The Power of Deflection: Tiger’s Eye

101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation - Judy Hall 2011

The Power of Deflection: Tiger’s Eye

Chakra correspondences: Third eye

Physiological correspondences: Brain, liver, eyes, throat, reproductive organs, bones

Vibration: Earthy and high


Roman soldiers wore protective Tiger’s Eye amulets to deflect weapons during battle.

It appears to have been known as Wolf stone and possibly oculus belus, dedicated to the Mesopotamian god Belus, which would make its use ancient indeed. Deemed to be all-seeing, it has long been regarded as a stone of good fortune that protects your resources and defends you against curses.

The bands are created from needles of asbestos fibers or amphibole that have grown synchronously interlayered with quartz. This produces chatoyancy, a rippling, iridescent reflection of light on the surface that looks light when viewed from one direction and dark from another, especially when polished. The chatoyancy or the iron in the stone deflects negative energy.


Traditionally, Tiger’s Eye heals eye diseases and enhances night vision—it helps you see like a cat in the dark. It rebalances the body on all levels. In Chinese medicine, it restores harmony between yin and yang energies. One stone placed on either side of the head energetically rebalances the brain’s hemispheres. Crystal workers use Tiger’s Eye to assist digestion, lower blood pressure, and stimulate repair of broken bones. Placed over the reproductive organs, it may encourage fertility and resolve dis-ease arising from past experiences. Placed over the lower chakras, it stimulates the rise of kundalini. As Tiger’s Eye holds the energy of the sun, it may aid seasonal affective disorder and depression.


Tiger’s Eye teaches integrity and right use of power. If you have misused, abused, or failed to take hold of your power in the past, this stone shows you how to let power flow through you for the good of all. If you are spaced out and uncommitted or overly proud and willful, wearing it develops your personal will assertively but sensitively. If you find it difficult to remain optimistic, particularly when things seem to be going well, carrying Tiger’s Eye helps you trust in the future and set realistic goals for yourself. This stone balances your needs with others’ and promotes creative compromise.

Golden Tiger’s Eye lets you make decisions from a place of reason rather than emotion. Red Tiger’s Eye overcomes lethargy and gets you moving. Blue Tiger’s Eye relieves stress. Red stimulates the metabolism, Blue sedates it. Hawk’s Eye is traditionally a stone of protection and abundance that facilitates insight and inner vision.

Tiger’s Eye


Grid Tiger’s Eye or Hawk’s Eye around your home to attract abundance and health. It also deflects anything that draws off or absorbs your abundance.