Crystal skulls - Crystal Applications

Crystals: How to Use Crystals and Their Energy to Enhance Your Life (Hay House Basics) - Judy Hall 2015

Crystal skulls
Crystal Applications

Crystal skulls have taken on an aura of magic and mystery like no other crystal artefacts. They can be amazing tools for personal and planetary evolution if used with the right intention and metaphysical care.

Skulls in the modern world

Some of the crystal skulls around today are claimed to be ancient artefacts assisting the evolution of humankind. They are said to be between 5,000 and 30,000 years old, remnants of the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. Others are modern copies that can be activated for communication and guidance.

The ancient skulls are believed to be making themselves known again to share their wisdom. However, their keepers emphasize that this will only happen once humankind has evolved sufficiently to understand the spiritual implications. In the meantime, keepers with appropriate training and sensitivity communicate with the skulls and pass on their messages. But you can work with modern skulls and receive insights for yourself.

Traditionally, skulls are of Clear Quartz, but they need not be. They are now being carved in just about every known crystal and every size and shape. Not only human skulls are available — skulls of dragons and other animals abound.

Each mineral brings a particular quality to the skull. My Lapis Lazuli dragon skull is attuned to the highest wisdom, while my Smoky Quartz skull works with Earth healing. My Sedona Stone head positively zings with energy, and my Agate skull takes great delight in pricking bubbles of pretentiousness. Its message is ’Get real.’ Try out several skulls before settling on yours.

Also, as with all things esoteric and crystal, remember that discrimination and common sense are needed when interacting with the skulls. It cannot be assumed that the beings inhabiting them are necessarily working for the highest good, nor should it be taken for granted that all is as it seems. Not all the guidance is of the highest quality. There may be trickery and deception as well. You may be told what you want to hear and, like all crystals, skulls can only work at the level of your vibrations. So, check out your skull carefully before believing all that is imparted.

Case history: Meeting the skulls

There is no denying, however, the seductive qualities of crystal skulls and the impact they have on your spiritual evolution. I met my first one in 1976 in the Museum of Mankind in London. I stood entranced in front of it for two hours while viewing the far past. It felt as though only a few minutes had gone by. However, it was many years before I purchased my first skull. Now I have a growing conclave. They enable me to change my vibrational frequency and journey through many dimensions then ground the wisdom gained.

The legend of the 13 skulls

A Mesoamerican myth from the Mayan and Aztec civilizations tells of 13 crystal skulls belonging to the Goddess of Death. Known as ’the mothers and fathers of wisdom’, each was carved from a single piece of crystal and had a moveable jaw. They reflected the view that death was just a doorway to another dimension. On death, the spirit would rejoin the ancestors and the body would return to fertilize Mother Earth. These ancient skulls not only carried hidden wisdom but also had the gift of telepathy and healing. Guarded by keeper-priests, each was kept at a different sacred site.

In other versions of the legend, 13 major skulls have authority over a total of 52 spread throughout the world. Cherokee Indians are said to have a similar legend in which 12 of the skulls belong to each of 12 inhabited planets within the cosmos, with the thirteenth acting as a bridge between the different worlds.

The Mitchell-Hedges skull: Ancient artefact or modern copy?

The best-known, and most controversial, crystal skull is that allegedly found by the late Anna Mitchell-Hedges at her father’s archaeological dig in Central America. She claimed that on her seventeenth birthday in April 1927 she discovered a crystal skull lacking its lower jaw under a ruined altar. The jaw was later found close by and was a perfect fit, having been carved from a single piece of Quartz.

It has been shown that Anna Mitchell-Hedges was not even at the dig on her birthday, but whether this is disinformation is not known — many people claim that it is. She maintained up to her death that she had discovered the skull at Lubaantun, the Place of the Fallen Stones, but there is evidence to suggest that her father purchased a late nineteenth-century skull at an auction at Sotheby’s in London in 1943, and it may be that this is the origin of the Mitchell-Hedges skull. Opinions vary and it is hotly contested as to whether the skull is a fake or an authentic ancient artefact.

What is not in doubt, however, is that the skull has taken on a life of its own. It is reputed to speak, to have a distinctive aura around it and to contain images of past, present and future. Other skulls round the world have certainly done this, creating an energy network rather like a crystal internet. These skulls are communicating to people all around the globe the need to honour Mother Earth.

Accessing your crystal skull

If you own a crystal or stone skull and it has not yet started to communicate with you, a simple attunement will harmonize your vibrational frequency with that of the skull and activate its energy.

Exercise: Connecting with your crystal skull

✵ First cleanse your crystal skull. If there is a genuine higher being already within it, cleansing it will not dissolve the contact. If there is a lesser being, the information you receive is unlikely to be of value. Use a proprietary crystal cleanser or immerse the skull in salt or running water (unless it is friable or delicate, in which case place it in brown rice overnight).

✵ If the skull needs recharging, place it in sunlight or use a proprietary recharger.

✵ Open your palm chakras and place your hands on either side of the skull. Wait a few moments. If the skull feels ’empty’, invite the highest possible being to enter it and communicate with you. If it feels ’full’, invite the being within to make itself known to you. Always ask that what you are shown is truth and for the highest good of all.

✵ Place the skull in front of you, preferably level with your eyes. With softly focused eyes, gaze into its eye sockets. Ask that it communicate with you in a language you understand. Notice any sensations around your head. Prickling or buzzing is quite common.

✵ If your skull is clear crystal, gaze into it to see pictures or receive communications. If it is opaque, place your hands on it and allow images to form in your mind’s eye or words to be heard in your inner ear. Acknowledge any thoughts or pictures that spontaneously rise up into your awareness.

✵ When you have completed the session, disconnect your awareness and cover your third eye briefly to close it down. Put your skull away, then record your impressions.


✵ Crystal skulls can be obtained in a variety of materials.

✵ Some are claimed to be ancient artefacts assisting the evolution of humankind. Others are modern copies that can be activated for communication and guidance.
