Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis
A Compendium of Plants


love, self-awareness, courage

Native Americans traditionally take the juice from the bloodroot, which flows a bright red, and use it to dye their bodies and clothes. The juice is also an ingredient in some medicinal remedies, but it needs to be handled carefully, as it is quite toxic.


Bloodroot contains chemicals that can fight bacteria and plaque and can treat inflammation and infection. Native Americans have long worked with her to treat for coughs, to induce vomiting, and to cleanse wounds.


Bloodroot can help to strengthen family ties, inviting more harmony into holiday gatherings, or even just in your household. Simply placing bloodroot under the dinner table, over your front door, or carrying her will bring your home more peace. If your marriage is having trouble, some dried bloodroot under your mattress can help bolster your connection . . . and even make bedtime a little more fun! Bloodroot can also be placed over your bedroom door to keep arguments at bay, and to instead attract love into this space.


Bloodroot brings a message of releasing fears and expanding self-worth, especially for those of us who have this belief that we are hard to love. Most often, our childhood traumas instilled this in us, causing us to be unable to open fully, or to love fully. Bloodroot gets to the root of this and soothes the scars, releases the illusions, and awakens pure love within us. If you dream of bloodroot, there is a message of abundant love coming your way—or perhaps it is a sign of self-love awakening from within.