The Power of the Ancients: Lemurian Seed

101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation - Judy Hall 2011

The Power of the Ancients: Lemurian Seed

Chakra correspondences: Cleanses and activates all chakras and the central channel

Physiological correspondences: Subtle energy bodies

Vibration: Exceptionally high


Lemurian Seed instigates a profound vibrational shift in the Earth and everything upon it. Lemurians were discovered lying loose in a bed of sand, rather than being attached to a matrix as crystals usually are. Originally found in Brazil, they now have manifested elsewhere in the world. Crystal lore says a Lemurian civilization left them, encoded with the vibrational information required to open a New Age on Earth at the present time.

A symbol of equality and personal power, Lemurians teach that we are multidimensional and interdimensional beings. By piercing our illusion of separateness from the rest of the cosmos and dissolving the boundaries of time, these crystals help you to rectify personal misuse of power in the past and remove karmic debris so you can regain inner perfection.

Lemurians open a portal that brings ancient wisdom—personal, collective, and cosmic—back into conscious awareness. They demonstrate that time is an illusion of the material plane, and take you into the multidimensions of being. Lemurians activate the higher resonance of each chakra. However, they also alert you to the dangers of spiritual egoism. They warn against feeling spiritually superior and arrogantly telling people what to do. Instead, they encourage you to simply be in each moment and attend to your own evolution.


These powerful healing crystals work at a multidimensional level to remove all that is dis-eased or blocked within the physical and subtle energy bodies, chakras, and meridians. By attuning the central channel that connects the chakras, they draw subtle Earth energy up from the earth star and bring cosmic energy down through the crown chakra to unite at the heart, opening interdimensional consciousness within the body. Lemurians realign the physical and subtle bodies and attune neural pathways to higher frequencies.


Lemurians teach that healing is a re-membering of your soul. Everyone must personally attend to dissolving the destructive emotional patterns, energy blockages, and mental beliefs that prevent an infusion of light into the physical level of being. Lemurians demonstrate that we cocreate our own realities with every thought, word, and deed. They teach you to become creative in the higher dimensions, not merely by holding positive thoughts in the outer world, but by taking this way of being deep into inner awareness. With this crystal, you explore the whole range of consciousness, so you know what it is to be a truly awakened soul.

Lemurian Seed


Gently stroke Lemurian’s horizontal striations from bottom to top to read the Lemurian or Atlantean past. Or, ascend them like a ladder to expanded consciousness.