confusing when you first start tapping and saying your set-up statement at the same time, but that’s OK. It’s part of why it works. Tapping takes you out of your rational mind by giving that part of the brain something to focus on. This prevents the rational mind from censoring the information that arises into the intuitive mind and allows the patterns and memories in the brain to be reprinted. So, in a way, the more confused you are the better.

Tapping for the ancestors or your previous life self

One of the beauties of Crystal EFT is that you can use yourself as a surrogate and tap on your body for the benefit of someone else even when this is a past life persona or an ancestor. So, if you know that there is a specific person who was the source of an ancestral issue or transgenerational trauma, you can tap as though you were that person. Or you can tap on yourself as you were in a former life. But, if you do not know the source, you can also tap more generally for the ancestral line, or yourself, as a whole.

The tapping points

Crystal EFT adds chakras to the conventional EFT tapping points — and you can add others such as the base, navel, sacral or solar plexus if this feels appropriate. Never hesitate to go where your intuition and the crystal directs your hand. For karmic and ancestral work, you can tap the past life chakras that run from the back of the ears down to the hollow in the base of your skull. If two points are illustrated, tap whichever side of your face is easiest — you do not have to tap on both sides, nor do you have to follow the order rigidly. The more you can go with the flow the better. Tap with whichever hand feels most comfortable. You can switch in the middle if that feels better.

While formulating your set-up statement (see below), tap for as long as you rant. Don’t try to keep count of the taps or to censor what you say, just tap the top of your head or the side of your hand and allow the words to come out. When you have your set-up statement and shorthand statements, each point is then tapped seven times or thereabouts. Do what feels right for you. There may be times when your hand wants to reverse the direction, moving back up from the spleen chakra to the past life chakras on your head, for instance, or going down to the chakras in your lower body. Carrying out at least three rounds of tapping, becoming more positive with each round, allows you to fully feel the effect; but once again ’going with the flow’ attunes to how you need to do it, and you may do a particular round several times or only once.

You may need to tap again later if something deeper surfaces as you will have released an obstructing layer so that core issues or patterns can emerge. The past life chakras are particularly relevant for this. Other places on your body may also call out to be tapped, such as either side of the breastbone about a hand’s breadth below the collarbone. These points are known as ’spirit ground’ in Chinese medicine and assist with the pain of being in incarnation and also with releasing emotional pain. Tapping these points calls your spirit home to your physical body and helps to release the pain. All the chakras could be tapped as they hold ancestral and karmic issues that may need releasing. Go with your intuition and be guided by the crystal.

Illustration 2: The tapping points. NB: Where points are shown on each side of the face, choose one side or the other to tap. You do not have to tap all the points. Be creative and intuitive when you tap. Do what feels right for you!


The tapping points

’Karate chop’: the outer edge of the hand. Tap with all fingers of other hand with the crystal in your palm.

Crown chakra: top of the head. Tap with crystal.

Soma chakra: centre of the forehead at the hairline. Tap with crystal.

Third eye: centre of the forehead slightly above the eyebrows. Tap with crystal.

Inner corner of the eyebrow: Tap with crystal.

Outer corner of the eyebrow: Tap one with crystal.

Below the centre of the eye: Tap with crystal.

Below the nose: Tap with crystal.

Centre of the chin: Tap with crystal.

’Sore spot’: on collarbone either side of the breastbone. Tap with thumb and fingers either side or alternate tapping each side with the crystal.

Spleen chakra: under the left armpit. Tap with all fingers or crystal.

Additional point for karmic work:

Past life chakras: along the bony ridge of the skull. Tap with crystal from just behind your ear along the bony ridge to the hollow at the back of your neck. Then proceed to the back of the other ear. Reverse the process and tap back towards the first ear. You can complete the process by moving up to the crown chakra if this feels appropriate.

Useful points for transgenerational work:

Past life chakras: as above.

Base and sacral chakras and the navel: at the base of your belly and just below your navel or around the navel. Tap with crystal over your clothes or gently on bare skin.

Useful points for emotional or spiritual pain:

Heart points: tap either side of your breastbone about a hand’s breadth beneath your collarbone (just above the breasts in women and slightly higher than the nipples in men). It is usual to tap these points with all the fingers on one side and the thumb on the other, but you can tap up and down each side with a crystal.

Solar plexus: tap over your solar plexus with the point of the crystal — use over clothes.

The set-up statement

Crystal EFT begins with crystal tapping during a stream of consciousness rant out of which a ’set-up statement’ emerges. This should be made as black and negative as possible. Say out loud everything that comes into your head and don’t be afraid to exaggerate it so that it is deeply negative and totally pessimistic. Hidden, unconscious beliefs, toxic thoughts and emotions will surface and be absorbed by the crystal. There may be enormous anger, hurt, jealousy or loneliness; or a deep sense of lack that has no name. This rant identifies the core issues you are going to tap on. It will be transformed as you tap.

So you could, for instance, rant about being sabotaged just at the point where your life is about to change. A typical rant would be: “Never actually moving forward, meeting too many obstacles. Everyone else gets the breaks. Someone always puts the boot in. The world has it in for me, always has, always will. I’ll never amount to anything. I’m just not good enough. No one in the family made good. I’m just like my mum. She held me back. Wouldn’t let me go to uni, said I’d get married and it would be wasted. She didn’t do anything with her life. Nor her mum before her. Little women, living little lives. Never amounting to anything…” You may quickly come to recognise that this is something to do with living out your mother’s fears for you, and that this came out of her own blocked ambitions and fears for herself, which in turn went back to her mother and so on. If you know the family history, you may identify that this pattern goes way back through the matrilineal line. And, if you know your own karmic history, you may find that it is a deeply ingrained pattern in your previous lives too. So, your set-up statement in this case would be: “Even though I’m following the same old patterns from my matriarchal [and karmic] line, getting sabotaged, never getting where I want to go, failing miserably, full of fear etc, etc, nevertheless I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself and my matriarchal line.”

Your personal set-up statement is always followed by:

Nevertheless I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself [and my matriarchal/patriarchal/ancestral line if appropriate].

No matter what your personal statement may be, no matter how black, this is the phrase you always add at the end. It is the key to karmic, ancestral and emotional healing. Using a crystal supports you in forgiving and loving yourself deeply and your ancestral line fully and unconditionally. Crystals are love solidified, and a crystal joyfully transfers that love to you.

Once you have established the set-up statement, find a word or two to sum it up and repeat that as you tap, allowing it to evolve and change as you do so.

The tapping process

First round

Chose a word or phrase that is shorthand for your issue (in the example above it could be: ’sabotaged’, ’held back’, ’failing’ or ’fear of the future’). It will change as you move through the points, so allow whatever needs to be said to come out of your mouth. Reassure yourself that there is no one right way to do tapping and no right thing to say. You can do and say whatever works for you.

Then start the three rounds of tapping the points in whatever sequence feels right to you whilst allowing your set-up statement to evolve and become more positive. Many people start with the side of the hand and then move to the head and down the body, but this is not mandatory. Remember that counting the taps is part of the process to keep your brain occupied and it will get easier once you find your own natural rhythm.

As you tap, let your thoughts and feelings flow freely, simply say whatever comes to mind without censoring or judging; it will change as it is uncovered and tapped. With each round of tapping, the statement will become more positive and life affirming, creating change and transformation in your ’junk DNA’ and in the brain.

Cleanse your crystal if this feels appropriate.

Second and third rounds

Rephrase your initial set-up statement to allow for change and become more positive.

Do several rounds of tapping if necessary until your final statement is completely positive. (In the example above it could be ’taking charge of my life, making a success of it, fulfilling my potential’.)

’Karate chop’ the side of your hand, the top of your head or your past life chakras seven times or so whilst repeating the new statement out loud, again allowing any changes or unconscious phrases to be spoken. End with:

“And I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself” [and…]


Sit quietly for a few moments reviewing how you feel and enjoying the change you have brought about. If you are using a Brandenberg, place it over your heart as you do this.

You will know that the Crystal EFT has worked when you stop attracting into your life situations, and people, who mirrored or provoked those olds fears, toxic emotions, obsessive thoughts; and your ancestral or karmic patterns no longer override your soul intention. But, until you do, keep tapping on any issues and feelings that emerge, bearing in mind that they are helping you to get to the bottom of things and transform in the depths of your being. Literally, reprogramming your ’junk DNA’ (see page 91). Having said that, Crystal EFT can work amazingly fast, especially when you hold the intention of letting go and transforming.

Do not feel that it hasn’t worked or that you ’got it wrong’ if you do find yourself back in the old pattern; this is merely a sign that you need to uncover a deeper issue. Go back into the stream of consciousness, exaggerate the negativity that is rising, and allow whatever lies in the deepest recesses of your mind and ’junk DNA’ to surface and transform. Tap on whatever comes up. Always remembering to follow with the key phrase:

Nevertheless I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself.

[Extracted and adapted from Good Vibrations]