Dance of Pan: LGBTQ+ Protection - The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

Dance of Pan: LGBTQ+ Protection
The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

A spell for protection of the LGBTQ+ community calling upon the bisexual god Pan, this is a great ritual to do with friends before going to public events, pride parades, celebrations, or political actions. Perform during the waxing or full moon.


Incense charcoal

Myrrh and patchouli blend (or just myrrh) or frankincense

Rainbow candle

Salt (about ¼ cup)

Chalice or cup of wine

Set up your altar normally. In the altar’s center, pour out the salt into a pile. With your index and middle fingers spread the salt out from the center to make a clear space (about the diameter of your candle). Place the rainbow candle in the clear space and the cup of wine in front of it.

Do the Centering Ritual (page 152). If you’re doing this with friends, stand in a circle around the altar and do the group version.

Light your charcoal, and when it’s ready, throw on a small pinch of incense.

Light the rainbow candle and say,


I call on you, Great Pan

Immortal god, the world is thine

You are the world and world is you

Oh earthly power divine


Hail Pan!


Goat-footed, two-horned

Piper, lover, bacchanalian Pan

Come, attend our holy rite

And hear our fervent prayer

Pour out a tiny bit of wine onto the circle of salt. Throw another pinch of incense on the charcoal.

Raise your hands above your head. If working as a group, everyone raises their linked hands.


As all nature is in your care,

Protect all who love

Regardless of their nature




Or none

For love is your nature

Love, without bounds

Lower hands and bow your head.


Protect our circle, Great Pan

Beneath the dancing stars

May your sweet pipings

Bring forth love in all its many forms

And vanquish fear and hate


May the right of consenting adults to love one another prevail.

May all live and love freely without fear, persecution, or hatred.

I ask this in your name, oh great god Pan.

So mote it be!

Blow out the rainbow candle to end the ritual. Pass around the chalice of wine if you’re doing the ritual as a group. Put a small bit of the salt on your tongue, and as it dissolves feel the energy of Pan spreading into your body. You may feel energized, full of joy, and even (thanks to Pan) a little horny. Ground by putting on some music and dancing.