Blessed Thistle Cnicus benedictus - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Blessed Thistle Cnicus benedictus
A Compendium of Plants


happiness, strength, luck

Like most thistles, blessed thistle grows like a weed, often in places where she is unwanted. And yet these spiky blossoms offer a kind of protection—apparently, in the war between the Scots and Danes, the sleeping Scottish warriors were warned of a Danish attack at dawn when a Dane stepped on a thistle and let out a cry of pain. She’s cute and fuzzy, but she can be dangerous, so be careful when handling her.


A tea made from the leaves of the blessed thistle will taste very bitter, but comes with so many benefits. For instance, it will relieve menstrual pain, as well as improve memory and mood. The tea can stimulate the liver, relieve headaches, and support the immune system. It can also improve concentration, as it aids in the flow of blood to the brain.


The strength and vitality blessed thistle offers make her an herb of endurance. If you’re experiencing a difficult time, blessed thistle will help you make it through. She will also help you release any anger you’ve been holding, allowing joy to come to you instead. Carry her with you, place her in your pillow, and even in your car if you are easily aggravated in traffic. Sprinkle some dried blessed thistle over a black candle to keep jealousy and hate away, making sure to set that intention while you dress the candle.


Don’t you dare tell blessed thistle lies, for she can see right into the darkest spaces of your heart. But she isn’t judgmental—her energy is both mothering and protective. The more sadness she sees, the more she will try to uplift you and bring good things your way. To have her bring you luck in a certain situation, simply meditate with her and ask her nicely. Don’t be surprised to see her show up in your dreams as a fairy with a long green gown. Take her hand as she reaches out for yours, and allow her to take your sadness away with Magical visions.