No Borders, All One Family: Invocation to Hermes - The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

No Borders, All One Family: Invocation to Hermes
The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

A spell to protect immigrants and refugees, especially those fleeing harm, and to encourage global fellowship via the invocation of Hermes.

Perform during the waxing or full moon.


Printed photo of Earth from space

Blue candle

Statue or printed image of Hermes or Magician tarot card

Cut out the printed image of Earth so that it is a circle and place it on your altar between your elemental symbols. Place the blue candle on the center of the Earth. Have the statue or image of Hermes or your Magician tarot card propped up and looking upon your ritual.

Do the Centering Ritual.

Light the blue candle. Hold your arms in the orans position (arms extended to your sides, elbows bent, palms turned slightly upward; it should feel as if you are holding up a large, invisible ball).

Each time you repeat the refrain No borders, all one family, bring your hands to prayer posture, resting against your chest. Then return to the orans posture. Say,

Come unto me, Lord Hermes

Protector of travelers

Crosser of all boundaries

Bestow upon me your grace

And hear my prayer

May those fleeing persecution and danger

Be welcomed and protected

No borders, all one family

May families never be torn asunder

But united and made whole

No borders, all one family

May those who spread hatred of immigrants

Realize their kinship with all people

No borders, all one family

May boundaries dissolve

And borders disappear

No borders, all one family

May we all awaken to our common humanity

And accept our brothers and sisters with love and compassion

No borders, all one family

Retain prayer position until the end of the spell.

Lord Hermes, whose eyes are the sun and the moon

Please protect those traveling to foreign lands

And those living in new lands

Open the hearts of the ignorant and bigoted

And awaken us all to love for our brothers and sisters

No matter where they were born

For thou art king of heaven and earth

And thy name and spirit rest upon the good

So mote it be

Stand silently, imagining a globe without borders, in which all humanity acknowledges our deep connection as one family.

Blow out the blue candle to end the ritual. Be sure to ground.

While you’re still feeling the leftover energy of the spell, make a donation (however small) to an immigrant rights or refugee support organization. If you desire, make it in the name of Hermes.


If done as a group, the leader should read the main passages while the others respond with the refrain No borders, all one family.