101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation - Judy Hall 2011

101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation - Judy Hall 2011

Introduction: The Power of Crystals

The Empowerer: Scepter

The Power of Longevity: Agate

The Power of Awakening: Ajoite

The Power of Friendship: Amazonite

The Power Screen: Amber

The Power of Serenity: Amethyst

The Power of Angelic Presence: Amphibole Quartz

The Power of Mental Acuity: Apatite

The Power of Vision: Apophyllite

The Power of Hope: Aquamarine

The Power of Earth Healing: Aragonite

The Power to Raise Vibrations: Aura Quartzes

The Power of Quantum Consciousness: Aurora Quartz (Anandalite)

The Power of Disconnection: Aventurine

The Spiritual Powerhouse: Azeztulite

The Power of Release: Banded Agate

The Power of Remembrance: Beryl

The Power of Protection: Black Tourmaline (Schorl)

The Power of Purification: Bloodstone (Heliotrope)

The Power of Communication: Blue Lace Agate

The Power to Activate: Blue Moonstone

The Power of Perfection: Brandenberg

The Power of Being: Bronzite

The Power of Gratitude: Carnelian

The Power of Knowledge: Cathedral Quartz

The Power of Sanctuary: Celestite

The Power of Cleansing: Chlorite Quartz

The Power of Tranquility: Chrysocolla

The Power of Alchemy: Cinnabar

The Power of Abundance: Citrine

The Power of Acceptance: Danburite

The Power of Accord: Diamond

The Power of Previous Lives: Dumortierite

The Power of Integration: Elestial Quartz

The Power of Successful Love: Emerald

Portal Power: Flint

The Power of Strength: Fluorite

The Power of Fertilization: Fire and Ice (Rainbow Quartz)

The Power of Fidelity: Garnet

The Power of Paramagnetic Resonance: Granite

The Power of Refinement: Hanksite

The Power of Interface: Healer’s Gold

The Power of Magnetism: Hematite

The Power of Coherence: Herkimer Diamond

The Power of Karmic Justice: Idocrase (Vesuvianite)

The Power of Insight: Iolite

The Power of Purity: Jade

The Physical Powerhouse: Jasper

The Power of Loving Thought: Kunzite (Spodumene)

The Power of Spiritual Vision: Labradorite

The Power of Cosmic Correspondence: Lapis Lazuli

The Power of the Ancients: Lemurian Seed

The Power of Magical Transmutation: Malachite 6

The Power of the Wise Feminine: Menalite

The Power of the Akashic Record: Merlinite

The Power of the Cosmos: Moldavite

The Power of Psychosomatic Healing: Morganite (Pink Beryl)

The Power of Fertility: Moss Agate

The Power of Realignment: Natrolite and Scolecite

The Power of Spiritual Alchemy: Nirvana Quartz

The Power to Cut Cords: Novaculite

The Power of the Void: Nuummite

The Power of Catharsis: Obsidian

The Power of Thought: Opal

The Power of Creativity: Orange Kyanite

The Power of Right Action: Paraiba Tourmaline

The Power of Manifestation: Peridot (Chrysolite)

The Power of Cosmic Consciousness: Petalite

The Power of the Ages: Petrified Wood

The Mover and Shaker: Phenacite in Red Feldspar

The Power of Animal Healing: Poppy Jasper

The Power of Ancient Healing: Preseli Bluestone

The Power of Quantum Healing: Quantum Quattro

The Power of Energetic Amplification: Quartz

Awesome Power: Que Sera (Llanite/Llanoite)

The Power of the Compassionate Heart: Rhodochrosite

The Power of Emotional Balance: Rhodonite

The Power of Unconditional Love: Rose Quartz

The Power to Relieve Grief: Ruby in Zoisite (Anyolite)

The Power of Purification: Rutilated Quartz

The Power of Innocence: Sapphire

The Power of Pure Spirit: Satyaloka and Satyamani Quartz

The Power of Divine Light: Selenite

The Power of Speech: Septarian

Kundalini Power: Serpentine

The Power of Alchemical Marriage: Shiva Lingam

The Power Shield: Shungite

The Power of Energetic Transmutation: Smoky Quartz

Soul Power: Spirit Quartz

The Power of the Shaman: Stibnite

The Power of Living Your Truth: Sugilite (Luvulite)

The Power of Destiny: Sunstone

The Power of Spiritual Transmutation: Tanzanite (Lavender-Blue Zoisite)

The Power of Deflection: Tiger’s Eye

The Power to Direct Energy: Topaz

The Power of Soul Midwifery: Trigonic Quartz

The Power of Pure Love: Tugtupite

The Power of Good Fortune: Turquoise

The Power of Synthesis: Zincite