Peace Lily Spathiphyllum - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Peace Lily Spathiphyllum
A Compendium of Plants


self-love, peace, healing, reflection

Peace lilies are among the best plants to work with for self-love and inner healing. They are named for their white blooms, which resemble flags of peace or surrender. If you need a guide to help you dive within, release what no longer serves you, and help you make yourself a priority, then the peace lily is for you. She’s gentle but powerful, and knows how to navigate your spirit carefully so as not to trigger anything that may stir chaos within. Peace lilies teach us to reflect on what’s really standing in the way of loving ourselves, to learn to voice our truth, and to heal.


Indoors, the peace lily filters out dangerous common air pollutants and also prevents mildew formation. A peace lily can be placed just about anywhere in the home. She will help create moisture and keep your other plants healthy and happy. I’ve seen her healing work on plants I was trying to revive—she can pull them out of their sadness and inspire them to rise. Keep her by your bed at night to help you sleep soundly, quieting anxiety, stress, and a running mind. If you’ve become ill or are trying to heal, she will be your plant nurse.


Peace lilies fail when they’re in need of water, and stop growth when the environment isn’t to their liking. This alone teaches us to set boundaries and adjust our surroundings to better suit our growth, instead of trying to fix ourselves—for we are not broken.


If you find yourself drawn to peace lilies, know that you’re a natural seeker who yearns for purpose and inner healing. When dreaming of a peace lily, if she has drooping leaves and fallen flowers, that signifies an imbalance with your body, mind, and spirit. A dream of someone gifting you a peace lily symbolizes your need of love and connection. If in your dreams you are able to smell her flower, that means there’s a message for you; a guide or a passed loved one is trying to reach your spirit. If you don’t find the message in the dream itself, meditating with the peace lily after you wake will bring clarity.