Karmic bonds and soul contracts - Karmic Healing

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Karmic bonds and soul contracts
Karmic Healing

I have discovered that many troubled couples were not lovers in their former lives but enemies. In extreme cases, one partner may have even murdered the other. The person who was killed is motivated by revenge, and by marrying their killer they are in a position to do the most damage.

Dr Motoyama

Soul contracts are an agreement willingly — or unwittingly — made in a previous life, or in the interlife before the present incarnation, that one soul will interact with another in a specific way. Or, they may be an outdated agreement that is carried over from a previous life, or a previous interlife plan, but which has not been reconsidered before incarnation. Soul contracts can be positive and constructive, or destructive. Soul contracts that are not completed in one life may be carried over to another. Such contracts create karmic bonds and one soul may attempt to force the other to carry out a contract even when it has passed its sell-by date. Vows and promises to ’always love you/be there for you’ and so on have a powerful effect beyond death, pulling the souls together again and again.

Karmic Enmeshment

Enmeshment occurs when two souls are strongly intertwined due to previous karmic experiences. The souls incarnate together again and again in an effort to clear the situation. Enmeshment occurs when:

✵ relationship karma is unfulfilled or unresolved;

✵ the obligations to a soul for whom one is responsible (as in parent and child) are not fulfilled or are opted out of;

✵ too much responsibility is taken for someone else;

✵ someone who seeks their freedom is held on to;

✵ someone else is blamed for the soul’s own limitations or inability to move forward;

✵ outdated vows, promises and soul contracts remain in force.

So often karmic enmeshment is predicated on blame, or revenge. To hold someone else culpable for the limitations a soul puts on itself, or a desire to be avenged, creates a situation where the souls are drawn back time and again as one struggles to become free from the other. One soul may have to learn to stop blaming the other and take responsibility. Another soul may need to forgive and let go. Another scenario that creates karmic enmeshment is where one person feeds off the other: in other words, psychic vampirism which can be energetic, emotional and monetary particularly where the vampire demands support at every level. Symbiotic, dependent relationships and situations such as master/slave or marriage where one person owns the other body and soul also create the same problem. The lesson is to let go, even when it is passing for love.

Enmeshment can also occur when a soul takes on too much responsibility for another — especially for their well-being or their feelings. But equally, if one soul has failed to take appropriate responsibility for another — as in a situation where a child is abandoned, for instance — then releasing the enmeshment may first involve appropriate parenting or care (possibly to the extent of caring for someone for an entire life if they are ill or disabled). At the right time, the soul must then be allowed the freedom to make its own journey.

Karmic enmeshment can be cleared with tie-cutting crystals, especially when these are used in conjunction with the spleen chakra release (see page 38) and a photograph of the other person is cut around with an appropriate crystal. Or, you can use the timelines exercise on page 184.