Spirits of (Polling) Place - The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

Spirits of (Polling) Place
The Magical Activist’s Spellbook


Four ordinary, small rocks

Black marker or black paint and brush

Vote protection sigil that you have created

Altar with four elements represented

Three small white candles


Water bottle (or other discreet container) filled with spring water, rum, or whisky

Several days before a major election, look for four rocks. They should stand out from other rocks or otherwise call to you, but they should look normal. Clean the rocks with soapy water and let them dry.

When dry, use the marker or paintbrush to draw a voter protection sigil on each of the rocks. As you are adding the sigil to each rock, focus your energy on imbuing it with protective energy. Allow them to dry completely.

Set up your altar for the Consecration Ritual (see page 160).

Place the four rocks in the center of the triangular candle formation.

Stand or sit before your altar and perform the Centering Ritual.

Light your incense.

Pick up the four rocks. Hold them in your hands in front of you and then say,

Bless these stones, powers of earth (touch object to your earth symbol), water (touch water to your extended index and middle fingers and wet the object with them), fire (hold over your fire symbol), and air (hold in rising incense smoke or touch to feather); spirits of the heavens (lift toward sky) and of the underworld (lower toward altar or ground).

Consecrate these guardians to serve as wards for my polling place. May they keep the voting honest, safe, and free of meddling. May they alert the poll workers if anyone attempts to circumvent the free and fair process. So mote it be.

Blow onto the rocks, feeling your breath imbuing them with watchfulness and protective energy. Say,

Awaken to your duty. When it is done, return to your natural state with my grateful thanks.

Ideally, a day or two before voting, visit your polling place. If you can only visit the day you vote, arrive early. Enter as deeply into ritual mind as you can without causing a scene. Call out to the spirits of the place. Open your spirit to contact, and welcome the connection with whatever spirits occupy this piece of land. They may be from centuries before, or they may be recent occupants or just passersby. Just quiet your mind and use your magical senses.

Say out loud or internally (have the spell copied out if you don’t want to carry the book),

Spirits of this place, I ask you to accept my presence and my respectful offering. I beseech you to protect those visiting your home as they come to take part in the sacred act of voting. Please watch over them and forbid all those who would cheat or do harm. So mote it be.

Discreetly pour out a libation from your water bottle onto the ground as an offering to the spirits of the place.

Then place the four rocks around the polling place. Try to put them where they won’t be disturbed or dislodged, but where people will have to pass by them to enter the building to vote. The goal is to form a shield of protective energy.

When you’re done, thank the spirits of the place silently before leaving.