Blue Lotus Nymphaea caerulea - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Blue Lotus Nymphaea caerulea
A Compendium of Plants


psychic ability, protection

The blue lotus can vary from a very pale blue to a vivid sky blue, fading to a yellow center. Like all lotuses, it rises to the surface of the water it lives in and then blooms over the course of a single day. This variety likely grew along the Nile, and was sacred to both ancient Egyptians and ancient Mayans.


Blue lotus contains aporphine, a psychoactive, which like all psychoactives should be used with extreme caution. Remember, a Witch’s goal with plants is not to get high! That said, blue lotus tea is great for stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation and giving a sense of euphoria and ecstasy.


It is said that the goddess Isis wore blue lotus perfume, and that Cleopatra bathed in her essences. We can follow their lead and work with blue lotus in aromatherapy and in a bath. She will stimulate the third eye. To awaken your inner wisdom and seek the next steps in your journey, add blue lotus to a footbath and light some blue lotus incense while drinking her cup of tea. I particularly like to use blue lotus with candle Magic, as she has a variety of different meanings in that kind of spellwork. Dress a blue candle with blue lotus for inner healing, specifically of the mind. Dress a white candle with blue lotus for an understanding of yourself.


Blue lotus illuminates the unseen, the things that lurk in the darkness and within the self. Blue lotus is also a powerful aid to lucid dreaming—invite her into your dreams to induce visions that shine a light on what has been hidden.

Blue Lotus Protection Spell

Blue lotus will create a protective boundary between you and whatever you’ve asked her to shield you from.


Eggshells from 1 egg

1 tablespoon dried blue lotus

Clear glass


· Add the eggshells and blue lotus to the glass and fill it with water.

· Tap on the glass 3 times, and whisper into the glass the name of the person or the situation you wish her to protect you from.

· Keep this glass in a high place for 1 week.

· Dispose of it at the end of the week and start a new glass.

· Repeat this process for 3 weeks total.