Hands Off, Laws Off: Hekate Invocation for Reproductive Rights - The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

Hands Off, Laws Off: Hekate Invocation for Reproductive Rights
The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

This is a spell for the protection of women’s reproductive rights. It can also be done for protection of women’s health clinics and their doctors and health care workers.

Perform this ritual during your period (if you have one), in response to antichoice votes or initiatives, to protect clinics under siege, or during the full moon. Do this ritual at night, never in the daytime.


Red candle with the words Hands off inscribed on one side and Laws off inscribed on the reverse. Use a pin or a nail.

Your menstrual blood (if during your cycle) or consecrated olive oil (see the Consecration Ritual on page 160)

Incense charcoal

Cauldron or ashtray

Bay leaves and myrrh

Photo or name paper of politician, representative, judge, preacher, or other figure opposing a woman’s right to choose; or the printed logo of an antichoice organization

Piece of red cloth large enough to wrap around the candle

If it is during your period, you may want to anoint the candle with your menstrual blood. It is an extremely potent magical substance, so you only need a tiny bit spread across the surface.

At your altar dress the inscribed candle with your menstrual blood or olive oil. As you’re doing so, see and feel your fingers transferring your personal power into the wax while repeating in a whisper,

My blood, my life, my power.

Dab your blood onto the photo, name paper, or logo of your target. Feel the feminine energy overpowering your target.

Set the candle on your altar, with the target paper in front of it.

Perform the Centering Ritual and begin.

Light your charcoal. Light the prepared candle. Say the following prayer:

I call to thee, Hekate of the Crossroads

Queen of the starry cosmos

Lady of the dogs

Guardian of the realms of the dead

Come to me from the deserted places of the night

I call you to my sacred chant

Please accept my gift of incense

And hear my prayer

Of Protection

Drop bay leaves and myrrh onto charcoal. Watch the smoke as it rises to please Hekate.

Pick up photo, name paper, or logo in your left hand and hold it in front of you, just below eye level. Say with passion, ferocity, and strength,

Keep your hands off my body

Keep your laws off my body

Only life that is wanted

Shall we carry into this world

Only life that will be loved

Shall be brought forth from our bodies

Whenever the choice must be made

The choice shall be mine

My body

Is not your property

My body

Is not your domain

My body

Is not your god’s

My body

Is my own

Hands off

Laws off

Hands off

Laws off

Hands off

Laws off

Light the target paper on fire from your candle and say,

Not your choice.

Say with all of your focus and will,


Drop paper into cauldron and let it burn. When the paper is burning, say the words of power (see note):


When the paper has burned completely to ash, say,

The spell is cast. My body is protected.

Throw more bay leaf and myrrh onto the charcoal. As the smoke rises, say,

I give praise and thanks to Hekate of the crossroads.

May you go in peace, carrying my prayer. So mote it be.

Extinguish the candle. Clap three times to end the ritual and ground.

Wrap the candle tightly in the red cloth. Keep it stored in a safe, secret place, as a ward to protect your body and your choice, and ready to be used again if the need arises.


Pronounce the “barbarous” words of power, which are drawn from an ancient ritual of Hekate, phonetically to the best of your ability. If you’re feeling ambitious, look up ancient Greek pronunciation. We really don’t know exactly how the words were pronounced, so just say them with passion.