
Horse Magick: Spells and Rituals for Self-Empowerment, Protection, and Prosperity - Lawren Leo 2020


The beauty of magick is the thunderbolt that inspires it—the lightning that rouses the spirit to action. The French have captured this powerful and romantic concept in the elegant phrase coup de foudre, which means “stroke of lightning.” They use the phrase to describe love at first sight. Thunderbolt, love, inspiration—these are some of magick's most salient and motivational underpinnings, as well as some of life's most precious jewels.

This chapter gives you nine easy-to-use, but nonetheless powerful, spells that can draw down that thunderbolt to inform your magic when time is of the essence. They are all inspired by idioms and proverbs that center around horses. All you need to perform them is a rock or crystal, a regular playing card and/or a card from a tarot deck, and a candle (although occasionally an extra item or two may be suggested).

Before you begin one of these spells, please read it through entirely. I have designed them in simple form, but you will find that each offers challenges at its core—investigating your motives, defining your agenda, and setting your moral compass. Each is followed by helpful information that you can learn from and use in your future magickal work.

Fears and worries are often at the root of problems you are trying to resolve—like weeds slowly strangling nearby healthy plants. These nine spells can help you weed out some of these fears and worries by showing you how to pull them up by the roots. First, ask yourself why you need to perform a particular spell. By defining your goal, setting your purpose, and realizing that some type of sacrifice is necessary (e.g., time and/or energy), you will deepen your understanding of your true motivations, and ultimately your true Self. (To learn more about this process, see my book Dragonflame.)

Most of these spells involve working with lit candles. They may also require placing the candles on top of a tarot card, a regular playing card, or a piece of paper. Always remember to be careful when working with fire. I suggest placing candle(s) in a flat, shallow bowl filled with a small amount of water and setting the bowl on a heat-resistant trivet. The spells will still work if you place the trivet and bowl on top of the cards or piece of paper, rather than directly on a flammable surface.



How many times have you picked the wrong person as an employee, or for love, or for babysitting, or to fix your car? We all make decisions all day, every day. When you fear you're about to make a wrong decision, this spell can help you avoid choosing the wrong person—for any purpose—and keep you headed in the right direction.

What you need:

A white candle (taper or votive), the Knight of Cups card from a tarot deck, and a piece of citrine.


Place the Knight of Cups card centered in the middle of your altar. Place the white candle to the right of it. Place the citrine to the right of the candle. While thinking of your decision, gently place your right hand on the Knight of Cups and say:

I give you my dilemma. Is it a good or bad decision to [state

the issue]?

Light the white candle and say:

Knight of Cups, carry my decision through the flame

of discernment and leave only the truth behind

Put your right hand over the citrine and say:

I give you permission to change my mind, so I make the

correct decision

Let the candle burn out naturally. When the wax remnants are cooled, throw them in the trash. Leave the Knight of Cups and the citrine on your altar until you receive an answer. Once you do, thank the Knight of Cups as you put it back into the tarot deck. Gift the citrine to a person you feel needs it.

Why did I choose the Knight of Cups? In this spell, the Knight of Cups becomes the warden of your decision-making process. You are giving it permission to carry your decision through the flame of discernment as represented by the white candle. In this way, the dross and confusion will be burned away, leaving only the truth as represented by the citrine. The Knight of Cups often represents an invitation, or an opportunity. It also signals the element of water, water elementals (undines), emotions, and the astrological sign of Cancer. This knight's armor is not hiding rust in its interior. There is no deception, only a heartfelt desire to help you find the truth.

Why did I choose a white candle? White connotes purity, cleansing, and clarity.

Why did I choose citrine? Citrine is known for its solar properties of illumination and health. In this spell, it sheds light on the truth and may bring you a message concerning your decision in a dream or spontaneous illumination.



This spell is used mainly to break a curse, ward off black magick, block the evil eye, and protect from psychic attacks. But it can also be used to stop your enemies from getting ahead and to delay an event or business meeting. If you wake up with anxiety, or if there have been one too many negative incidents befalling you lately, or if you simply want to protect yourself from negative energies, then this spell is for you.

What you need:

A piece of clear quartz with a point sharp enough to carve wax, and one white candle (taper or votive).


Carve the number sixty-one (61) into one side of the candle. Carve a circle inside a circle on the other side to represent the evil eye. (Remember, it's the intention, not the artistic ability, that counts.) Put the candle in the middle and center of your altar and say:

Now, I stand in a ring of fire that no person, spirit, entity,

energy, or thought form can cross except those that have my

best interests at heart

Light the candle and say:

I banish all evil, evil eyes, curses, negativity, upset conditions,

black magick, psychic attacks, and opposition. Go back from

whence you came—now! So be it!

Let the candle burn out naturally and throw away the cooled remnants of wax. You can repeat this spell as often as you like, but it is especially powerful on the new and full moons.

Why did I choose a white candle? White represents nothingness within this spell. It connotes an impenetrable wall of white light that banishes all evil. White is connected to the highest and loftiest energies of our inner and outer universe.

Why did I choose the symbol of the evil eye? In this spell, and in general, it is used as an apotropaic—an amulet or symbol to ward off evil and black magick.

Why did I choose the number sixty-one? Sixty-one is based on Hebrew gematria, a system used to analyze words, names, and phrases by assigning each letter of the alphabet a numerical value. The sums of words, names, and phrases that match in numerical value hold a magickal energy or power in relationship to one another. In Hebrew, the number sixty-one holds the same numerical value as the word that means “nothing.” This number was chosen with great care to be used in this spell. Its energy annihilates everything, turning all evil that comes toward it into nothingness.



This spell is used to break your own ego or that of another, to put someone in his or her place, to even the playing field, and to banish enmity. If someone's negative actions cause you to “lose your voice,” or if your own actions are hurting you, or if you know someone who needs to be taught a lesson, this spell is for you.

What you need:

A red candle (taper or votive) and any needle sharp enough to carve into wax.


Carve the first and last name of the person you feel is causing problems up the side of the candle, starting at the bottom and heading toward the wick. (If you don't know the person's last name, the spell will still work.) Place the candle in the middle and center of your altar. Light it and say this spell three times (not two or four, but three):

A sharp needle's words of advice:

As you sew your destiny think twice.

If you slip, your finger may smart

But karma is a sword through your heart.

Let the candle burn out naturally and throw the remnants of cooled wax in the trash.

Why did I choose a red candle? Red is associated with passion, power, and blood. In this spell, its color is used to symbolize a fiery and imminent warning.

Why did I choose three times for this spell to be chanted? The number three symbolizes the women associated with the power behind this spell: the Triple Goddess, the three Fates, and the three Weird Sisters. All represent the inevitable, that which can be changed only with great effort, magick, and foresight! Three is a number of binding and of destiny.

This spell is based on the three Fates: destiny, inevitability, and fortune. It is also based on the Weird Sisters, the three witches from William Shakespeare's play Macbeth. Its power is found in this truth: Think twice; all words and deeds have consequences. Some are slightly painful—like a pinprick—while others are irreversibly devastating—like a sword through the heart. The energy of this spell acts as a warning to the person targeted. Poor Macbeth! He was warned by the Weird Sisters; if only he hadn't allowed his ego to blind him!



This spell is used to create an uncontrollable sexual urge in someone, to enhance physical attraction, and to create a romantic connection. If someone new has entered your life and you feel an instant connection but aren't sure it is shared—and if you would like to explore the possibility of a sexual relationship with that person—then this spell is for you.

What you need:

A small decorative bowl, one tumbled piece of carnelian, one tumbled piece of rose quartz, one tumbled piece of clear quartz, two cinnamon sticks, one red taper candle, and one pink taper candle (both candles should be the same size).


Place the bowl in the middle and center of your altar. Place the candles just above the bowl. Put the carnelian, rose quartz, and clear quartz crystals in the bowl. Put the cinnamon sticks over them in the shape of an “X.” Then say:

Give [name of intended recipient] an uncontrollable urge to

have sex with me. Remove all obstacles that hinder us from

being together. Let this be a starting point, a romantic connection

that would otherwise not have been

Light the red and pink candles. As you light them, think of the recipient and say:

Make me happy.

After they are both lit, say:

With all the power in me and with all my heart and soul

I, [name/magickal name], hereby send physical attraction

and love with every beat of my heart to [name of intended


Take a few moments to imagine the energy of physical attraction being sent to your recipient. Conjure an emotion of romance and love. When you feel you are finished, thank the spirits in advance. Let the candles burn out naturally and throw the remnants of cooled wax in the trash. Keep the bowl and its ingredients on your altar.

Why did I choose carnelian, rose quartz, and clear quartz? When carnelian and rose quartz are used in combination, they create a strong foundation for a love relationship. Carnelian is associated with carnal desires. Rose quartz is associated with love and friendship. Clear quartz enhances the magickal associations of the carnelian and rose quartz and creates clarity of intent.

Why did I choose cinnamon sticks? Cinnamon is associated with success and love. By placing the cinnamon sticks in the shape of an “X,” you magickally combine your energies with the recipient's energies.

Why did I choose pink and red candles? Pink and red are powerful together. They represent the fusion of love and physical attraction—the two ingredients necessary to start a successful love relationship.



This spell is used to reignite your sex life and to banish inhibitions. If your sex life has been on the rocks for a while, or perhaps is even non-existent, or if inhibitions are holding you back from enjoying a fulfilling sex life, then this spell is for you.

What you need:

A fireproof plate, cinnamon, and a red taper candle.


Put the plate in the middle and center of your altar. Center the red candle on the plate and light it. Say:

As this candle burns, so does my sex life.

Sprinkle a dash of cinnamon over the flame and candle, then say:

Sparks of life, sparks of passion, come into my life and cause a


Sprinkle another dash, then say:

Sparks of passion, sparks of life, remove all inhibitions, remove

all strife

Let the candle burn out naturally. When the wax remnants have cooled, throw them in the trash.

Why did I choose a red candle? In magick, the color red is associated with desire, strength, intense emotions, passion, sex, and lust.

Why did I choose cinnamon? The magickal associations of cinnamon are success, love, and good luck. It can also be used in conjunction with fire, or as an incense, to evoke a sense of zest and zeal that removes mild hindrances and inhibitions.



This spell is used to create and enhance fortitude, to help you stand your ground, to induce stalwart energy, and to help you stand by your decisions. If you need an extra dosage of courage or physical strength, then this spell is for you.

What you need:

The Strength card from a tarot deck (in some tarot decks, this card is number eight; in others it is number eleven), an emeraldgreen candle (taper or votive), and a piece of tumbled tiger's-eye.


Place the candle in the middle and center of your altar and light it. Place the Strength card in front of the candle and put the tiger's-eye on top of it. Let the candle burn out naturally. When the wax remnants have cooled, throw them in the trash. Put the Strength card back into the tarot deck. Wear or carry the tiger's-eye.

Why did I choose an emerald-green candle? Emerald green, or deep green, is associated with the endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth—fecundity, abundance, and vital energies.

Why did I choose a tiger's-eye? Tiger's-eye is associated with courage and strength. It attracts spirits of endurance from the astral realm.

Why did I choose the Strength card? Strength gives access to the spirits of knowledge and bravery, two skills that impart power. Knowledge relieves helplessness; bravery relieves fear. The Strength card usually bears an image of a woman taming a lion. In this spell, its energies will tame your inner lion, allowing you to use its strength at will and perform at your highest capacity.



This spell is used to set boundaries, manage impulse control, and temper anger. It can help you think before speaking, make healthy and thoughtful decisions, and communicate clearly and concisely. If you are having trouble keeping a secret, this spell is for you. If it seems you are always in a rush, especially to make it to a meeting or social gathering on time, this spell is for you.

What you need:

A blank piece of paper, something to write with, the Chariot card from a tarot deck, and a gray candle (taper or votive).


At middle and center of the paper, write your target goal, a personal attribute that you want to enhance—for example, setting boundaries, managing impulse control, tempering your anger, thinking before you speak, making healthy and thoughtful decisions, keeping secrets, containing your thoughts, or communicating more easily, concisely, or clearly. Draw a circle around your target goal. Place the gray candle on top of the paper and light it. Finish by placing the Chariot card just in front of the candle. Let the candle burn out naturally and throw the remnants of cooled wax in the trash.

Why did I choose a gray candle? Gray holds an interesting duality in magick, representing both neutrality and power. In this spell, neutral energies work in tandem with the energies of the Chariot (see below) to create boundaries within the psyche of the practitioner as well as on the astral plane.

Why did I choose the Chariot card? A large portion of the power behind this spell is found within the Hebrew letter Chet, which is assigned to this card. Chet means “fence” and is one of the Chariot's hidden meanings. The circle drawn around the target goal in this spell represents a fence. If you imagine the Chariot card as a door or portal, opening it can reveal and invite spirits or energies conducive to creating this fence and lending victory to that which it encloses. The spell acts as a key to this door. The words that you are enclosing within the circle are separated in your subconscious and automatically labeled as “important.”



This spell is used to curb impatience, control unwise spending habits, and fight addictions. Please note: There are no spells in this book that replace the help and guidance of a medical doctor and/or prescription medication. If you are suffering from the disease of addiction, please seek the help or guidance of a medical professional.

What you need:

The Devil card and the Death card from a tarot deck, a black candle (taper or votive), a piece of tumbled crackle quartz, and a medium-sized piece of black tourmaline.


Place the Devil card in the middle and center of your altar. Place the Death card on top of the Devil card at a 90° angle, creating an equal-armed cross. Put the piece of crackle quartz and black tourmaline on top of the Death card in the center. Place the black candle above both cards, centered on the Devil card, then light it.

From your heart, ask the energies and spirits that preside over the Death card to remove your burden with harm to none and for the greatest good of all (see sample prayer below). Let the candle burn out naturally and throw the remnants of cooled wax in the trash. Leave all other items for this spell on your altar for a phase of the moon or for fourteen days. After the fourteen-day cycle, return both cards to their tarot deck. You can either leave the crystals on your altar, carry them with you, or place them somewhere that holds meaning to you.

Sample prayer:

Spirit that presides over the Death card, please release me from

the burden of [addiction/anxiety/impatience, etc.] that holds

me prisoner. I open my heart to endings and to change. I open

my heart to new beginnings. I understand that being hard on

myself will only make the healing more difficult, so it is into

your hands that I surrender my control and burdens. Let them

be transformed into good energy and sent out to the universe

with harm to none and for the greatest good of all. So mote it

be. Thank you in advance

Why did I choose a black candle? The color black represents that which is negative or that which needs to be removed. In this spell, it represents your burden. As the candle burns away, your burden lessens.

Why did I choose the Devil and Death cards? The Devil card represents greed, addiction, and that which holds you prisoner. To understand this card is to understand that which has been repressed and suppressed out of fear. Paradoxically, it also represents a blessing by offering you a lesson to learn or a challenge to overcome. In this way, it acts as a dark angel. In this spell, it represents your burden and is “crossed,” or neutralized, by the Death card, which represents just that—the death of something, endings. Its meaning automatically creates new beginnings and new chances. In this spell, it is used to bring death, or an ending, to your burden(s).

Why did I choose crackle quartz and black tourmaline? Crackle quartz is used to ward off evil and to quicken or cleanse the chakras. Black tourmaline is used to remove negativity and to ground the body and mind, especially during difficult times. In this spell, their combination removes burdens and keeps them away, and helps you to regain balance.



This spell is used to win at games of chance and make money where none is to be found. If you're a gambler, if you like games of chance, or if you like to play lotto, this spell is for you.

What you need:

Four pieces of tumbled green aventurine, the nine of clubs from a deck of regular playing cards, and a bowl of your liking large enough to hold the card and the aventurine.


After you have assembled all the items needed for this spell, slowly place them on your altar (no particular arrangement is required). Sit quietly in front of your altar, surveying all that you have assembled. When you feel ready, pick up the nine of clubs and say to yourself:

Bring me good luck as quickly as possible.

Thank the card and put it in the bowl. Next, pick up all four pieces of aventurine and hold them in your dominant hand as you affirm to yourself:

Now, I channel all of your positive energies.

Thank the stones and put them in the bowl with the nine of clubs. Then place the bowl, with all your magickal items in it, in the middle and center of your altar as you say to yourself:

Bring me money where there is none to be found; let me see

the dark horse that will win. Thank you in advance

Let your “abundance bowl” stay on your altar for at least nine days and nights. Repeat on the new moon and full moon or as often as you like.

Why did I choose four pieces of green aventurine? In the Practical Qabalah, the number four can be considered a power number. It is associated with a strong foundation, Jupiter (the god of expansion and good luck), his ancient Greek counterpart, Zeus (god of the gods), and with receiving, mercy, and benevolence. It is also associated with the tarot card the Emperor, Major Arcana IV, which embodies power, the astrological force of Aries, decisiveness, authority, strength, and staying power. The number four proves itself worthy of holding energies of strength, power, and, most important, the potential to make great wealth.

Why did I choose green aventurine? Green aventurine is associated with good luck and enhancing and attracting wealth. Its spiritual vibrations can work with the heart chakra. It is here that universal and unconditional love can be found working together to attract abundance and success without creating a karmic disturbance.

Why did I choose the nine of clubs? This card, when used in divinatory work or to read fortunes, is associated with good luck, savings, abundance, and benevolence.

Why did I choose a bowl? A bowl, as a receptacle, represents that aspect of the Creator that manifests itself in the human psyche and within the universe as female, otherwise known as the Goddess or Divine Feminine. In this way, it becomes a symbol of the womb and gestation. It is a symbol of that which gives shape to life.


Leo, Lawren. Dragonflame: Tap into Your Reservoir of Power Using Talismans, Manifestation, and Visualization (Pompton Plains, NJ: New Page Books, 2014).