Daily Practices for Connection with Plants - The Secret Language of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Daily Practices for Connection with Plants
The Secret Language of Plants

Commit to connecting with nature

If this isn’t something you are already used to doing, you’ll need to plan ahead. First, set a clear intention: I want to connect with and build my relationships with plant Magic. Plant Witchery is a practice, and a practice should be part of your lifestyle. Make it a part of your life by literally adding it to your schedule and planner. Carve out some time spent alone with nature. This should be an intimate and personal time, so that you can build an intimate and personal relationship.

Record your experiences

As you deepen your relationships with plants, you may want to keep a journal for recording any experiences, dreams, or insights you receive from the plants, perhaps in the same journal in which you recorded your experiences with the seasons. You’re inviting nature spirits into your own spirit—tell them, “I’m ready to receive and surrender to what it is you need from me.” Pay special attention to how you feel, to energy shifts, the winds, and even storms during your journey in connecting with plants, and write them all down. It’s important to record because you are just beginning to create a special language between you—as this language develops, it will come easier to you.

Visit nature more often

Go for a picnic, bike ride, run, or hike. Whatever it is that you like to do, go and do it in nature. Turn off your phone and or leave it behind, unplugging completely. An important step in deepening your relationship with the Earth is to be in her presence as often as possible. If for some reason you can’t get out to nature, you can do the same with your houseplants. Sit with your plants, read by them, create by them, have breakfast with them. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you spend time with them, genuinely and intentionally.

Let nature in

This is especially important for those living in the concrete jungle. Opening your windows and curtains, allowing sunlight and natural air to flow through your home, instantly connects you to the Earth. Your houseplants will love you for it. I especially love to open my windows and curtains to allow the moonlight in. And when it rains or storms, I’m the first to run and allow those winds to rush through my home and cleanse its energies, removing negativity and stagnant energy.

Water plants with intention

Water your plants, your flowers, even trees with love and healing energies. Water absorbs emotions, thoughts, and intentions, so before you water your plants, hold the water and calm yourself. Take a few deep breaths, and then pour all of your love into the water. Think about happy moments, loving moments, or just simply speak love—and then water your plants with it. They will drink up all of your loving and healing energies through the water, connecting you to them.

Observe the elements

Just as plants are unique, so are we. We are each drawn to different elements and places. Are you someone who feels their best when they are near water? Or do you feel best when you’re in the mountains? Perhaps you belong in the forest. Try to visit all of nature and take in your surroundings. Notice how you feel in each place. What do you hear? What do you sense? What is your energy like? You can even do this in your backyard around your garden, indoor garden, and/or local park, river, or creek. Start to pay attention to the different elements and branches of nature. This will help you discover which elements speak to you.

Get to know the land

As an Indigenous Witch, I’m respectful of the land. Wherever I go, I want to learn about the place I am visiting. If I go for a hike, I want to know the history of the place—which native tribes may have called this land home, what flowers, plants, and trees grow there, what animals, birds, and reptiles live there. When we do this, we are getting to know the ancestors, nature spirits, and land protectors of a place, creating a meaningful and impactful connection to the land. When we give this kind of care and respect for the Earth, she will do the same for us.

Practice forest bathing

Known in Japan as shinrin yoku, forest bathing is a simple but incredibly transformative practice—all that’s required is visiting nature and slowly passing through it. You can do this in a forest, or you can simply walk around your own backyard or garden. Obviously, simply being out in nature is healing and Magical in itself, but the difference here is that you are moving slowly and mindfully. This is not about going on a hike or a run or any other form of activity. Forest bathing is simply about being calm and relaxed and walking. It is said to alleviate stress and anxiety, and it is also a great way to be mindful of smells, sounds, and energies coming from nature, all important to Plant Witchery. Listen to the whispers in the wind, and pay attention to any pulls in a certain direction. Become one with nature, and dwell in the dance you create together with your energies.

Surround yourself with plants

If you don’t own any plants, now is the time to start! Of course, plants can get expensive, but you can create a meaningful relationship with plants growing near you. So either through purchasing a plant, beginning to cultivate a stronger relationship with a plant you already own, or adopting a plant growing near you, choose a single plant to focus on for one month.

First, introduce yourself. Say hello, and name her! Let her know you are there for her, that you want to connect and will take good care of her. Softly touch her leaves, observe her closely, smell, sense, and get to know her particular energy. Research! I like to use a plant idetification app on my phone when I don’t recognize a plant immediately. Learn the basic foundations for how to care for this plant, including the type of soil she needs. Know the anatomy of that plant, learning not only what she needs but why.

For one month, create an intimate relationship. Of course, this relationship will go on for longer but for this particular month you are giving her your undivided attention. You may think this is foolish or weird, but remember you are dealing with a living being who deserves this kind of welcome from you, who deserves to be seen as unique and important.

Care for your plants

Simply taking good care of your plants and paying attention to their needs will help you build a better relationship and understanding with nature. Make it a ritual to speak to the plant before you do anything. First say hello, then sit and observe the plant. Is the plant showing signs of dehydration? Overwatering? Does she need to be repotted? Does she look happy? Then turn your attention inward. Hold the plant, close your eyes, and ask her what she needs. Sit for a moment and allow her energy to speak to you. Pay attention to any literal vibrations you might feel (not just energy, although you’ll likely feel that, too!). Are you thirsty? Listen, feel, and sense. Do you like the lighting? Listen, feel, and sense.

Look for messages from nature

Mother Earth is full of possibilities when it comes to messages; there is an entire catalog of wisdom and medicine awaiting your presence. Pay attention to these symbols, as they may show up in ways you don’t expect. When a flower catches your eye or a bird starts to squawk around you or a branch gets stuck in your hair while you’re walking in the woods—all of these experiences are nature’s way of speaking to you. Please pay attention to what you see, what pulls you, what animals you come into contact with, and especially the feelings and energy these beings give you. For example, if you find yourself attracted to a willow tree, consider how this enchanting tree bends in various angles, and poses without snapping. Someone drawn to a willow may need to adjust to life and fully surrender to the change process, rather than fighting the inevitable. Or an encounter with a hawk can indicate a need for increased spiritual awareness and time to surrender, allowing your spirit to rise above.


All it takes is 5 to 10 minutes of your time each day to develop a connection through meditation. Find a quiet place where you can sit or lie comfortably. Allow yourself to let go, surrender, and give in to the possibilities of enveloping yourself with the energies and love from the Earth. With time, you’ll develop a stronger intuition, understanding, and connection with the green, growing life around you, which will improve your Magical practice.

This plant meditation is something you can do to connect, hear, feel, and sense what each plant wishes to share with you. I recommend doing this meditation with one plant at a time and, as described earlier, to give each plant at least 30 days of undivided attention to build a stronger and more meaningful relationship.

You can perform this meditation either daily or weekly. Each time that you do, you will experience a more profound and deeper connection with the plant, and you will become more patient and mindful in general. Most important, you will stay open and receptive to whatever the Earth has to share with you.

Moving forward, you will find a compendium of Magical plants. I will explain their medicinal and Magical properties, along with the unique wisdom they hold, all of which I have received and experienced myself with each individual plant. As you cultivate your own experiences with each plant, record your findings in your journal.

Plant Meditation

Start by choosing a plant or tree to connect with. If you have multiple plants in your home, or if you want to purchase a new plant and are not sure which to choose first, take a moment to quietly pass by the plants you’re choosing among. Move slowly, holding your hands over each one without touching them physically, but instead touching the energy around them.

Wait patiently, and you may intuitively be directed toward which plant is calling to you. It’s important to listen carefully, because each plant can guide you through a certain situation or time in your life, and it will let you know it’s there to help. Perhaps you already feel deeply which plant you want to spend time with. Follow your intuition

and pay attention to signs, as plants communicate with us in a variety of Magical ways.


One plant

Sacred smoke (I recommend mugwort, rue, rosemary, frankincense, myrrh, amber, or copal but you can use what you have available to you or what you feel comfortable with)


· I recommend drinking tea 15 minutes before meditation to open up your third eye. Reishi, ginkgo, blue lotus, ashwagandha, lavender, or eyebright are all good choices.

· Find a quiet place. You can listen to soft music if you like, as long as it does not distract your thoughts for this meditation.

· Clear the energy and self with sacred smoke.

· If you’re using an incense stick, you can go ahead and light it and rest it in a holder or on a small plate. If you’re using resin or herbs, the easiest method is to place a small amount on a charcoal disc, and then light it. Carry your smoke around your space, wafting it into all the corners of the room, and brushing the smoke over your head and shoulders. At this point, you can either extinguish your smoke or leave it burning for the length of your spell.

· Place yourself in a comfortable seated position or lie down. The key here is comfort. Place the plant in front of you; if you’re lying down, place it above your head. Keep your shoulders relaxed, soften your facial muscles, close your eyes, and breathe gently. Lay your hands wherever they feel most comfortable.

· Take a moment to acknowledge your physical presence. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale out from your mouth. Free your mind from negative thoughts and allow whatever comes to consciousness to just flow away. In your mind, say, I’m ready for your medicine and wisdom. Repeat slowly and with intention three more times.

· Release all expectations and allow your plant to work with you as she sees best for you. Remember that plants are all loving beings, so if you feel the need to cry, cry. If you feel the need to laugh, laugh. Allow yourself to journey through your emotional roots. They are efficient pathways in visiting all parts of the spirit.

· Keep your focus on your breath. What colors do you see behind your closed eyes? What shapes? See your spirit in the vast darkness, illuminated with pure light. Focus on your spirit in this form, play with it, smile at it, embrace, and love it. See yourself in this sacred essence, a living being perfect in all ways. Protect your spirit, tell it how you will watch over it and cherish it. How you love and appreciate it. Promise yourself that you will no longer lock your spirit inside for no one to see, and swear to unchain yourself from a negative mind-set.

· Take a long deep breath in and a long deep breath out. Focus on your breath and connect to its intimate warmth. Let go, surrender, be free. Stay in this space as long as you like while your plant guides you through your journey inward. Your plant will nudge you to remind you she’s there with you and there’s nothing to worry about. She will spread loving and calming energies all over your body, nourishing you at deeper levels.

· When you are ready and have released discomfort and fear, focus on one thought. Think about one thing you love about yourself. Just one is enough. Hold on to that thought, then let it flow away, keeping the feeling it raised within you. Take that loving feeling and fill your entire being with it. Take your time—feed your body, mind, and spirit with your love.

· When you’re ready, picture your plant. In your mind, walk to her and touch her gently. Look at her with admiration, love, and gratitude. Fill her with that loving energy you just created for yourself. Watch her bloom, grow, and expand right before your eyes. The more you fill her with love, the more she blossoms. She is now filled with your essence—you are now her, and she is you. Healing, loving, and growing together.

· Now ask her, What message do you have for me today? Listen with every part of your body, spirit, and mind.

· When you are ready to end the meditation, even if you feel like you didn’t receive a clear message, thank your plant. The message is there, and it will reveal itself when the time is right.

When a plant isn’t growing or thriving, you don’t try to fix the plant itself, instead you fix the environment around the plant. Like a plant, you do not need to be fixed, you simply need to create an environment that nurtures your growth.
