Living the crystal way - Crystal Applications

Crystals: How to Use Crystals and Their Energy to Enhance Your Life (Hay House Basics) - Judy Hall 2015

Living the crystal way
Crystal Applications

We’ve reached the last chapter and it’s time to bring all your crystal knowledge together and integrate it.

Many years ago I wrote:

’And finally, if you want to change your life, find yourself one of the new Shift Crystals. These amazing high-energy crystals formed from Quartz that was laid down on Calcite. The Calcite then dissolved away, leaving fissures and caverns studded with beautiful crystals. When one was first put into my hand, I simply could not let go of it. For years I had used a visualization of travelling into a crystal cave when leading meditations to find your soul purpose. Now that crystal cave was in my hand and I could feel all my old programming dropping away and the energies quite literally shifting as I attuned to my purpose. It was a moment for which I had been preparing all my life.’

This experience brought about profound — and rapid — changes. Some were welcome, others not so at the time, but all were purposeful and part of my spiritual evolution. Sadly, as with so many crystals that come into play for a short time, do their work and then retire, there are few Shift Crystals around these days (though I still have my ’crystal cave’ and you can tune in to its vibrations from afar via the picture on my Facebook page, Crystal Judy Hall). But fortunately many of the new high-vibration finds have taken over that role and have lifted my energies — and my understanding — way beyond what I thought possible back then. I look on it as an ever-expanding ladder of crystal energies that reaches into other dimensions and opens infinite possibilities.

So, how do you integrate crystal energy into your own life? It’s simple:

✵ Play with your crystals!

✵ Spend joyful time with them, meditate and listen to what they have to say.

✵ Wear your crystals. Let them impart their energies and raise your vibrations on a daily basis.

✵ Surround yourself with just enough crystals. Don’t overdo it! (Anyone who has been in my home will laugh at this, but you need to find the right number of harmonious crystals for you.)

✵ Use crystal grids to create safe and sacred space, protection and energy enhancement.

✵ Whenever you feel slightly off-balance, ask your crystals which one wants to work with you to bring back equilibrium and offer you healing.

✵ Use your crystals for environmental healing at every opportunity.

✵ Attune to the crystal mentors and let them guide your life and your spiritual evolution.

✵ Be open to new crystals finding you. The majority of my most exciting crystals have arrived serendipitously. Turn on your heartlight and draw them to you.

✵ And finally, don’t forget to send crystal energy and healing to our planet, thanking it for bringing these crystal treasures to your notice and helping it to regain its equilibrium.


✵ Crystals aren’t something separate and apart — make them part of your daily life.

✵ Once you attune to crystal energy, the changes in your awareness are rapid and your life opens out in unexpected ways.

✵ Living the crystal way means interacting with your crystals on a daily basis. Have them around you, talk to them, make them a part of your life — and share the energy with those around you to uplift the whole.
