Pau d’Arco Tabebuia avellanadae - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Pau d’Arco Tabebuia avellanadae
A Compendium of Plants


healing, purification, happiness

Pau d’arco, also known as taheebo or lapacho, refers to the inner bark of the Tabebuia tree. This tree grows in South America and in the American tropics, and flowers in tiny trumpets—giving the nickname “trumpet tree.” Have you seen her? She’s gorgeous beyond belief!


Pau d’arco is available in supplementary form, or can be brewed as a tea. She contains a number of protective compounds, and so she is an antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant plant! She gives a powerful boost to the immune system, and may be helpful in treating cancer.


Several Indigenous cultures value pau d’arco not only for her medicinal uses, but for her spiritual and Magical uses as well. She is prized for her protective nature, her positivity, and her qualities of purification. Work with her to connect to your roots and your divine being. She fills you with a sense of belonging, of being in the right place at the right time. She purifies the mind, removing all negative self-talk.

You can add pau d’arco to spells dealing with bringing luck, wealth, and prosperity, or whenever you’re sending those intentions out into the world. If you want to bring laughter into your home, sprinkle some pau d’arco in the corners of your main space, like the living room. Drinking a cup of pau d’arco while journaling brings inspiration—she will draw out of you whatever you’re struggling to express, and fill that space with healing. Burn pau d’arco to purify your home, tools, altar space, crystals—anything her sacred smoke touches will instantly shift energetically.


The wisdom of pau d’arco brings peace to those who need guidance in life, those who feel stuck, lost, or have no idea what their place is in this world. She teaches that everyone and everything is important, and each of us has a purpose. She will clear the way for you to find what you are meant to do in this life. When you dream of pau d’arco, you are being visited from the other side—oftentimes an elder or ancestor is bringing you a message.