Satan: An Autobiography - Yehuda Berg 2010

Satan: An Autobiography - Yehuda Berg 2010

Pitching The Pitchfork

Pleased to Meet You

Once Upon a Time in The Universe

The Meaning of Life

Satan’s Gig

Fighting Back!

A Garden Party Atom & Eve

You Are Being Tested

Measure For Measure

The Revelation Revisited

The Tests

Test Number One can You Trust in Your Connection to God (No Matter What)?

Test Number Two Who Knows Best? (Answer: God Does.)

Test Number Three Can You Learn to Wait (For The Right Moment)?

Test Number Four Can You Manage God’s Money? Or Should I Do It For You?

Test Number Five Are You Willing to Fight For Your Soul Mate...Or Have You Given Up Already?

Test Number Six Are You Willing to Go All The Way? (Giving Over of The Soul/Mesirut Nefesh)

Test Number Seven Can You Keep The Peace (With Me Breathing Down Your Neck)?

Test Number Eight Can You Keep The Light of Desire Burning (No Matter What)?

Test Number Nine Do You Know When to Give And When to Receive?

The End of Religion

Abraham’s Legacy

Your Ace in The Hole Against Religion

The Final Chapter

The Vault

Happy Endings

My Big Announcement