#MeToo - The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

This spell targets sexual abusers, especially those who have not been outed. Its goal is to bring their behavior to light so they may be exposed, shamed, and prosecuted (if applicable) and also to bind their predatory actions so that no one else is harmed. It may also be used against online harassers.

The spell cuts all psychic ties to the abuser and ends with a powerful affirmation of healing, empowerment, and strength.

Perform during the waning or new moon.


Black candle

Nail or pin (to inscribe candle and for use on altar)

White candle

Paper figure of a man (about four inches tall, or shorter than your black candle). It can be rough, just a general outline of a human figure.

Black thread or string

Pen or marker

Dirt from near a court building (optional)

If you have been abused and your abuser is known, write his or her name (or online name, Twitter handle, etc.) on the black candle with the nail or pin. As you are digging in the nail, imagine it cutting deeply and painfully into the target. If you are doing the spell in support of all women who have been abused, inscribe abusers on the candle instead.

On the white candle, carve #MeToo.

Take the cut-out paper figure and write the full name of the abuser on it if you are targeting someone. If your abuser uses Twitter or other online services to harass you, write their avatar or handle name. If you have a photo of the abuser’s face, cut it out and glue it onto the paper doll. Otherwise, draw an X for each of its eyes and for its mouth.

Place all the spell components on your altar.

Do the Centering Ritual.

Light the white candle. Say, Me too, if you have been subjected to sexual abuse, otherwise say, I light this candle to honor the abused.

Using black thread or string, begin to wrap it around the paper doll and the black candle (you are wrapping the paper doll to the candle).

While you wind the thread or string, say,

I bind you, (name of abuser or all sexual abusers)

So that you shall never hurt another vulnerable person

I bind your hands so they shall not touch another without permission

I bind your eyes so they shall not stare when it is not wanted

I bind your mouth so you shall not speak unwanted words

When it is completely wrapped, tie a knot around the paper doll, binding it to the candle. Say,

I bind your genitals, that they may fail to bring you pleasure at another’s expense.

Take the nail or pin and pierce the paper doll’s genitals, embedding the nail or pin in the candle.

Light the black candle. While holding it in front of you, speak to it as your abuser, summoning all your righteous anger:

You are powerless over me

You are powerless over others

Your foul deeds have bound you

To their consequences

And as the elements expose

What lies hidden beneath the soil

So your wicked behavior

Shall be exposed to all

Blow out the black candle. Lay it on its side. If you’re using dirt from near a court building, sprinkle it solemnly on the candle.

Hold your hands out to the white candle, palms facing the flame. Say with power and truth, three times, with increasing intensity,

I am powerful

I am safe

I am whole and healed

I am a survivor

Feel your body, mind, and soul completely healed and radiating strength and power.

If you are aiming the ritual at a specific abuser, visualize a thread connecting you to the black candle. It is the last connection to your abuser. Use your dominant hand like a blade to sever that final thread, saying,

I sever all connection to you.

When you cut the thread, it withers and disappears. Feel, as powerfully as you can, that you have broken all links to the abuser. (If you are aiming the ritual at abusers in general, skip this step.)

When you feel ready, say a prayer of thanks to your preferred deity, finish with So mote it be, and blow out the candle.

Take the bound black candle and leave it somewhere desolate and exposed to the elements. You may need to head into the woods or seek out a deserted, trash-strewn lot. You want to leave it where it will be exposed and where it’s unlikely anyone will disturb it. As with all spells in which you leave something outdoors, be sure to pick up and dispose of three times the spell components’ weight in litter to right the balance.

Donate to or volunteer to help an organization that supports survivors of sexual abuse.