Healing - The Witch’s Garden of Herbal Magick

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

The Witch’s Garden of Herbal Magick

Being mindful of self and taking great care of your physical self is key to being the best you. Healing spells are great for aiding discomfort and getting rid of what doesn’t serve you physically, mentally, or spiritually.

I believe healing spells are an act of self-love; anything that works to bring you back to center and rid you of what doesn’t serve you is an act of love unto oneself. You can use the spells in the following pages for yourself or for loved ones. They’re also great to help amplify your innate healing ability. These are some of my easiest healing workings, but they won’t let you down. They are potent and do their work incredibly well.

Image Catnip healing spell

This spell uses candle anointment to bring all-round healing.

What you need

A blue candle

2 teaspoons dried catnip

1 teaspoon dried coltsfoot

1 teaspoon dried comfrey

1fl oz (30ml) sandalwood essential oil

What to do

✵ Take your candle. If you’re performing this spell for someone else, carve their name on it.

✵ Mix together the herbs and oil.

✵ Smooth the oil mixture over the candle in a downward motion, top to bottom. This motion brings in what you’re asking for.

✵ As you anoint the candle, say your intent, such as ’Bring me healing, bring me strength, I call on divine Magick with this breath.’ (You can adapt the words if you wish, and should if the spell is for another person.)

✵ Now light the candle and let it burn all the way to the bottom.

Image Garlic foot-soak healing potion

Garlic has long been used in Magickal workings. It’s a potent and Magickal bulb that should be a staple in your home — my family uses it almost daily for spells and remedies, and in cooking. The amount of garlic in this healing potion means your feet won’t smell pretty, but it will draw out illness and pull in healing.

What you need

A small saucepan

2 cups (500ml) water

1 tablespoon dried coltsfoot

1 tablespoon dried St John’s wort

1 tablespoon dried wormwood

1 tablespoon birch bark

4 cloves garlic, crushed

1fl oz (30ml) oregano oil

A bucket or large bowl, half filled with cold water, in which to place your feet

What to do

✵ Bring the 2 cups of water to the boil in a small saucepan, then add all other ingredients and simmer for 5—7 minutes.

✵ Let the mixture cool a little, then pour the entire contents of the saucepan into the bucket of water.

✵ Now take the bucket into a quiet room and turn off the lights (or dim them). If you like, light some incense of your choice and play soft, meditative music to create a calming and healing environment.

✵ Check the temperature of the water: it should be tepid or cool. Immerse your feet in the water and close your eyes. Soak your feet for 10—15 minutes.

✵ Repeat once a day for three days in a row.


Image Tobacco banishing-illness incense

This incense aims to cure sickness in the home; it can also alleviate sadness at home — if someone has died, for example. It also purifies and protects against negative spirits. This incense is so powerful that you can feel it working even before you burn it.

What you need

1 tobacco leaf or 1 tablespoon loose tobacco

1 tablespoon dried basil

1 tablespoon ground cloves

1 tablespoon copal resin

1 teaspoon myrrh resin

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

¼ teaspoon mugwort

2 slices dried orange

1 slice dried lemon

A jar with a tightly fitting lid

What to do

✵ Crush all the ingredients together and make sure they’re thoroughly mixed.

✵ Burn a small amount of the incense to release its healing powers. Store the rest in a jar for future use.