Karma - Karmic Healing

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Karmic Healing

Please bear in mind that karma may apply at the ancestral level in addition to the personal. It can be transferred through soul imprints, the karmic blueprint and transgenerational ’junk DNA’. Karma is not merely what happened in the past, nor is it a fixed punishment and reward system. We create our karma and our future in every moment. Karma and time are fluid and interact with soul intention. What is created now impacts on the future and what happens in the future feeds back to affect the present. Many reported future life progressions have shown dire disaster scenarios, but also that it does not have to be that way. Progressions and regressions show that there are choices to be made at ’impact points’ where timelines divide or separate, the future branches out, and different scenarios evolve. All possibilities exist in potential and run in the background. Indeed, at some level we may be playing them all out at once on different timelines. But your awareness will only be focused on one or two. Switch focus and you change the future you create.

Three things strongly affect karma: desire, purpose and grace:

Desire: what is wanted, needed or craved creates a situation that will provide it — but this is not usually a beneficial experience. Part of the soul’s lesson may be to let go of that desire and the pattern it constantly recreates. The strength of desire can transcend death and pull a soul back into incarnation to deal with unfinished business or to recreate once again a situation where the desired object can potentially be achieved. Desire creates fixed lifescripts, plans that are involuntarily followed.

Purpose: what the soul needs in order to evolve. Purpose can overcome destructive desires, as when an addict goes into recovery.

Grace: strengthens purpose and helps it to manifest. Grace is an offer to release karma. Grace operates when enough has been done. There are some lessons or situations that simply cannot be continued with, perhaps because of another person who is unwilling to learn or move on. Grace says that, when the soul has done all it can, it can let it go and no further karma will accrue.

So, the opportunity to create the experiences that will be most beneficial for soul growth exists. But, first, karmic dross carried from lifetime to lifetime must be released.

Karmic dross includes:

✵ Past-their-sell-by-date beliefs and soul imperatives

✵ Old vows and soul contracts

✵ Outdated soul purposes or lifeplans

✵ Entangled relationships

✵ Toxic emotions

✵ Unresolved ancestral issues

✵ Imprinted environmental or racial memory

✵ The karmic treadmill — the ’hamster wheel’ effect

✵ Addictive patterns and habitual responses

And so much more that I have explored in The Book of Why: Understanding Your Soul’s Journey. The remainder of this karma section is extracted from that book.