Healing the Earth (Microcosm Ritual) - The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

Healing the Earth (Microcosm Ritual)
The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

This is a great spell to do with kids. They enjoy helping put everything together and understand it intuitively. And though it is rather light in its imagery, do not underestimate its seriousness. As Peter Grey wrote in Apocalyptic Witchcraft, “If the land is poisoned then witchcraft must respond.” 31

Perform this ritual during the waxing or full moon.



Medium-size pot of earth (organic potting soil is good if you can get it)

Green candle (any size)

Small plant (an edible magical herb, like rosemary basil, marjoram, mint, or sage is a good choice)

Small shell or other nonplastic container filled with water

Small toy animal or animal sculpture, ideally not plastic (even better if it’s an endangered animal—I use a ceramic elephant)

Goddess sculpture from your tradition (optional)

Rocks, stones, or crystals


Moon and Sun tarot cards (optional)

This “little earth” that you care for connects your energy to the larger earth. It should be separate from your working altar, occupying its own place of respect, ideally near a window or on a balcony or sunny porch. This is an easy way to do “hidden in plain sight” magic because it looks just like a nice arrangement.

Place the candle in the center of the pot of earth. Plant the small plant away from the candle and add the other items, arranging them in a pleasing manner. Bury some stones or crystals in the soil. If you’re using the Sun and Moon tarot cards, lean them against the pot or place them nearby or above it. You can return them to your deck after the spell or leave them in place.

If you can do this outdoors, all the better, but near a window is fine, too.

When the arrangement is ready, do the Centering Ritual, light the candle, and quietly pray the following words while holding your open palms in front of the little “mini earth” you have created:

Mother Earth, giver, creatrix, from you I have risen and to your embrace I shall return. Spirits and elementals of this place, I offer you the humble home I have made of earth, water, fire, and air. Take residence here as you wish, depart as you will, for works of healing and regeneration.

Feel healing energy streaming from your hands into the pot. Say,

I consecrate this microcosm for the healing of the earth, all growing and blooming things, the crawling things, the walking, flying, and swimming things, the air, the forests, the waters, the deserts, and the ice and snow.

May healing and balance come to you, Great Mother, to the rocks of your bones, the waters of your blood, the green earth of your flesh, the air that carries your voice, the fire of your immense heart, and to all of your children who live and love and die beneath the Sun, the Moon, and the stars on your sacred skin.

Hold your hands on the pot and energize it with your healing energy and your graciousness for the earth that sustains you.

End the ritual with So mote it be. You can now blow out the candle.

Every day, take time to pause and say the above prayer or a short little personal prayer for the healing of the biosphere. Make sure to keep the small container of water from going dry, and keep your miniature earth clean and healthy.

Repeat the ritual on the solstices and equinoxes and on Earth Day, April 22.

When the plant starts to get too large, remove it and transplant it. Continue and honor the cycle as the plants transition from the little earth to the wider world, and enjoy the bounty in your cooking and magic. You can also gift the plants that you remove, spreading the healing energy to others.

These mini earths also make great gifts. Make a copy of the ritual and pass it along, too.

If you want to charge an object or sigil with earth energy, just place it on the soil. Extra points if you leave it overnight under a waxing or full moon.

Extra Credit

Donate money, time, or both to an organization protecting the earth.