How to Develop Your Relationship with Plants - The Secret Language of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

How to Develop Your Relationship with Plants
The Secret Language of Plants

Sometimes it feels as if being a “plant lover” just means participating in a social media competition about who has the most lavish and beautifully photographed collection of plants. Plants are more than just decoration. They are living beings with feelings, thoughts, language, and personality. Growing or owning a plant makes you a plant parent—you are now responsible for a living and breathing being. You are responsible for its care, love, and attention.

Don’t be intimidated by this! You don’t need to have experience with plants to be an amazing plant parent. I’ll give you plenty of practical tips on how to connect with your plants and develop a loving relationship with them. But before I do, let’s think a little more about that idea of connection.

If you’re reading this book, you likely already have a relationship with nature, or want to create one. In a world that prioritizes the appearance of things rather than the spirit of things, we tend to stop our connection at a mundane level. We go to the park and look around at the beautiful flowers and trees, maybe sit on the grass, and then that’s as far as it goes. We know that nature makes us feel better, taps into something deeply, and wakes us up from reality, but we don’t consider why or how to bring ourselves to dwell in this knowing and go beyond the surface—how to dig into the roots.

True connection is a spiritual relationship with nature. It is an intentional bond that impacts your entire life. When tapped into on this deeper level, nature fills an empty space within you that cannot be reached in any other way, because the relationship you have with the Earth is a reflection of the relationship you have with the self.

The way to cultivate this deep connection is by practicing it! These daily practices will help you create an authentic and meaningful relationship with your plants.