The Apocalyptic Horse

Horse Magick: Spells and Rituals for Self-Empowerment, Protection, and Prosperity - Lawren Leo 2020

The Apocalyptic Horse

Who will hear the final scrape of an impatient horse's hoof or the last pounding thuds of a galloping herd? The powerful imagery of the four horsemen who usher in the messages foretelling the end of time in the Apocalypse of John has captivated sinners and saints since the time it was written. “When the sun goes black, the moon turns red, the stars fall from the sky, and the earth shakes violently,” John writes, “the end of time and the final judgment of God are at hand” [Rev. 6].

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

“Apocalypse” is the Greek word for the Latin word for “revelation”—the name of the book placed at the end of the Bible. John—not to be confused with the author of the Gospel of John—received these visions, which were meant to give comfort at the time he wrote of them, likely under the persecution of Christians during the reigns of Roman Emperors Domitian (b. 51, r. 81—96 CE) and Nero (b. 37, r. 54—68 CE).

In his vision, John sees four symbolic horses: a white horse whose rider holds a bow and arrow; a red horse whose rider holds a huge sword; a black horse whose rider holds a pair of scales; and a pale horse named Death, “with Hades following at its heels.” Many famous theologians and seers have proposed a bewildering range of esoteric interpretations of this vision, but none so intriguing as that of American psychic and author Edgar Cayce (1877—1945). His own visions concerning this biblical text reveal that it does not relate to the end of the world or a series of events, but rather preserves an encrypted message for human transformation.

For Cayce, the Apocalypse is a complex metaphor that applies to the next stage of human evolution—the end of homo sapiens. (The evolutionary change that ushered in homo sapiens took place around 300,000 years ago with the relative decline and extinction of homo erectus and homo Heidelbergensis.) In the next stage of evolution, Cayce predicts revolutionary alterations for all physical and spiritual components of the body, and he interprets the four horsemen as part of this monumental change. Specifically, he claims they stand for the four animal emotions that humanity will need to conquer and control in order for this transformation to take place. He envisions the opening of all chakras, or energy centers, in the human body, which will permit a mental awakening. This will, in turn, lead to a spiritual and psychic awakening.

Edgar Cayce interpreted the Apocalypse in his role as a psychic. In that same role, I believe and predict that the gift of telepathy—mental communication—is part of the dynamic process he describes. One of the greatest motivators for this transformation to take place can be summed up in one sentence: It's faster for humans to communicate telepathically. This desire alone, which is subconscious in people throughout the world, will eventually catapult humankind into their next stage of development. This spell builds on Cayce's interpretation of the Apocalypse, but emphasizes heightened speed for personal evolution.



For this spell, I choose to invoke Kali, the Hindu Goddess of destruction and rebirth, and the fourth “pale” horse from the Apocalypse, which symbolizes death. These two powerful forces work with the central “nervous system” that controls all four levels of existence—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Working with them can bring you into an unknown, yet anticipated, fifth level of existence—one in which humans will be able to communicate telepathically.

Kundalini, the great and secret serpent that is coiled at the base of the spine, is the spark of life in human and animal matter. Humans can “force” it to rise through the seven main chakras, breaking the “seal” of each, to help us evolve. Cayce parallels this to the biblical description of an angel opening the seals on a book. The outcome may include mind-reading, enhanced psychic ability, astral travel, and an understanding that there are more than three dimensions.

What you need:

A calm and open mind.


Sit in a comfortable position in your favorite chair. Enter into silent meditation for a short period of time. Now bring your attention to your mind's eye. Try to live within your mind's eye by imagining your entire physical body present in the area known as the brow chakra. Try to lose the sensation of the outline of your physical body and what you are sitting on. Now bring the sensation of your physical body into the brow chakra.

Begin to visualize a golden orb (known as the Self in psychology and philosophy). Sit at its center. Open yourself to the possibility of evolving into the next stage of humanity. Leave this as defined or as ambiguous as you like.

Come out of the silence. Recite the following spell with conviction, using this holy and powerful Sanskrit mantra: Om Kali Ma. It banishes negativity on all levels, leaving room for the next stage of your development to occur:

Great Mother Kali, goddess of destruction and rebirth, I call

on your energies

Ride to me on the fourth horse of the Apocalypse, which is

pale as death

I am not afraid! Destroy my old self and disperse my ego, and

I will be reborn

I seek to experience truth beyond human ego—

Om Kali Ma!

Chi, pure energy, break the seal of my root chakra—

Om Kali Ma!

Chi, pure energy, break the seal of my sacral chakra—

Om Kali Ma!

Chi, pure energy, break the seal of my solar plexus chakra—

Om Kali Ma!

Chi, pure energy, break the seal of my heart chakra—

Om Kali Ma!

Chi, pure energy, break the seal of my throat chakra—

Om Kali Ma!

Chi, pure energy, break the seal of my brow chakra—

Om Kali Ma!

Chi, pure energy, break the seal of my crown chakra—

Om Kali Ma!

Kundalini, Great and Secret Serpent, Rise!

It is time for the next stage, a new age—

Om Kali Ma!


Secondary sources

Cayce, Edgar. The Book of the Revelation: A Commentary Based on a Study of Twenty-Three Psychic Discourses by Edgar Cayce (Virginia Beach, VA: A. R. E. Press, 1969).

Todeschi, Kevin J. Edgar Cayce on Soul Symbolism: Creating Life Seals, Aura Charts, and Understanding the Revelation (Virginia Beach, VA:Yazdan Publishing, 2015).

Van Auken, John. Edgar Cayce on the Revelation: A Study Guide for Spiritualizing Body and Mind (New York: Sterling, 2005).