Abre Camino Koanophyllon villosum - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Abre Camino Koanophyllon villosum
A Compendium of Plants

This section offers a guide to the 200 plants that I have found most helpful in my practice, listed alphabetically by common name, followed by Latin name. Each description includes what I see as the plant’s primary essential, medicinal, and Magical properties, as well as how she may choose to impart her wisdom. Many entries include a suggested spell, potion, or practice that will aid you in establishing or strengthening your relationships with these wonderful beings.

There are some instances throughout this compendium where I have listed the Latin genus of the plant without a specific species designation. When this is the case, the entire genus possesses the essential, medicinal, and Magical properties I mention, giving you a little more freedom in which plants you get to work with!

Abre Camino Koanophyllon villosum


unblocking, energy clearing

Abre camino translates from Spanish to “road opener.” This shrub in the sunflower family is found growing in the tropical regions of Florida, Cuba, the Bahamas, and Jamaica. In the Afro-Cuban traditions of Santería, abre camino is considered one of the most powerful plants for working Magic.


You can work with this plant for colds, constipation, headache, muscle cramps, anxiety, and sore throat, and she can be consumed as a tea. But she is primarily good for urinary issues—so if you have bladder stones or a UTI, abre camino will help you through.


Abre camino clears obstacles, providing an “open road” for you to pursue your goals and dreams. Whatever has been blocking you, whether it comes from inside you or from outside forces, she will remove that block, leaving your path clear so you can reach what you desire.


Abre camino is a powerful spiritual plant who likes to be worshipped. Dreaming of abre camino is rare, but when she appears to those who are devoted to her, she comes to show what has been blocking them. In my experience, when something blocks my path or blocks the flow in my home, abre camino warns me about it by creating a high-frequency ringing in my left ear.

Place dried abre camino over your workspace or over your front door to keep the energy in your home flowing freely; if need be, you can also hang her over your bed to remove blocks in your relationship. Growing fresh abre camino inside gives your home a more peaceful and loving atmosphere.

Abre Camino Opening Pathways Floor Wash

Floor washes are powerful ways to remove unwanted influences from your home. This floor cleaner will clear your home of negativity, absorb and banish any personal obstacles that have been preventing you from moving forward, and purify your home.


4 tablespoons fresh or dried lemon balm

4 tablespoons fresh or dried pine

2 tablespoons fresh or dried rue

6 tablespoons fresh or dried abre camino (If you’re using whole plants, take a small to medium-size piece of abre camino and cut it into smaller portions.)


· Bring 4 to 6 cups of water to a boil, add all the ingredients, and allow your plants to steep for 30 minutes.

· As you’re waiting, take this time to open your windows, light a white candle, play some music that will wake up your spirit, and burn some incense.

· Sweep the entire house. Then, when your floor wash is ready, strain the steeped plants and use this to mop your floors. As you work, make sure to keep your mind free of negative thoughts, and pour your intentions into the act, using both the spirits of the plants and your own inner Magic.