Q&A for New Witches - Root Work

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

Q&A for New Witches
Root Work

If you think being a Witch is just about cooking up spells, you’re mistaken. Yes, we practice Witchcraft, but most importantly we become it. It’s like a second skin, so familiar that with every breath we mold the world around us.

There are other things a potential Witch might want to know, such as ’Is Witchcraft evil?’ or ’What kind of Witches are there?’ So here are the questions I’m asked most often, and that every would-be Witch should know the answers to before they even consider the world of Magick.

Are there different types of Witch?

Yes, there are certain types or paths that some Witches choose to follow. However, it’s gravely important that, if you choose one, you mold it to work for you. Look into various different crafts, philosophies, and practices, and add what connects with you to your own practice. Your practice will be forever changing, just as you change with the years. Nothing is ever set in stone. Flow like the waters, dear Witches.

Can I believe what I read about Witchcraft?

Many books and articles about Witchcraft are based on personal opinion. For example, a lot of material is written by followers of Wicca and its content is influenced by the religion. The same goes for other paths, but reading an author’s biography is usually a good indicator of their beliefs. Don’t be discouraged if at first you don’t connect to anything you read. Be patient, and keep studying and exploring.

Can I continue with my religion?

Most of the thousands of students in my November Sage Herbarium - A Witch Healers’ School, follow a religion or have done in the past. Among others I have Catholic Witches, Jewish Witches, and Witches from voodoo religion. It’s okay to have a religion and practice Witchcraft at the same time, so try not to worry what others think — just do what feels right for you as long as you’re not causing harm to anyone or anything.

How quickly can I become a Witch?

Real Magick is nothing like the magic you see in Harry Potter, Sabrina, or Charmed. We can’t just whip out a wand and have things magically happen in an instant (and you most definitely can’t fly on a broom!). Results can take time — even with total devotion and constant practice it may be two or three months before your efforts pay off, though it’s possible for small changes to appear within two or three weeks. However, sometimes nothing will happen at all (see Why Aren't My Spells Working?). I truly believe anyone can be a Witch, but just saying you’re one doesn’t make you one. You need to do the work and to live and breathe Magick every day. Be patient — and practice, practice, practice! And then practice some more!

Do I need a teacher?

It’s great to have a teacher who is willing to help you along your path, and even better if they allow you to witness firsthand how they work their Magick. However, avoid teachers who push their ways onto you or who make you feel uncomfortable or belittled. If you’re not completely happy with your teacher, leave. And if you experience any sort of abuse, speak up. You don’t deserve to be harmed, emotionally or physically. You’re priceless, precious, and sacred.

Will I need to wear special clothes?

There is no ’Witchy’ style. What you might have in your head is made up by the media. I knew this from a very young age because each of the Witches in my family dressed differently from each other and, as I grew up, I discovered that every Witch was unique. I’ve met Witches who dress in Goth, florals, robes, Victorian dresses, and in jeans and T-shirts, biker jackets, Walmart, and Prada. And you don’t need to wear black unless it’s the color you want to wear anyway. You should wear whatever you like!

What is the difference between Black Magick and White Magick?

Magick and Witchcraft aren’t black or white, good or bad. They just are. What you do with this power is up to you. Yes, there are awful people out there using Magick to harm others, and involvement with these negative energies lowers your frequency, allowing ill-willed spirits into your life. Use your intuition; if someone or something feels wrong, don’t engage — unfriend. Always protect yourself by staying away from negative people or situations; you can also carry protective herbs, crystals, and gems (see Protection).

Will I need to worship the Devil?

Religions, the media, and the arts have often shown Witches as evil and dabbling in so-called Black Magick, misrepresenting Witches by showing them worshiping something demonic. But worshipping the Devil or Demons doesn’t make you a Witch; what you worship or believe in is up to you. Worshipping a specific deity or Satan is not a ’Witch thing,’ it’s the choice of each individual.

Are Witches always part of a coven?

Choosing whether or not to be in a coven — a group of Witches who meet regularly to perform Magick, rituals, and ceremonies — is a personal choice. Many covens have their own rules and beliefs, so you must first find yourself before following anyone else’s path. But if you find a coven that you connect with, then sure — go for it! Covens in the modern world are very different from how they used to be and are more flexible about individuals’ needs and experience.

You can always start your own coven! Ninety per cent of the time I practice alone, but I created a coven so I can enjoy the company of my fellow Witches. We don’t always perform Magickal workings together — we go out to dinner, we go out hiking to worship the Earth, and we do a lot of work for charity. What matters about a coven is that it feels good and it feels right for you.

You’ll discover answers to most of the other questions you might have about being a Witch later in the book, so read on.