Equine Dreams

Horse Magick: Spells and Rituals for Self-Empowerment, Protection, and Prosperity - Lawren Leo 2020

Equine Dreams

Through study, meditation, research, and experience, I have assembled a dictionary of terms that can help you interpret your dreams in which horses play a role. Freudian, Jungian, traditional, and esoteric psychology shape the interpretations given here, which are seasoned with elements from folklore and a dash of superstition. I have also drawn heavily on my own psychic experiences and dreams involving horses to compile this reference.

For Sigmund Freud, to dream of riding a horse simply represented sexual intercourse, and this has come to dominate traditional psychology, where dreams of horses are thought to reveal repressed sexual feelings. C. G. Jung felt the horse was a positive sign closely related to the mother archetype, one related to primal drives and inner courage. A complex and multifaceted psychology geared toward finding occult and spiritual symbolism in dreams holds that dreaming of horses may mean sexual liberation, freedom in general, or something incredibly mysterious and cryptic.

Folklore and superstition from different cultures teach us that not every dream of a horse holds the same meaning. The Romans are a good example. They believed the horse was a fertility symbol, but they also saw it—as did many other cultures—as the manifestation of a messenger or guide from the spirit world, like a psychopomp, a being that led the spirits of the dead into the afterlife. In the all-important area of agricultural life, the Romans purportedly hung horse tails in sacred places with great reverence during the winter to ensure a bountiful spring.

To be gifted with an equine message is an honor and holds deep importance. Horses, revered and feared throughout history, are integral to world cultures in art and religion, from the marble horses on the ancient Greek Parthenon to drawings of horses on many of the tarot cards, including Major Arcana XIII (Death, in most traditional tarot decks). Horses permeate myths and sacred texts. Equine imagery surrounds us, and our subconscious is continuously recording our experiences with horses, from birth to death.

As humans, we innately search for meaning in life, constantly seeking answers from outside ourselves. But true meaning comes from inside us—specifically, in the form of dreams. In our dreams, therefore, horses are speaking to us. They are trying to tell us something about ourselves and the world we live in. We watch them in shows on TV and see them at the races and in contests. We take care of them and ride them for competition and enjoyment. As pets, they become our companions. On farms, they are trusted aids. Both graceful and fierce, they have inspired sculptors, painters, and poets for millennia. On a physical level, they bring emotional and mental solace through their contact and gentle interaction with humans, especially those with special needs.

In our dreams, the power the horse holds over us is magnified. In dreams, horses communicate with our core psyche—the part of us that is open to suggestion; the part that can be swayed by inner voices and images, perhaps persuading us to take a different path from the one we were sure was correct for the future. For example, the night before traveling, you may dream of a black horse. A black horse can be frightening and mean death. You awake drenched in sweat, filled with dread, and cancel your flight. And what if you dream of a white horse—an omen of peace and prosperity? If you are experiencing financial woes, this may offer a light at the end of the tunnel.

An equine dream creates a lasting connection to nature, Mother Earth, and our primal instincts. But dreams have many layers, and we must interpret them with care. To dream of a lone horse cantering through a field of lush, green grass can mean what it most immediately evokes: freedom and a complete surrender to passion. But it can also be a sign that a spirit guide is contacting you, a shamanic omen. In this case, it can be a deeply significant emblem of personal empowerment. To determine which of these it may be, you must make yourself aware of your dreams and heed their meanings. If a horse comes to you in a dream, consider it an honor. For it does so of its own free will.

It takes some effort to make the best use of this dictionary. I strongly suggest writing your dreams down in a journal and reading them over to analyze them. Make it a habit to sleep with a pen and paper, in any form, next to you. As soon as you awaken from a dream, jot down everything you can remember. Write as many details as possible:

· Where did the dream take place?

· Was it day? Night? Early morning? Sunset?

· Who was in the dream? Only you? Family? Lover(s)? Friends? Strangers? Aliens?

· What and how did you feel in the dream? Were you angry? Sad? Lonely? Happy? Did you feel delight? Passion? Did your dream body hurt? Were you in pain or limping? Were you in total health? Could you fly?

· What were you thinking, if anything? Was your mind confused or clear? Were you trying to focus on one or multiple images or topics?

Once you are wide awake, go back to your journal entry and fill in the blanks. Write an analysis of each person and thing in your dream, imagining that they are all clear to you, even though they may be a secret reflection of some hidden aspect of yourself. Then, summarize what you think your dream means. End by recording the day, month, and year of the dream.

The more you journal, the more you tell your subconscious mind that you honor its messages. In turn, you will have more detailed, more significant dreams. Some dreams may even be lucid or prophetic.

Here are a couple tips. My mentor once told me that, to interpret a dream correctly, you should use only one dreaminterpretation book, because, if you use too many, you can confuse your psyche. Choose one you like and trust it! This is an act of empowerment. You are bringing this book into your magickal sphere. In return, it will automatically align with your psyche, your subconscious, and your personal dreamscape.



You can also bring a personal dream horse into your magickal sphere. It can be any breed, shape, size, or color. It can even have wings or a unicorn's horn. Give it a golden tail, a lilac mane, fiery eyes—whatever you like. This horse is destined to become a part of your secret magickal mind. It can bring you solace, reveal the future, open doors to occult information, or simply help you escape your everyday life and take you on a midnight dream ride. Determine what your dream horse looks like, give it a name, and, before you go to bed, tell it what you want by writing a wish on a piece of paper. Put the paper under your pillow, and chant this spell three times:

Come to me, oh dream horse mine,

Through the veil where there's no time!

Carry me now throughout the night;

Be my ride and give me sight.

Watch over me, talk to me, clearly and true;

Forever come fast when I call on you.

Sweet dreams,

Lawren Leo



apple: To dream of an apple connotes that knowledge concerning love and the occult will soon enter your life. To dream of eating an apple means you will have an epiphany concerning love, writing, and the occult. To dream of a horse or horses eating apples means that your love spell will work soon. It also means that a lover will enter your life soon.

barn: To dream of a barn connotes good luck and success.

barn fire: To dream of a barn on fire or collapsing is a sign of bankruptcy and financial failure.

bit: To dream of a bit means fear of failure. You are doing something to hold yourself back from realizing your fullest potential. Stop accepting a role where you always take second place.

blacksmith: A dream about a blacksmith connotes that a hidden strength will be awakened that will allow you to accomplish a difficult task successfully. It also means that you possess a special understanding of horses. It can also symbolize inner strength, good luck, prosperity, and connection with Mother Earth and nature.

blinkers: A dream about blinkers connotes narrow-mindedness and a sheltered life.

boots, cowboy: To dream of cowboy boots connotes a connection to nature. They are an omen of adventure entering your life. If they have spurs, the adventure will not be pleasant, but will result in good fortune. If they don't, the adventure will be pleasant and will result in wisdom gained from experience.

boots, English riding (leather, knee-high): To dream of wearing leather riding boots connotes that good luck in a long-term, successful love relationship is coming your way. To see leather riding boots connotes wisdom in a difficult situation.

bow string: To dream of a bow strung with hair from a horse's tail connotes an end to problems and better communication. It also means that beauty and harmony are around the corner.

breed and/or registry papers: These papers connote news of an adoption or news of a long-lost relative.

calf-roping: To dream of watching calf-roping means that you feel helpless and vulnerable. To dream that you are roping calves means that you are taking away someone's innocence or taking advantage of someone in a vulnerable situation.

carrot: To dream of a carrot connotes that a new business venture will present itself soon, and that it will be too good to be true. To eat a carrot connotes health. To dream of a horse or horses eating carrots means that you will have digestive problems.

centaur, female (centaurides): To dream of a female centaur connotes that you will look more youthful and that your physical appearance will grow more beautiful. If you dream of two or more, beware gossip among women.

centaur, male: To dream of a male centaur connotes that you must beware of an impending sexual assault. It also means that a romantic situation may turn physically abusive.

centaur, young: To dream of a young centaur connotes a capricious heart.

chaps: A dream about chaps connotes emotional resilience. It also means a time of celibacy. On the darker side, it means a temporary state of inceldom (“incel”—a person unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one).

chariot: A dream about driving a chariot connotes taking control of your destiny. If you dream of seeing someone in a chariot, your destiny is being blocked by another. If you dream of an empty chariot, it is an omen of wasting time.

coach, carriage: A dream about a coach or carriage means you will soon receive a marriage proposal or have good fortune in your love life.

colt (young male horse): A dream about a young male horse connotes playfulness. It also means physical brawls. (See filly for young female horse.)

corn: To dream of corn growing healthy in a field means wealth. In general, corn is auspicious. To dream of a horse eating corn, or feeding corn to a horse, means that you will become prosperous. To dream of rotting or unhealthy corn means a loss in finances.

cowboy, gaucho: To dream of a cowboy or gaucho, or to dream of being a cowboy or gaucho, means you are in the process of stopping romantic feelings that are getting out of control. It connotes regaining control over your life in general. It also means a desire to be alone in order to regain control over your life and emotions.

crop: A dream about a crop connotes a fiery form of discipline that you are using on others. You are a victim of or are using sexual manipulation. It can also connote an increase in willpower and a short respite from laziness. If you are disciplined with a crop you will suffer humiliation and insult.

currycomb: A dream about this type of comb, used for grooming when the horse is particularly dirty or shedding, may mean that you are surrounded by annoying people and events that are very difficult to remove from your life.

donkey: To dream of riding a donkey connotes a difficult journey ahead. To dream of a donkey itself connotes stubbornness and a need for humility.

equestrian vaulting/dancing: To dream about equestrian dancing or vaulting connotes successfully accomplishing a seemingly impossible task.

falconry: To practice falconry on horseback connotes power, knowledge, superior ideas. It can also mean an auspicious dream.

farrier: See blacksmith.

feedbag: To dream of the leather or canvas bag attached over a horse's muzzle for feeding can have several meanings. An empty feedbag connotes sickness and a loss of money. A feedbag full of grain connotes good luck and temporarily appeasing business matters and business partners.

fence: To dream of a fence connotes a barrier. If you find the gate and pass through, you will find success. To jump over a fence means that you will find a way over barriers and obstacles in a sly manner. If it is a fence that you have put up, it means that you have strong boundaries and protection. To dream of horses enclosed behind a fence means your sexual energies are being kept under control for later use. To dream of horses or a horse escaping a fenced-in area or jumping over a fence means that your sexual energies are out of control, but that you will find a creative outlet that will help you succeed. See also horse, stum-bling over a jump and show jumping.

filly (young female horse): To dream about a young female horse connotes playfulness. It also means gossip. (See colt for young male horse.)

fine harness horse: To watch fine harness horses connotes buying new, elegant clothing. It also means an increase in mature conversations. To drive a fine harness horse connotes new friends in high places and an increase in confidence and prosperity. To remove the harness connotes that time for reflection is needed to assess the situation further.

foal (horse of either sex, less than one year old): To dream of a foal connotes playfulness and unexplored abilities. It also means shirking responsibilities and, in certain situations, can represent codependence.

foxhunting: To dream you are in a fox hunt connotes that you must beware of deceit from a person close to you. To dream of a fox being killed is an omen of ill fortune.

gelding: Aside from feelings of emasculation in general, a dream about a gelding specifically represents rejection by a potential romantic partner—unrequited love.

glue: To dream of a horse glue factory connotes that dreadful news will soon be revealed. To dream of glue connotes the feeling of inadequacy to make relationships stick.

grain: (See millet.)

grass: To dream of green grass connotes wealth and vitality. If it needs to be mowed or if you are mowing it, you will reorganize the business and financial aspects of your life soon. If a horse or horses are eating grass and there is an abundance of it, you will experience fulfillment in your life. If a horse or horses are eating grass and there is not an abundance of it, you will experience hardships in life.

halter: A dream about a halter may mean that your spirit guide wants to lead you.

hay: To dream of burning hay connotes bad luck. (See timothy grass or hay.)

helmet, riding: A dream about a riding helmet can connote protection from what you believe is vulnerable. Also, protection from mental illnesses and anxiety.

hoof: To dream of a horse's hoof or hooves connotes insight, wealth, and pleasant messages. If the hoof or hooves are unhealthy, it means the opposite.

hops: To dream of hops connotes finding the core issue of health problems, both physical and emotional. To dream of drinking hops—via beer, tincture, or tea—means you will learn how to heal yourself naturally without traditional medication. To dream of a horse or horses eating hops connotes extra vitality and stability.

horse: A dream about a horse means freedom, strength, vitality, and a surge in psychic abilities.

horse (asleep standing): A dream about a sleeping horse standing up connotes an important issue is being ignored. If the horse is lying on its side sleeping, this increases the importance of the issue.

horse (attacking, biting, chasing): To dream that a horse is chasing or trying to attack you connotes suppressed emotions that are starting to surface. To dream you are being chased by a white horse means you are running away from financial duties and career responsibilities. To dream you are being chased by a black horse means fear of growing old and fear of death. To dream a horse is biting you connotes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and can also be a warning to question your actions regarding a serious situation.

horse (battlefield): To dream of a horse or horses on a battlefield connotes grief and struggle. If you are on a horse in battle, you will soon encounter a lawsuit. It also means that you view life as a never-ending struggle.

horse (being thrown from): Falling off or being thrown from a horse connotes discomfort, both emotional and sometimes physical. (See horse, white and horse, black, bucking.)

horse (black): A black horse represents freedom, perhaps even freedom from the earthly plane. A dream about a black horse is an omen of illness or death. If you dream you are riding a black horse that is walking, it is a warning to watch your spiritual, mental, emotional, and/or physical health. If you dream you are riding a black stallion that is walking, you have control over your sex drive. If the horse is trotting or cantering, you will experience a newly found power. If it is galloping, you are sure to be handed a life-changing opportunity.

horse (black, bucking): If you dream you are riding a black horse that is bucking and don't fall off, it means that you will fall ill, but eventually recuperate. If you fall, the illness will be severe.

horse (bolting): A bolting horse connotes a loss of impulse control. If you dream you are on a horse and it bolts, it means you are allowing yourself to be carried away by your passions and impulses. There may be difficulties in your near future.

horse (castration): To dream of a horse being castrated connotes an enemy gaining power over you. It also means a loss of power and repressed feelings, and is an overall ill portent.

horse (circus): To dream of a horse in a circus means you are surrounded by two-faced individuals and gossip.

horse (cooling down): A dream about a horse cooling down is a signal to slow down, stop worrying, and take care of yourself. It also means preparing for retirement or the need to prepare for retirement. It connotes a time of repose after hard work.

horse (cribbing): To dream of a horse cribbing (“crib biting”) connotes sexual frustration, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive behavior. It can also be a warning that you are about to choose a romantic partner out of desperation.

horse (dead): This is a sure sign of illness, especially emotional. If you see flies on the horse, it represents mental anguish.

horse (eye): A horse's eye can be an omen that someone is stalking you and accessing intimate portions of your life, especially via social media. It also represents a cheating lover.

horse (feral): A feral horse is the descendant of domesticated horses, whereas a wild horse comes from a lineage that has never been domesticated. To dream of a single feral horse running free connotes issues with impulse control. It also means you will soon have an epiphany. To dream of a herd of feral horses connotes an encounter, either pleasant or unpleasant, with your wild or darker side. It also means you will have an unexpected epiphany related to your sexual orientation.

horse (fighting): To dream of two horses fighting connotes confusion with sexual identity. If you fight with the horse, it means you are thinking of committing a crime that will lead to misfortune.

horse (foaling/giving birth): To dream of a horse giving birth connotes uplifting others with a positive attitude. It also means inner confidence and productive endeavors.

horse (gray): A gray horse connotes obstacles.

horse (in a petting zoo): A dream about a horse in a petting zoo connotes emotional security and comfort. If you are not petting the horses/ponies and are a bystander, it can indicate feelings of inadequacy stemming from childhood abuse or from being bullied.

horse (in a stall): To dream of a horse in a stall connotes an increase in willpower and self-discipline.

horse (in armor): A dream about a horse in armor connotes low self-esteem, especially centered around feelings of sexual inade-quacy. It is an ill portent.

horse (lame): A lame horse can indicate a change of career, not necessarily for the better. It also connotes loneliness. Riding a lame, wounded, or limping horse foretells an unfortunate encounter with a lawyer, police, or law enforcement.

horse (lying down): To dream of a horse lying down connotes a short respite from burdens and a short standstill in your sex life.

horse (manure, feces): To dream of horse manure is always auspicious. To smell or touch horse manure also connotes good fortune and money.

horse (mating): To dream of two horses mating connotes a strong or renewed sex drive.

horse (mounting): To dream of mounting a horse with confidence means you will soon advance at work. To dream of another mounting your horse against your will connotes conjugal infidelity.

horse (nipple): A horse's nipple can connote stability, peace, and contentment. It also means news of a pregnancy.

horse (passing gas): To dream about a horse passing gas connotes release of evil and negativity.

horse (penis): To dream of a horse with a large penis connotes gaining stature. To dream of a small penis means the opposite. To dream of touching a horse's penis connotes a lack of affection. To dream of a misshapen penis connotes someone coming into your life as a lover, but under false pretenses (usually for money or to obtain a higher social status). To dream of a penis that is branching or growing more than one tip connotes fertility and having children. It could also mean pregnancy and foals of horses you own or know.

horse (performing dressage): To dream of a horse performing dressage or riding a horse and performing dressage connotes refining skills. To dream of winning a dressage competition connotes refining skills enough to surpass all obstacles and to achieve great success.

horse (plowing): To dream about a horse with a plow connotes help in business matters after a time of hard work. It can also mean luck in sales and that recognition will come after hard work.

horse (rearing): A rearing horse connotes anxiety and health issues connected with the central nervous system.

horse (red or sorrel): A red or sorrel horse connotes receiving awards.

horse (riding): Riding a horse in a dream can mean a release from burdens.

horse (rolling over on you): To dream of a horse rolling over on you while riding it connotes a financial and romantic loss. If you remount successfully, it connotes you will recover and be even better than before.

horse (rubbing against a fence): To dream of a horse rubbing against a fence, or to dream of a horse rubbing its mane or tail against a fence, connotes discomfort, anxiety, or illness.

horse (running toward you): A dream about a horse running toward you connotes a person or people coming to you for advice.

horse (running wild in an open field): A dream about a horse running wild in an open field connotes that all obstacles that are preventing you from obtaining a special goal, especially one connected with freedom, will be removed.

horse (semen): To dream of horse semen connotes money and lust. The more semen, the more money and the stronger the feeling of lust.

horse (shape-shifting): A dream about a shape-shifting horse is a gift from Horse Spirit indicating the success of your spellwork.

horse (shod): To see a shod horse, to shoe a horse, or to see one being shod connotes obstacles and bad luck.

horse (shooting): To shoot a horse means that you will soon end a relationship.

horse (slaughtered): To dream of killing a horse or seeing a horse slaughtered in a dream is an ill omen and means financial problems. It can also mean that you are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

horse (spooked or shying): To dream of riding a horse that is frightened or spooked means that you will need to make a sudden move in your living situation. If you are leading a horse and it shies, or if you see a horse shy, you or your lover will change your mind about maintaining loyalties. It can also mean a shift in consciousness, or a change of personal philosophy.

horse (stepping on you): To dream of being accidentally stepped on by a horse connotes a broken heart. To dream that a horse accidentally steps on your toe and breaks it connotes a delay in plans, especially finance and love.

horse (stumbling over a jump): To dream of a horse stumbling over a jump connotes financial loss and that a long-awaited project will be jeopardized. (See show jumping and fence.)

horse (swimming): To dream of a horse swimming connotes anxiety and problems with the law. To dream of swimming with a horse or riding a horse through water connotes pleasure and ecstasy.

horse (teeth): To dream of a horse's tooth or teeth connotes the foretelling of your death or news of a death or loss.

horse (tomb of): A dream about a horse's tomb connotes that you are about to venture into parts of your sexuality that you have kept buried.

horse (urine): To dream of a horse urinating on you connotes joy and pleasure. To watch a horse urinate connotes a release of sexual repression.

horse (vagina): If you are a female and dream of a horse's vagina it means that you will or would like to use your sexuality/sex to get ahead and for power over others. If you are a male and dream of a horse's vagina it means that you try to avoid sex out of fear of low self-esteem. To dream of touching a horse's vagina connotes sexual needs unfulfilled.

horse (white): White horses indicate that an increase in love, finances, and/or career is in sight. If you dream of a white horse in a snowy landscape, however, spiritual help is on the way. If you dream you are riding a white horse, you will hear news of a marriage or engagement, or will be married or engaged in the near future. It also means stability in love, health, finances, or career. Riding a white horse that is bucking and not falling off means that you will successfully face known and unknown troubles, but only after a brief spate of anxiety. If you fall, the troubles will become more severe and may turn into losses.

horse (winning a competition): A horse winning a competition connotes recognition and fulfillment of desires, or abundance and prosperity. It also means emotional restoration and self-confidence.

horse auction: To dream of bidding at a horse auction connotes having a hard time moving ahead and feeling as if you should give up on your sex life. It also means problems and confusion with people in general.

horse racing (Ban'ei): To dream of watching Ban'ei racing (a type of Japanese horse racing in which draft horses pull heavy sleds) means that there are many burdened, hardworking people around you. To dream of being in a Ban'ei race means that your courage and will to live will be tested to their breaking point, but not without reward.

horse racing (Thoroughbred): To dream of watching a horse race connotes a strong sense of competition in your immediate trajectory for success, love, or improvement in any aspect of life. To dream of being in a horse race connotes being at the center of competition in work or love, and strong ambition. It can also mean fighting for your health.

horseball: To dream of watching horseball connotes good news from financial institutions and important groups of men. To dream you are playing horseball successfully connotes good luck with stocks, cryptocurrency, and foreign markets. To dream you are playing horseball unsuccessfully connotes competition, loss of finances, and losing your spouse or romantic partner to a man, not a woman.

horsefly: To dream of a horsefly connotes mental anguish over one particular problem.

horseshoe: A dream about a horseshoe can mean it is a good time to gamble. If the ends are up, it represents good luck. But if the ends point down, it represents bad luck. It can also connote protection from thievery because of the magickal, apotropaic properties of iron.

horseshoes (the game): Dreaming about the game of horseshoes can mean a setback in business and career if you lose, a windfall in business and career if you win. If you are watching the game, you desire success in business, but it is presently out of reach.

jousting: Jousting connotes a battle of the wills, especially in a romantic and sexual relationship. It also means trying to win over the heart of a man or woman.

knight: If you are a woman and you dream of a white knight, it is a portent of good news involving a long-awaited love. If you are a gay or pansexual man, it holds the same meaning. If you are a heterosexual man, it means you are challenging yourself to be a hero and more courageous in matters of love. If you dream of a black knight, it holds the reverse for all meanings of the white knight. Seeing a knight in armor connotes travel and adventure. If you are wearing armor, it connotes temporary protection from financial and health problems.

mailman: To dream of a mailman delivering mail on horseback means that you will soon hear news from a loved one. To speak with a mailman delivering mail on horseback means that you will be the one to reach out to a loved one.

mane: A dream of a horse's mane can indicate a fear of growing old. It also connotes reminiscence over childhood phases in your life. To dream of trimming a mane connotes separation, divorce, and abandonment.

mane (braided): To dream of a braided mane prepared for show connotes success in modeling, acting, speaking in front of a crowd, or any public presentation or career.

mane (roaching or hogging): To dream of shaving or roaching a mane connotes obstacles removed that have been preventing success and popularity.

mare: A dream about a mare means that your feminine side is ready to be nurtured at a controlled pace. It indicates creativity and gentle force.

mare (pregnant): A dream about a pregnant mare means that your feminine side is ready to present creativity and new ideas. It also connotes meeting new friends.

mare (with foal or foals): To dream of a mare with her foal/foals connotes strong protection from the mother goddess and protection from enemies, especially neighbors that may wish you ill.

mare's milk: Mare's milk connotes sustenance, wealth, and good luck. If it is sour, it can mean bad luck, illness, and bad news. To dream of drinking mare's milk connotes victory in any battle. To dream of milking a mare connotes that problems with digestion and bones will improve. To serve mare's milk means that you will be volunteering for a good cause. To see a friend drink mare's milk means that person will be your ally and help you overcome an enemy or enemies. To see an enemy drink mare's milk means defeat in any battle.

meadow: To dream of a beautiful, open meadow connotes that all obstacles are removed and protracted moments of peace. To dream of a dried-up meadow connotes depression about your current state of affairs, with no prospect of enjoyment in the near future. It is an omen that it is time for you to move on from a stale or stagnant career and/or relationship.

millet: To dream of scattering millet to feed farm stock connotes that extra effort will be needed in business and in love. To dream of millet shells connotes bad luck and sadness concerning children, especially daughters. To dream of growing millet connotes an increase in love, health, and wealth.

molasses: To dream of molasses connotes confusion with love. To dream of eating molasses or being served molasses means that you will soon make a decision regarding love. It also means generosity from next-door neighbors.

mule: To dream of riding a mule connotes safe travels. To dream of a mule itself connotes good news from afar.

neigh: In dreams, neighing warns of imminent danger.

oats: To dream of eating oats means you will have a full recovery soon. It also connotes happiness and health. To dream of feeding oats to another person means that you will play an important part in the recuperation process of someone close to you—someone whose feelings toward you may not be reciprocated. To dream of feeding oats to a horse or horses means that you will bond with your horse or a new horse. It also means that you will derive pleasure from Mother Earth and being in nature.

paddock: To dream of a horse paddock connotes letting go of something lesser in order to achieve something greater, for it is a sacrifice to give up a part of the pasture to make a proper paddock. It also means you will soon receive a gift of money.

Pegasus: Pegasus is symbolic of inspiration and wisdom. A dream about him may mean that an important decision will present itself shortly, or that you will resolve a question to which you already have the answer.

polo: To dream of watching a polo match connotes rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. To dream of being in a polo match connotes long-distance travel, foreigners, and success in new endeavors.

racetrack: To dream about a racetrack connotes that you view life as a competition and are entering a time of stress. Look into stress management in order to move forward and win at the game of life.

reins: A dream that involves reins means that you are taking charge of your destiny by becoming a co-creator with the universe. It also connotes spiritual awareness and enlightenment. It can also show that increased responsibilities will lead to success.

riding (bareback): To dream of riding a white horse bareback connotes success in love, health, or career after a struggle. To dream of riding a black horse bareback connotes a long recuperation from a broken heart or from a mental, emotional, or physical illness. (see horse, white and horse, black).

riding (naked): Riding naked connotes the necessity to confront your sexual desires honestly, especially about a specific person.

riding (side-saddle): Riding side-saddle connotes that old fashioned values are interfering with your love life.

riding (trail): To dream of riding a horse solo or with a group on a trail ride connotes recuperation from illness, relaxation, and that you will soon develop a deeper connection to Mother Earth and nature. It also connotes continued success in business, especially the retail industry.

riding arena or ring: To see a riding arena (schooling ring for horse riding) in a dream or to be in a riding arena in a dream can connote an increase in self-discipline and a big change or move coming into your life.

rocking horse (curved rockers or iron straps): To see a rocking horse in a dream means you are confronting suppressed feelings of sexuality. It also means sexual frustration and the need to be comforted. To dream of riding a rocking horse connotes embracing your sexuality and self-comfort. It also means your insomnia will soon be healed, perhaps through prescribed medication. In addition, it can indicate winning at the races, especially horse races, but not without an emotional price.

rodeo: To dream of watching a rodeo means that people around you (business partners, family, friends) are beginning to take control of their lives. To dream that you are in a rodeo means that you will begin taking control of your life and experience fewer difficulties.

saddle: A saddle is an omen that your life will improve shortly. To dream of a saddle connotes taking back control over a situation. To dream you are lifting, carrying, or putting a saddle on a horse means that you are “saddled” with burdens.

saddle (English): To dream of an English saddle means you will successfully start a new business. To dream of riding a horse with an English saddle means that you will start a new adventure soon. It also means to be cautious of judgmental people.

saddle (Western): To dream of a Western saddle means that you will shortly embark on a long-term goal. To dream of riding a horse with a Western saddle means that you will successfully reach your goal after building it slowly and confidently.

Sagittarius (constellation): To dream of the astrological sign of Sagittarius connotes that adventure and affection will soon be entering your life. If you are an equestrian, you will soon change horse instructors. It also means that someone will soon give you valuable advice.

salt lick: A salt lick connotes that you will soon receive or give wise advice. To dream of a horse at a salt lick is an omen of ill-health. It also means your system is lacking necessary minerals. To dream you are tasting or licking the salt is an omen of good health and that your wish will soon be granted.

Samurai riding a horse: To dream that you are a Samurai riding a horse means that you will successfully strategize a difficult task or project. It also connotes loyalty, usually in business or partnership, but also romantically.

seahorse: Seahorses connote that a new love will soon be entering your life. They also mean that you will meet someone with whom you will have a deep and profound emotional connection. Beware loneliness.

show hunter: To dream of watching show-hunter horses connotes strategic thinking. To dream that you are showing a horse connotes that you are in a situation that demands further analysis and strategy before acting.

show jumping: Show jumping connotes the proper use of power and discernment. It can also mean using your wisdom to understand when people are abusing their power. To dream of successfully going over a jump connotes that abundance will quickly manifest in your life. (See horse, stumbling over a jump and fence.)

snicker: A horse snickering connotes getting in touch with that part of you that wants to give you confidence, strength, and power.

snort: A horse snorting connotes getting in touch with that part of you that wants to give you an important message concerning friendship, travel, love, or business.

spurs: A dream involving spurs connotes ambition, cruelty, and motivation.

stables: Stables represent sexual repression and suppression. They can also connote contained libido and the beginning of a sexual awakening.

stallion: See horse, black.

stirrup: Stirrups indicate that you will be offered help in your career. They can also connote motivation.

tack room: To dream that you are in a tack room or a dream of horse tack itself connotes a desire for control over impulses.

tail (braided for show): To dream of a braided tail prepared for show means that you will do well on upcoming scholastic tests.

tail (docked): To dream of a tail cut short, right below the natural dock, so as not to be caught in the trappings of the harness when driving (not to be confused with the inhumane practice of cutting the muscle of the dock for esthetic effect), means obstacles will be removed that have been preventing you from success in farming, real estate, agriculture, and gardening.

tail (free flowing): A horse with a free-flowing tail indicates protection, good luck—especially in romance and physical health—and marriage. To trim a tail connotes abandonment by friends. It also means military embarrassment. (See mane.)

timothy (grass or hay): To dream of timothy grass or hay connotes success in business and money. To dream of horses eating timothy hay or grass connotes that investments will pay off in time.

trough: To dream of a trough filled with fodder or water connotes that wealth is close at hand. To dream of a white horse, or a horse of any color other than black, eating or drinking from a trough means wealth is at hand and that you will be victorious over enemies. To dream of a black horse eating or drinking from a trough means a loss in finances and that your enemies are conspiring behind your back.

twitch: If you are using a twitch—most often a rope or leather cord used to clamp the horse's upper lip as an aid in handling and disciplining—it is a sure sign that you are afraid of your sexuality. If you see someone using a twitch, it is a sign that you are grappling with issues of social injustice, racism, and sexism.

unicorn: To dream of a unicorn connotes overall health, successful medical treatment(s), and successful surgeries. If the unicorn comes to you, it is a sure sign of fame and success. If you dream you are riding a unicorn, you will soon enter a long-term, successful love relationship.

whinny: Whinnying connotes getting in touch with that part of you that wants to give a warning concerning friendship, travel, love, or business.

winged horse: To dream of any winged horse connotes kundalini rising. It also means putting your sexual energy to use in a pragmatic, meaningful way. (See Pegasus.)


Secondary sources

Freud, Sigmund. The Interpretation of Dreams, trans. A. A. Brill (Digireads.com Publishing, 2017).

Jung, C. G. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, trans. R. F. C. Hull, 2nd ed. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1981).

————. Dreams, trans. R. F. C. Hull, rev. ed. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010).

Rich, Janet Bubar. Riding on Horses' Wings: Reimagining Today's Horse for Tomorrow's World (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2016).